X Defense

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X Defense
X Defense
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II Items
Generation III Items
Generation IV Battle Items
Generation V Items
Generation VI Items
Generation VII Items
Generation VIII Battle Items
Generation IX Battle Items
Power 30

The X Defense (Japanese: ディフェンダー Defender), known as X Defend prior to Generation VI, is a type of battle item introduced in Generation I. It temporarily boosts a Pokémon's Defense stat.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
$550 $275
$2,000 $1,000
PE $500 $250
SV $2,000 $500

At Join Avenue's Market, X Defend can be bought in dozens at $4950 each, which equates to $412.5 per X Defend.


Generations I to VI

When used from the Bag during battle, it raises the Defense of a Pokémon currently in battle by 1 level. From Generation II onward, it also increases the Pokémon's friendship a little.

Generation VII onward

When used from the Bag during battle, it raises the Defense of a Pokémon currently in battle by 2 levels. It also increases the Pokémon's friendship a little.

Wonder Launcher

The X Defend appears as four Wonder Launcher items, increasing the Defense stat by 1, 2, 3 or 6 levels. It costs 3, 5, 7, or 11 points to use respectively.


Games Description
Stad Temporarily increases Defense for one battle.
GSC Raises Defense. (1 BTL)
RSEColoXD Raises the stat Defense during one battle.
FRLG Raises the Defense stat of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
An item that raises the Defense stat of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
XYORAS An item that boosts the Defense stat of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokémon is withdrawn.
An item that sharply boosts the Defense stat of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokémon is withdrawn.
SV An item that sharply boosts the Defense stat of a Pokémon in battle. This effect disappears if the Pokémon leaves the battle.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
RBY/RGBY Celadon Department Store
GSC Sprout TowerGS, Union Cave, Rock Tunnel Violet, Blackthorn, Cerulean, Saffron Poké Marts; Goldenrod Department Store, Celadon Department Store
RSE Rustboro City Petalburg, Rustboro, Mauville, Fallarbor, Mossdeep, Sootopolis Poké Marts; Lilycove Department Store
FRLG Route 11 Celadon Department Store
Colo Phenac Poké Mart
XD Pyrite Poké Mart
DPPt Route 203Pt, Oreburgh MineDP Veilstone Department Store
HGSS Union Cave, Rock Tunnel Goldenrod Department Store, Celadon Department Store
PW Suburban Area, Icy Mountain Rd.
BW Dreamyard Nacrene City, Shopping Mall Nine
B2W2 Aspertia City Nacrene City, Shopping Mall Nine
Join Avenue (Market)
XY Routes 9, 15, and 18, Santalune City Trainers' School (×3), Cyllage City, Victory Road Santalune City Poké Mart
ORAS Rustboro City, Granite Cave, Mauville City, Jagged Pass Slateport City Poké Mart, Lilycove Department Store (Level 3)
SMUSUM Hau'oli City Marina, Lush Jungle, Paniola RanchUSUM, Poni Plains, Verdant Cavern, Vast Poni Canyon (×1SM/×2USUM) Route 2, Route 5USUM, Route 8, and Hau'oli Poké Marts
Festival Plaza (Battle Store)
PE Route 11, Pewter City, Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8) All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Celadon Department Store
SwSh Routes 3 and 8 Motostoke Poké Mart
BDSP Oreburgh Mine Veilstone Department Store
SV Area Zero, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain, East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Five), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two) Chansey Supply
SVTM Oni Mountain
SVID Coastal Biome, Polar Biome Vending machines (Terarium)



Artwork from
Scarlet and Violet

In the spin-off games

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Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U

X Defense (along with X Attack and X Speed) appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U as equipment that any of the five playable Pokémon can use. X Defense raises the holder's Defense while lowering Speed. While it will occasionally come with a special effect, the ones without effects come in three rarities: normal, Threefold, and Sixfold.

Pokémon Rumble World

After rescuing a distressed Mii in an area, they will occasionally use X Defenses (along with X Attacks, X Speeds, or Potions). What they give out is chosen randomly upon being rescued. The X Defense boosts the Defense stat for some time.

Pokémon Trading Card Game series

The Defender card is available in Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!.

Defender (GB1) Defender (GB2)

Pokémon Masters EX

In Pokémon Masters EX, X Defenses can only be used by certain sync pairs who have them as an item move. In addition, a variant of X Defense called X Defense All can be used by certain sync pairs. Both of these item moves have 2 MP. An X Defense only raises the user's Defense, while an X Defense All raises the Defense of all allies. A full list of all sync pairs who can learn X Defense or X Defense All can be found here.

Another variant of X Defense exists called X Defense All +. This item move also has 2 MP, and it raises the Defense of all allies by 3 stat ranks. It is exclusively usable by Lillie & Prinplup in Victory Road.

X Defense X Defense All X Defense All +


Games Description
Masters X Defense: Raises the user's Defense by two stat ranks.
X Defense All: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks.
X Defense All +: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by three stat ranks.

In the TCG

X Defense
Main article: Defender (Base Set 80)

The English language release of the X Defense uses the direct translation of its Japanese name Defender. Defender's first apparence was in the Trainer Deck A, before the Base Set's official release. This print has a red border and "Trainer Deck A" printed on the back.

This card was included in the Base Set with artwork by Keiji Kinebuchi, first released in the Japanese Expansion Pack. It was reprinted in the Base Set 2 expansion. It was reprinted again in the Japanese Hanada, Kuchiba, Tamamushi, and Yamabuki City Gym theme decks, and the Totodile Half Deck of the Japanese Intro Pack Neo.

This card was later reprinted in the Undaunted expansion with new artwork by Ryo Ueda, first released in the Japanese Reviving Legends expansion.

Alongside Black and White, this card received an erratum to change "by an opponent's attack" to "by attacks".

Defender reduces the damage done to the Pokémon Defender is attached to by attacks by 20 during the opponent's next turn.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 防禦強化 Fòhngyuh Kèuhngfa *
傷害預防 Sēunghoih Yuhfòhng *
Mandarin 防禦強化 / 防御强化 Fángyù Qiánghuà
French Défense +
German X-Verteidigung*
Italian Difesa X
Korean 디펜드업 Defend-Up
Portuguese Brazil Defesa X (games)
Portugal X-Defesa
Defesa X*
Spanish Defensa X
Thai เพิ่มพลังป้องกัน Phoem Phalang Pongkan

Related articles

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.