
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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CST This user uses Central Standard Time, which is UTCGMT-6:00.
This user identifies as male.
This user's birthday is June 6.
You can follow this user on Twitter at @MannysMyName.
This user is an artist.
This user is not in a relationship.
This user is a twerp.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user is insane.
This user is a player of Pokémon Diamond Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Mudkip.
This user is a player of Pokémon Gold Version.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Totodile.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Wobbuffet.
This user's favorite Normal-type Pokémon is Slaking.
This user's favorite Fighting-type Pokémon is Hitmontop.
This user's favorite Fairy-type Pokémon is Togepi.
This user's favorite Flying-type Pokémon is Hawlucha.
This user's favorite Ground-type Pokémon is Swampert.
This user's favorite Rock-type Pokémon is Sudowoodo.
This user's favorite Bug-type Pokémon is Heracross.
This user's favorite Fire-type Pokémon is Pansear.
This user's favorite Grass-type Pokémon is Rowlet.
This user's favorite Poison-type Pokémon is Grafaiai.
This user's favorite Ice-type Pokémon is Froslass.
This user's favorite Steel-type Pokémon is Forretress.
This user's favorite Ghost-type Pokémon is Dusknoir.
This user's favorite Water-type Pokémon is Mudkip.
This user's favorite Electric-type Pokémon is Electabuzz.
This user's favorite Dragon-type Pokémon is Goomy.
This user's favorite Dark-type Pokémon is Obstagoon.
This user is a Water-type trainer.
This user is a Psychic-type trainer.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros..
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Artist and cartoonist, with a tinge of writer. I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil, and I've only gotten better since then. You can find my work and follow me at the links below:
Website/Portfolio | All links

I'm also a colossal nerd who loves Pokémon, in case my presence on this very wiki wasn't enough indication.

Enjoy this page!