The Sugar Plum Fairy! is the first special/full-length episode following the pilot which serves as the 12th chronological and 22nd overall episode of Butterbean's Café first released on December 14, 2018.
It's the holidays in Puddlebrook and everything is looking all-set-up, but after the bean team loses the Sugar Plum Fairy cake, Cricket panics that the Sugar Plum Fairy won't come at all. Will Butterbean save Christmas in time?
It's the holidays in a snowy Puddlebrook and Jasper is seen decorating the Christmas lights. Inside the café, Butterbean was getting surprised at the tons of holiday snacks and meals Poppy was making. Jasper told Butterbean the lights are up and Butterbean agreed that Cricket turn the lights on. They went out and she turned them on, but they were still off. A person who came originally as a customer took a magic wand and conjured the lights on. Butterbean told Jasper when he and Cricket returned to talk to Dazzle about picking up a few last things for their holiday dinner, which Cricket couldn't wait for. Butterbean told the viewer(s) what time it is and what she does at that time: she closes the café a little early so that the entire bean team can have their special holiday dinner together.
Both Butterbean and her little sister expressed their pleasure and joy of being in the holidays. It is the huge contrast to Ms. Marmalady in her café across the brook. She's spying on every activity in her rival café with her spyglass. She moved to her café's front as she heard noises from Spork and Spatch and moved sideways just in time to escape Spatch's snowball. Hoewever some snow hit her head and made her step towards the icy floor where she slipped and fell. The monkeys laughed when she repeated her dislike for the holidays. Back at Butterbean's Café, Cookie planned on getting the customer's magic wand, but she wasn't buying it. Butterbean asked her if she wants more tea, which she agrees. She told her what kind of tea it was and, seeing Cookie playing with her purse, told her little sister to get ahold of her. Cricket introduced herself and Cookie and wanted the customer's name which she introduced as Ms. Peartree. Butterbean asked her if they've ever met before, which she replied, saying she is new to Puddlebrook. Jasper came and announced that he has got some sweet potatoes for their holiday dinner. Cricket told Ms. Peartree about closing the café early for their feast, which she see as "a lovely tradition". Cricket asked for the definition of tradition as the word was new to her. She told her their tradition is that the team makes a sugar plum fairy cake and leaves a piece for the sugar plum fairy cake in case she arrives. Since she is the sugar plum fairy herself, she ate her words of liking the sugar plum fairy cake, rather saying she bets the sugar plum fairy loves it too. Cricket asked her if she believed in the sugar plum fairy, which she affirmed, and included herself, singing the sugar plum fairy tune as she left the viewer(s) sight. Cookie continued to try removing her wand, but she snapped at the bag to shut it in. Dazzle asked Butterbean about her as she put some packs of snacks (being Ms. Learnerbook's order) on the counter. Butterbean added if she has anyone to celebrate the holidays with. She offered to her to join her in her interaction with the viewer(s), saying it would be "nice", since she knows no one yet in Puddlebrook.
Ms. Learnerbrook took her order and left. Butterbean asked Ms. Peartree if she wants anything else and she negated her reply. She offered to her to join her in her team's holiday dinner if she has no plans that night. She expressed her approval, but thought she would intrude. Butterbean assured her she wasn't adding she would love to have her and her little sister told her how nice it is to be together on the holidays. Ms. Peartree quoted what she as the sugar plum fairy said: "The holidays are better when you spend them to together." She gave her promise to come at dinner time. Ms. Marmalady saw her and got to know that she is a new customer. She took a marmaloaf from her monkey aides and went to meet her. Forgetting the outside floor is frozen solid, she slid as she went out of her café door and fell at her feet. She got up and offered her a marmaloaf. She told her she's saving her appetite for the night. She replied when asked about the night that she has just been invited to Butterbean's for their holiday dinner. Ms. Marmalady half-argued half-resonated she hasn't been invited to Butterbean's – or anywhere – before. When Ms. Peatree asked her if she liked the holidays, she negated her answer. She insisted that the holidays are a special time to spend with family and friends. Ms. Marmalady said she's usually alone. She gave her the marmaloaf and grew confusingly annoyed at saying "Happy holidays!" before heading back. Still not knowing about the slippery floor, she slipped and looked like hitting the deck. A quick thinking saw a worried Ms. Peartree remove her ice-clad wand and conjured a cloud under her bottom to straighten her up. Initially bemused, she went back but slowly this time to her café.
At Butterbean's Café, a customer, perceived to be Professor Cosmos, left with his order. Dazzle told the team he was their last customer, which meant the café was officially closed. The team got excited as she used her magic pen/stylus to pull the front café door mat down. Butterbean affirmed when Cricket asked her if it was time to make the sugar plum fairy cake. She took the bean screen, connected it to the beanitor and showed the team the procedure of making the cake. The team each said their own parts to play in the dinner; Jasper's was to get the party room ready; Dazzle's was to get started on her famous holiday punch, Cricket's was to get icing ready for the cake and Poppy's was to get the main-course dinner started. Butterbean iterated that there was work to do to get ready for the dinner, but her team was excited to do it – especially the sugar plum fairy cake. Butterbean put the cake with the icing-clad sugar plum fairy on it and the girls expressed their achievement. Cricket asked her big sister if they can cut the cake and she replied they'll cut a big piece for her at dessert time. She asked her if the sugar plum fairy will come, as she's so eager to meet her. Dazzle suggested they leave it there for people to enjoy its sight until it was time. In an instance the Puddlebrook folk gathered to witness its sight. Ms. Marmalady in a low tone lamented to herself about her being alone and the crowd around her rival café in her café. Then the cake caught her eye and she began scheming what would happen if she had her hands on that cake. Spatch got ahold of the spyglass with Spork holding his tail. The spyglass went up with the monkeys falling down with a bump. Ms. Marmalady told them to go and see how they make the cake. Dazzle finished her punch after which she heard singing at the front door. She commended it as "festive". She went to get some cookies for whom she called holiday singers, while the monkeys took the cake and left. She returned to with them to see them nowhere and was spotted eating one as she closed the café front door. Ms. Marmalady sang the holidays tune off-key whiles the monkeys brought. She turned to see it, initially startled seeing it and scolded them for taking it rather than asking them how they make it. Back at the café, Butterbean used her magic whisk to mix the salad. Poppy put the chicken and pastries in the oven and opened the fridge for Dazzle to put her punch in with her magic pen. Jasper came down and told them the party room was ready, which Cricket called as "sweet". Butterbean told the viewer(s) it was almost time and that what was left was to get ready to welcome their guest (Ms. Peartree).
Dazzle asked her boss what time she's arriving as Cricket was drawing stuff and her boss replied at any second as Jasper went to pick her up on the sweet ride a little while ago. A second later, she arrived. Dazzle used her magic pen to open the door. Ms. Peartree exchanged holidays greetings with the bean team. She gave Butterbean a wrapped box telling her team there were sugar plums inside and it was nice to be with others on the holidays. As they climed up to the party room, Cricket reaffirmed her/the Sugar Plum Fairy's quote with her. Butterbean and Cricket came to Marmalady's Café and the former knocked at her door and told her her name. Mrs. Marmalady became startled and told her monkey aides to hide the cake but they ran. They eventually came back for the cake after she insisted. After the third knock on her door, she opened and with guilt more than lax asked them if they had something doing here. Butterbean replied negatively and invited her to her bean team's holiday dinner. Ms. Marmalady initially squealed in innocence as if she meant the stolen cake, but held her reply. Butterbean added that Spork and Spatch can come and her little sister talked of them having the sugar plum fairy cake. When Spatch screamed they had, his boss shushed him. Ms. Marmalady was still feeling guilty as evidently having their cake despite the sisters' best efforts to entice her to come. Seeing her monkey aides carry the cake somewhere she didn't like, she asked to be excused whiles she chases after them. The sisters left and she breathed easily thinking she's been vindicated. Butterbean shared her confussion with the viewer(s) about her not all liking the holidays. Dinner is served at a happy Butterbean's Café. Ms. Peartree referred to her inviting Ms. Marmalady to come as "sweet of her", though Butterbean said it's a "bummer" she didn't want to. She assured her she might surprise them without their notice. At Marmalady's, she repeated Butterbean inviting her and self-threatened she won't invite her to her café anymore if she dosen't return the cake. The cake meanwhile was in the see-saw tussle of the monkeys, whether or not they heard her tell them to put it down. They let it go and it flew into the "marma-machine" where it was converted to a loaf of bread with marma-mix sprinkles. Ms. Marmalady wailed about it being ruined and what she should do. She snapped her spyglass. She saw Cricket and Jasper lining up plates, thinking that it meant they going for the cake. She reminded herself what Cricket said that the bean team leaves a piece of cake for the sugar plum fairy. Spatch told her she won't come as they've taken the cake, but she got the idea to surprise Cricket about her arrival. She told them to prepare the "marma-sled".
Returning to Butterbean's, the beam team and Ms. Peartree completed consuming their main-couse dinner and the latter made remarks for it. Poppy hopes she and the team saved room for the cake Ms. Peartree if the sugar plum fairy will visit them and she replied she's positive she will. Poppy called Butterbean down to see what she just saw. In a flash asking her what's wrong, she gasps seeing the empty plate. The rest of the teamm followed suit. Cricket sobbed for a second saying she won't surely come as the cake is disappeared. Butterbean, with the help of Ms. Peartree, talked her out of the sugar plum fairy picture and made light of the missing cake before soothingly sing the customary holiday song with the bean team. She gave her little sister a kiss on her cheek after which she heard a call of who the latter thought was the sugar plum fairy. It was actually Ms. Marmalady in her sugar plum fairy outfit riding on the marmasled pulled by Spork and Spatch with leeches. She tried to behave just like her so as to cheer up Cricket, but she already knew her. She talked her off it, saying she sounds really cool – but after slipping and hitting the deck, she revealed herself and apologized for riuning the cake (when she could actually be blaming her monkey aides for that), citing her wanting to learn how to make it as the reason. When Dazzle asked her why she was dressed up like that, she replied she saw how much Cricket wanted to see the sugar plum fairy, apologized to the sisters and left with her monkeys. Butterbean called on her to stay for some dessert. She cited that they've ruined it, with Spatch showing them the moulded cake-turned-bread. She told them they can make another one; Poppy told them they love to cook when Cricket became unsure. They involved Ms. Marmalady in the making of the cake accompanied by Let's Get Cooking! – which she altered by repeating the sugar plum fairy quote in song which impressed the bean team. She brought the cake to the party room and Butterbean waved magic to land the cake on the table. Cricket asked her if the sugar plum fairy might still come if they leave a piece for her and she replied positively. She did just that and waited for her to come, closing her eyes. Whether influenced by this or not, Ms. Peatree came to Butterbean and confessed that she wasn't completely honest with her – she is neither Ms. Peartree nor lives in Puddlebrook. When Butterbean asked for clarification, she revealed herself with her ice-clad wand, to everyone present's amazement and awe. The first thing she did was to appreciate Butterbean and her team for the type of dinner she had and what Ms. Marmalady. Cricket saw her leave and didn't want her to go, but the now sugar plum fairy said she had people to meet and homes to visit. Before she forgot, she told Butterbean to open the gift she gave to her – a rare sugar plum bean, which the latter appreciated. She did the fairy finish with it on the cake to split it into 7 customary cakes – each with everyone's body mould on top of it. Butterbean remarked the bean was the most magical she used among both previous and future magic beans she'd ever used. She was about to thank the sugar plum fairy, but she was already on her way. The bean team, Ms. Marmalady, Spork and Spatch went to the window just in time to see her fly away in shooting-star-icy-sight mode – which Dazzle saw as "cool". Butterbean wished Ms. Marmalady 'Happy holidays!', which she did in return, and admitted to Cricket about the validity of the sugar plum fairy quote. Cricket gave her a high five and the monkeys hugged each other. Cricket asked if she can eat her suar plum fairy cake, which Butterbean replied to everyone – including Cricket – to start digging in. Butterbean began her conclusion by interacting with the viewer(s) that whatever is normally seen in Christmas homes is/are wonderful but it makes the holidays special, when with friends or family being. She ended by telling the viewer(s) no matter how they celebrate the holidays, they're always better when spent together. She wished them 'Happy holidays!' twice, first alone with her cake and the second and final time, to end the episode, in unison with her team, Ms. Marmalady, Spork and Spatch.