User:NinegonMaster/Sprite Comments/Part 2

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Sadly I couldn't have the whole thing on one page, due to weight, so I split it up. Here's page 1.

Pokémon Green Red/Blue Yellow Back Gold Silver Crystal Conclusion
Magnemite Green's screw is much too big, but otherwise these are good.
Magneton Again we have the size problem in Green, but this time it's the whole Pokemon. Good sprites otherwise.
Farfetch'd Oh good lord that Green sprite. R/B is decent, Yellow's a bit wonky, Gen 2 saves it entirely.
Doduo Foot size is off in Green, but fine otherwise.
Dodrio R/B/G is really wonky. Yellow saves it.
Seel Yellow seems slightly off. The rest are fine.
Dewgong Green is a tad off proportion-wise, but the rest of the sprites are good.
Grimer These are all really wonky.
Muk Generally decent. Yellow's slightly off, again.
Shellder R/B/G has the proportional wonkiness that Green!Dewgong does, but the rest are fine.
Cloyster R/B is sideways??? The rest are fine.
Gastly R/B/G just looks like someone spraypainted and slapped a face on it. The rest are fine.
Haunter These are all really good sprites for their time! The backsprite is wonky, though.
Onix YELLOW...These are generally good save for that.
Drowzee These are fine.
Hypno That BUCKING Green sprite. Christ.
Krabby Mirroring abuse in R/B/G. Otherwise fine.
Kingler Mirrored again in R/B, otherwise fine.
Voltorb No problems here.
Electrode Why the ring in R/B/G?
Exeggutor Look at all the wonk in general.
Cubone R/B/G have much wonkiness, and Yellow appears to be missing a neck. Fine otherwise.
Marowak Look at all the wonk in Gen 1. Fine otherwise.
Hitmonlee These are actually pretty good.
Hitmonchan I can't unsee a Togetic and a Doduo in that Green sprite. Decent for the rest of Gen 1, Gen 2 saves it entirely.
Lickitung R/B/G is really weird. The rest are fine, though.
Koffing Go home R/B, you're drunk. Fine otherwise.
Weezing These are all good.
Rhyhorn Goodness gracious alive Gen. 1. Fine otherwise.
Rhydon Green looks too chibi. Fine otherwise.
Chansey What is even happening in Gen 1. Yellow is adorable, Gen 2 is fine.
Tangela Gen 1...
Kangaskhan GEN 1...
Horsea GEN 1. AGAIN. Fine otherwise.
Seadra To be honest, the only one I like here is Yellow.
Goldeen GEN 1 I CAN'T
Seaking NO SPRITE AVALIBLE I just can't anymore with Gen 1
Staryu Looks like I'm not the only one who can't anymore. Look at Yellow! The rest are fine.
Starmie Yellow's lost the ability to can. The rest are fine.
Mr. Mime NO SPRITE AVALIBLE I think their cheeks are too chubby.
Scyther NO SPRITE AVALIBLE Look around, all these wonky-ass Scythers.
Jynx They all seem to be a tad off.
Electabuzz Same as Jynx.
Magmar R/B/G...I just...
Pinsir I can't anymore. R/B/G has made me lose my ability to can.
Tauros NO SPRITE AVALIBLE R/B is...passable. The rest are fine.
Magikarp Yellow can you please just not
Gyarados These are fine.
Lapras Same as Gyarados. I love the R/B sprite, actually.
Ditto Same as Gyarados.
Eevee Look at how pissed it is in Green. Fine otherwise.
Vaporeon Generally good.
Jolteon Same as Vaporeon. Believe me or not I actually really like the Green sprite.
Flareon Same as Vaporeon.
Porygon These are fine.
Omanyte NO SPRITE AVALIBLE Yellow onward is fine.
Kabuto Gen. I is all weird in some way, but Gen. II is ok.
Kabutops These are ok.
Aerodactyl R/B/G is a tad off, but the rest are fine. I like the Yellow sprite.
Snorlax So...Why the pink shading?
Articuno Generally good.
Zapdos Same as Articuno.
Moltres Really wonky in R/B/G, fine otherwise.
Dratini Until Yelow, something was very wrong.
Dragonair Same as Dratini.
Mewtwo Gen. 1 is wonky as all hell but Gen 2 is right on the money.
Mew What even happened in Green?

Aaand that's it.