
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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This user identifies as male.
This user has brown hair.
This user's birthday is June 20.
This user is 17 years old.
This user is smart.
This user can swim.
This user loves nature.
This user has a pet cat.
This user has a pet dog.
This user has a pet rabbit.
This user has a pet turtle.
This user has a pet fish.
This user is liberal.
This user is an advocate of gay rights.
This user is heterosexual.
This user had a breakup.
This user is not in a relationship.
This user doesn't like lame hook-up lines.
This user is a loner.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
ja-2 この利用者は流暢日本語を話します。
sar This user is a native speaker of Sarcasm, and shouldn't be taken seriously too often.
This was made by the user Jo The Marten.
This user is a heavy sleeper.
This user was born in June, so his sign is a Klink.
This user was born in June, so his gem is an alexandrite.
This user is a Gemini, so his element is air.
This user knows how to drive.
This user plays the clarinet.

Likes and Dislikes

This user's favorite Pokémon is Typhlosion.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Umbreon.
This user hates Throh.
This user hates Sawk.
157 This user enjoys walking with his Typhlosion.
197 This user enjoys walking with his Umbreon.
This user likes the original series of the Pokémon animated series.


This user joined Bulbapedia on May 19, 2011.
TOP This user has been one of the top contributors of the month.
1000 This user has made more than 1000 edits in one month.
This user is a member of Project Walkthroughs.
This user is a member of Project Anime.
This user is a member of Project Pokédex.
This user is a member of Project Games.
This user is a member of Project Fandom.
This user is a member of Project Moves and Abilities.
This user dreams of Bulbapedia being complete someday.
This user will fight against vandals.

Pokémon stuff

This user has completed the National Pokédex.
This user strives to complete the Pokédex.
This user can read Unown writing!
This user is a Pokémon Trainer.
This user is a Pokémon Coordinator.
This user is a Pokémon Watcher.
This user is a twerp.


This user is a player of Pokémon Red Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Charmander.
This user is a player of Pokémon Blue Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Squirtle.
This user is a player of Pokémon Green Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Pikachu.
This user is a player of Pokémon Gold Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Cyndaquil.
This user is a player of Pokémon Silver Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Totodile.
This user is a player of Pokémon Crystal Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Chikorita.
This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Torchic.
This user is a player of Pokémon Sapphire Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Mudkip.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Treecko.
This user is a player of Pokémon FireRed Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Charmander.
This user is a player of Pokémon LeafGreen Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user is a player of Pokémon Diamond Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Turtwig.
This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Piplup.
This user is a player of Pokémon Platinum Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Chimchar.
This user is a player of Pokémon HeartGold Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Cyndaquil.
This user is a player of Pokémon SoulSilver Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Totodile.
This user is a player of Pokémon Black Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Tepig.
This user is a player of Pokémon White Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Snivy.
This user doesn't like cheating in Pokémon games.

Console games

This user is a player of Pokémon Stadium.
This user is a player of Pokémon Stadium 2.
This user is a player of Pokémon Colosseum.
This user is a player of Pokémon Battle Revolution.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros..
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Side Series

This user is a player of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
This human's time travel accident transformed him into a Bulbasaur.
This human's partner is Cyndaquil.


This user is a player of PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure..


This user has a Shiny Umbreon.
This user has a Shiny Espeon.
This user has a Shiny Politoed.


This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user has beaten PKMN Trainer Red!
This user has beaten the Tower Tycoon!
This user has beaten the Arcade Star!
This user has beaten the Castle Valet!
This user has beaten the Hall Matron!
This user has beaten the Factory Head!

Event Pokémon

This user has a Mew.
This user has a Celebi.
This user has a Jirachi.
This user has a Deoxys.
This user has a Phione.
This user has a Manaphy.
This user has a Darkrai.
This user has a Shaymin.
This user has an Arceus.
This user has a Victini.
This user has a shiny Raikou.

Super Mario Stuff

This user plays Super Mario.
☆This user's favorite Super Mario character is Yoshi.☆
This user's least favorite Mario character is Princess Peach.
NOTE--to avoid having too much usertags, I put this:
This user has played all Super Mario Games.

Why I put Mew, who knows?

This user watches the Super Mario Bros. Shows.
☆This user loves Mama Luigi.★
Mama? Mama Luigi?! AHAHAHAHAH!


This user used to have one of these, till the user met one of these.
This user had to send in about a million postcards to win that hat.
This user lieks Mudkipz.
This user thinks that Bidoof is the strongest Pokémon of all.
This user got RickRolled.
All your base are belong to us!
Pull my finger!
This user can Shoop da Whoop.
This user is Shoop-da-Whoop.

It's True...

This user has too many usertags.