
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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General Info

How I contribute

This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

Personal Info

This user was an early supporter of remakes of Pokémon Gold and Silver.
This user identifies as male.
This user's birthday is November 27.
This user comes from Scotland.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user has brown hair.
This user loves Swampert.
This user loves Froslass.

Pokémon Stuff

This user is a Fire-type trainer.
This user is an Ice-type trainer.
This user is an Electric-type trainer.
This user is a Water-type trainer.
This user is a Ground-type trainer.
This user is a Pokémon Coordinator.
This user lieks Mudkipz.


This user's favorite region is Johto.
This user's favorite ball is the Dusk Ball.
This user's favorite move is Earthquake.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Swampert.


This user is a player of Pokémon Gold Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Totodile.
This user is a player of Pokémon Silver Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Chikorita.
This user is a player of Pokémon Crystal Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Cyndaquil.
This user is a player of Pokémon LeafGreen Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Charmander.
This user is a player of Pokémon Sapphire Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Mudkip.
This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Treecko.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Mudkip.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Torchic.
This user is a player of Pokémon Diamond Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Chimchar.
This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Turtwig.
This user is a player of Pokémon Platinum Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Piplup.
This user is a player of Pokémon Platinum Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Chimchar.
This user is a player of Pokémon Colosseum.
This user is a player of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.


This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user is a Champion!
This user has beaten the Arena Tycoon!
This user has beaten the Dome Ace!
This user has beaten the Pike Queen!
This user has beaten the Pyramid King!
This user has beaten the Salon Maiden!
This user is a Champion!
This user has beaten the Tower Tycoon!
This user has beaten the Hall Matron!
This user has beaten the Arcade Star!
This user has beaten the Castle Valet!


Generation II

This user has a Shiny Gyarados.
This user has a Shiny Hoothoot.
This user has a Shiny Noctowl.

Generation III

This user has a Shiny Marill.

Generation IV

This user has a Shiny Roserade.
This user has a Shiny Snorunt.
This user has a Shiny Glalie.
This user has a Shiny Froslass.

Event Pokemon

This user has a Darkrai.

Anime Stuff

This user likes the original series of the Pokémon animated series.
This user likes Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.

Hello there, welcome to my page. Probably not very interesting... You're probably wondering why you came now, aren't you? heh...


Pokémon Diamond


In storage

Pokémon Platinum [1]


In Storage

Pokémon Platinum [2]


In Storage