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Camp Lazlo Wiki
Camp Lazlo Wiki

"Burpless Bean" is a Camp Lazlo episode from season 2. In this episode, Lazlo does not know how to burp during the "Camptown Races" burping harmony so Edward comes to intervene.


Edward is leading a chorus to burp the song "Camptown Races". But Lazlo does not know how to burp. Seeing that Raj and Clam will boycott the performance if he boots Lazlo from the choir, Edward has no choice but to teach Lazlo how to burp.


‣ ) Production music
• ) Original music
â—¦ ) Camp Lazlo music


 â€£ Tightrope (C) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Opening drum roll]
 â€£ Ta-Ra (A) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Milt drops the ball]
 â€£ Tightrope (A) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Milt tries to catch the ball again]
 â€£ Ta-Ra (B) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Milt drops it again]
 â€£ Tightrope (C) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [He tries to catch it once more]
 â€£ Ta-Ra (A) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [He drops it a third time]
 â€£ Ho, Ho, Ho! - Dick Walter [Next contestant]
 â€¢ Camptown Song Banjo and Tuba - Nicolas Carr [Edward's performance]
 â€£ Link (C) - Patricia Cory [Everyone stops]
 â€¢ Camptown Song Banjo and Tuba - Nicolas Carr [Clam and Lazlo try to sing their part again]
 â€£ Synchrostings - Part 5 - Trevor Duncan [Edward gets mad]
 â€£ Editor's Falling Over (B) - Dick Walter [Edward faints]
 â€£ Fatso 2 - Alan Wilson ["He'll be fine!"]
 â€£ Curious Cub - Patricia Cory [Edward gets up]
 â€£ One, Two, Three, Whoops - Dennis Farnon [Edward asks Lazlo why he hates him]
 â€£ Our New President (A) - Gregor Narholz [Edward talks about his wish/"Now I know what you're thinking..."]
 â€£ Our New President (C) - Gregor Narholz [Edward begs Lazlo to be taught to burp]
 â€£ Bruce Trail - James Kalamasz, Alain James [Edward getting some soda]
 â€£ Link (O) - Patricia Cory [Lazlo drinks the soda]
 â€£ Bowler Hats - David Farnon [Edward shows Lazlo how to burp]
 â€£ Waddle Cop - David Farnon [Edward drank too much soda]
 â€£ Horror Shock - Kevin Hiatt [Chef McMuesli comes in]
 â€£ Blue Ridge Hoe Down - Chris Franklin, Paul Bishop [Edward and Lazlo leave the Mess Hall]
 â€£ Staggering Home - Dick Walter [Edward leaves]
 â€£ Ballet Shoes [#59] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Nina reading a comic book]
 â€£ Evil Alien Attack 1 [#15] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin ["A creature who can't burp?!"]
 â€£ Alien Abduction - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Lazlo reads the comic]
 â€£ Ta-Ra (B) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy ["No wait! I can do it!"]
 â€£ Tightrope (C) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Milt throws the ball]
 â€£ Circus Flourish (A) - Daniel Jean Jeannin [Milt catches the ball]
 â€£ Bring on the Clowns - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Milt goes off the stage]
 â€£ Open the Box (B) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy ["Okay, now for a special treat..."]
 â€£ Curtain Raiser (A) - John Charles Fiddy, Brain Thomas [Edward is next]
 â€£ Circus Flourish (A) - Daniel Jean Jeannin [Everyone applauds Edward]
 â€£ And Now... (C) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Slinkman introduces Edward's brothers]
 â€¢ Camptown Song Banjo and Tuba - Nicolas Carr [First part of the performance]
 â€¢ Funky Robot Monkey Song - Nicolas Carr [Lazlo moves his hand like a robot]
 â€¢ Camptown Song Banjo and Tuba - Nicolas Carr [Clam sings his part again]
 â€¢ Funky Robot Monkey Song - Nicolas Carr [Lazlo moves his another hand like a robot]
 â€¢ Camptown Song Banjo and Tuba - Nicolas Carr [Clam sings his part for the third time]
 â€¢ Funky Robot Monkey Song - Nicolas Carr [Lazlo keeps moving like a robot]
 â€¢ Camptown Song Banjo and Tuba - Nicolas Carr [Clam sings his part for the fourth time]
 â€¢ Funky Robot Monkey Song - Nicolas Carr [Second part of the performance]
 â€¢ Camptown Races (v2) - Andy Paley [Ending]

End credits scene[]

 â€£ Pub Trio - Andrew Hall [End credits scene]


  • In this episode, the hippo was credited as Sheldon. In Campers All Pull Pants, he was credited as Milt.
  • This is the second time Nina is alone. She is the only female character in this episode.
  • The song the bean scouts sang and burped in was called "Camptown Races". It was similar to the song they sang in Racing Slicks, but the racing song was called "Go-Kart Racers" instead.
  • This marks the first time Lazlo burped.
  • It seems that in this episode, Chef McMuesli dislikes soda.
  • We learn Chef McMuesli confiscates various soda cans like Lumpus confiscates candy, TV, and other technology.
  • Lazlo reveals that he loves all creatures.
  • This is the first time we get to see what Edward's brothers look like.
  • We learn that Edward has 4 brothers and he is the youngest of the 5.
  • When Clam burps, he sounds like a fancy gentleman rather than an opera singer.
  • "Tales to Stupefy" is Nina's favorite magazine.
  • Credits: Milt the hippo bean scout trying to master juggling.


Lumpus: (watching a camper try to perform his talent) Why do we do this talent show every year, Slinkman?
Slinkman: It helps the scouts build self-esteem, sir.
Lumpus: Some people don't deserve self-esteem.
Lazlo: Scoutmaster Lumpus! Edward had another one of his episodes. Should I get his anger bag?
Edward: Lazlo, why do you hate me?
Edward: I said imagine it!!!
Lazlo: Oh.... Sorry! (closes his eyes) Wow!
Edward: Here's one.
Lazlo: Gee Edward you don't look so good.
Edward: I feel a little bloated to tell you the truth.
Chef McMuesli: Hey! You kids get out of my soda patch!
Lazlo and Edward: Chef McMuesli!!!
Chef McMuesli: Soda is for losers!
Edward: Lazlo!
Chef McMuesli: It contains carbonated formaldehyde and other toxic ingredients, such as like-
Lazlo: Don't worry Edward. A comic book told me why I can't burp.
Edward: And why's that?!?
Lazlo: I'm a robot.


Click here to go on the Transcript of this episode.


CL BurplessBean

Click here to go on Burpless Bean image gallery

v • e
Camp Lazlo Episodes
Season 1
GoneFishing HD 02 BeansAreFromMars HD SnakeEyes HD RacingSlicks HD 02
Episode 1
Gone Fishin' (Sort of)
Episode 2
Beans Are from Mars
Episode 3
Snake Eyes
Episode 4
Racing Slicks
LightOut HD SwimmingBuddy HD Parasitic Pal (49) It's No Picnic (19)
Episode 5
Lights Out
Episode 6
Swimming Buddy
Episode 7
Parasitic Pal
Episode 8
It's No Picnic
The Weakest Link (57) LumpyTreasure HD TreeHugger HD MarshmallowJones HD
Episode 9
The Weakest Link
Episode 10
Lumpy Treasure
Episode 11
Tree Hugger
Episode 12
Marshmallow Jones
DoseyDoe HD Clam genius HD TheNothingClub HD LoogieLlama HD
Episode 13
Dosey Doe
Episode 14
Prodigious Clamus
Episode 15
The Nothing Club
Episode 16
Loogie Llama
FloatTrippers HD TheWigOfWhy HD PrickyPiningDining HD CampKidneyStinks HD
Episode 17
Float Trippers
Episode 18
The Wig of Why
Episode 19
Prickly Pining Dining
Episode 20
Camp Kidney Stinks
Slugfest 01 BeansAndWeanies 01 BeansAndPranks HD MovieNight HD
Episode 21
Episode 22
Beans and Weenies
Episode 23
Beans and Pranks
Episode 24
Movie Night
TheBigCheese HD CampersAllPullPants HD
Episode 25
The Big Cheese
Episode 26
Campers All Pull Pants
Season 2
CL Hallobeanies CL Meatman CL NoBeadsNoBusiness CL MissFruFru
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
No Beads, No Business
Episode 4
Miss Fru Fru
CL ParentDay CL ClubKidneyKi CL HandyHelper CL LoveSick
Episode 5
Parent's Day
Episode 6
Club Kidney-Ki
Episode 7
Handy Helper
Episode 8
Love Sick
CL HelloDolly OverCookedBeans HD CL BattleofPimplebackMountain CL DeadBeanDrop
Episode 9
Hello Dolly
Episode 10
Over Cooked Beans
Episode 11
The Battle of Pimpleback Mountain
Episode 12
Dead Bean Drop
CL IveNeverBeanInaSub CL GreatSnipeHunt CL BurplessBean CL SlapHappy
Episode 13
I've Never Bean in a Sub
Episode 14
The Great Snipe Hunt
Episode 15
Burpless Bean
Episode 16
Slap Happy
CL SnowBeans CL Irreconcilable Dungferences CL MascotMadness CL TomatoPaste
Episode 17
Snow Beans
Episode 18
Irreconcilable Dungferences
Episode 19
Mascot Madness
Episode 20
Tomato Paste
CL CampSamson CL BeanyWeenies CL TheresNoPlaceLikeGnome CL HotSpringFever
Episode 21
Camp Samson
Episode 22
Beany Weenies
Episode 23
There's No Place Like Gnome
Episode 24
Hot Spring Fever
CL HelloSummerGoodbyeCamp
Episode 25
Hello Summer, Goodbye Camp
Season 3
CL 7DeadlySandwiches CL TheBigWeighIn CL HardDaysSamson CL WaitingForEdward
Episode 1
7 Deadly Sandwiches
Episode 2
The Big Weigh In
Episode 3
Hard Days Samson
Episode 4
Waiting for Edward
CL BeansInToyland CL WheresClam CL BowlingForDinosaur CL SquirrelSeats
Episode 5
Beans in Toyland
Episode 6
Where's Clam
Episode 7
Bowling for Dinosaurs
Episode 8
Squirrel Seats
CL CreepyCrawlyCampy CL SweetDreamBaby CL DirtNappers CL Spacemates
Episode 9
Creepy Crawly Campy
Episode 10
Sweet Dream Baby
Episode 11
Dirt Nappers
Episode 12
CL TemperTeePee CL LazloLovesAParade CL SmitsSamson Tusk Wizard
Episode 13
Temper Tee Pee
Episode 14
Lazlo Loves a Parade
Episode 15
Are You There S.M.I.T.S? It's Me Samson
Episode 16
Tusk Wizard
CL SquirrelScoutSlinkman CL BearlyAVacation CL RadioFreeEdward CL ValentinesDay
Episode 17
Squirrel Scout Slinkman
Episode 18
Bear-l-y a Vacation
Episode 19
Radio Free Edward
Episode 20
Valentine's Day
CL AJobWellDung CL TheBeanTree CL TakingCareOfGretchen CL ScoopOfTheCentury
Episode 21
A Job Well Dung
Episode 22
The Bean Tree
Episode 23
Taking Care of Gretchen
Episode 24
Scoop of the Century
CL BoxingEdward
Episode 25
Boxing Edward
Season 4
CL StrangeTroutFromOuterSpace CL CheeseOrbs CL HoldItLazlo CL BeingEdward
Episode 1
Strange Trout from Outer Space
Episode 2
Cheese Orbs
Episode 3
Hold It Lazlo
Episode 4
Being Edward
CL AwardToTheWise CL CaveChatter CL EdsBenedict CL TheBookOfSlinkman
Episode 5
Award to the Wise
Episode 6
Cave Chatter
Episode 7
Ed's Benedict
Episode 8
The Book of Slinkman
CL NeverBeanOnTheMap CL HaroldAndRaj CL LumpusVsTheVolcano CL Nursemaster
Episode 9
Never Bean on the Map
Episode 10
Harold and Raj
Episode 11
Lumpus vs. the Volcano
Episode 12
CL DungsInCandyland CL TourWars CL LazlosFirstCrush CL LivingLaVidaLumpus
Episode 13
Dungs in Candyland
Episode 14
Tour Wars
Episode 15
Lazlo's First Crush
Episode 16
Livin' La Vida Lumpus
CL SamsonMailFraud CL HauntedCoffeeTable CL Friendward CL CampDinkey
Episode 17
Samson's Mail Fraud
Episode 18
The Haunted Coffee Table
Episode 19
Episode 20
Camp Dinkey
CL DotingDoeEyedDeerest CL ClownCamp
Episode 21
Doting Doe-Eyed Deerest
Episode 22
Clown Camp
Season 5
CL EdwardBigBag CL TheList CL CampComplain CL TheEngagement
Episode 1
Edward's Big Bag
Episode 2
The List
Episode 3
Camp Complain
Episode 4
The Engagement
CL CallMeAlmondine CL ClamTheOutlaw CL PennyForYourDung CL BabyBean
Episode 5
Call Me Almondine
Episode 6
Clam the Outlaw
Episode 7
Penny for Your Dung
Episode 8
Baby Bean
CL BadLuckBeACamperTonight CL StepClam CL SIsForCrazy CL SamsonNeedsAHug
Episode 9
Bad Luck Be a Camper Tonight
Episode 10
Step Clam
Episode 11
S Is for Crazy
Episode 12
Samson Needs a Hug
CL WeddingBellBlues CL OBrotherWhoArtThou CL PeaceFrog CL LumpusLastStand
Episode 13
Wedding Bell Blues
Episode 14
O Brother, Who Art Thou
Episode 15
Peace Frog
Episode 16
Lumpus' Last Stand
CL Wheres Lazlo KampKringle
Where's Lazlo? Kamp Kringle
Cl empty nest Cl eternal flame Cl short s3 nudist camp 03 CL Short Hiccup
Episode 1
Empty Nest
Episode 2
The Eternal Flame
Episode 3
Nudist Camp
Episode 4
Survival of the lamest Cl maroon marooned Cl tales from the campfire Camp lazlo mail dominance
Episode 5
Survival of the Lamest
Episode 6
Marooned Maroons
Episode 7
Tales from the Campfire
Episode 8
Mail Dominance
CL Short OuthouseOnHauntedHill CL Short LaidOffLumpus CL Short MyBrotherEater CL Short HairGone
Episode 9
Outhouse on Haunted Hill
Episode 10
Laid Off Lumpus
Episode 11
My Brother's Eater
Episode 12
Hair And Gone
CL Short MiCasaEewCasa CL Short TheAmazingRace
Episode 13
Mi Casa, Eew Casa
Episode 14
The Amazing Race