Super Tour Guide Rosa

Super Tour Guide Rosa (Japanese: 観光案内 メイっぱい! Brimming with Tourist Information!) was a costume event in Pokémon Masters EX. It was focused on the sync pairs Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin and Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash.

Super Tour Guide Rosa
観光案内 メイっぱい! Brimming with Tourist Information!

Event notification image
Type Costume event
First run September 15 to October 1, 2022
Rerun(s) September 10 to 24, 2023
Featured sync pairs Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash
Sync pairs with reward bonus 
1.6× Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin
Elio & Popplio/Brionne/Primarina
Selene & Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye 
1.4× Lear & Hoopa
Leon & Charizard 
1.2× Scottie/Bettie & Pikachu
Scottie/Bettie & Torchic
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash 
Theme skills with 1.2× reward bonus Unova

The "Rosa Costume Scout" gave players an increased chance of recruiting Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin for the duration of the event.

Players could team up with Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash by completing the final story area of the event, Delivering Gratitude. This would also earn them a medal.

During this event, players could earn vouchers from battles that could be redeemed in the shop. All battles could be challenged an unlimited number of times except Daily Extreme Battle 1, which could only be challenged once per day. Extra vouchers were automatically exchanged with coins once the event was finished.

The player could battle using Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin, Elio & Popplio/Brionne/Primarina, or Selene & Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye to obtain +0.6× bonus vouchers; Lear & Hoopa or Leon & Charizard to obtain +0.4× bonus vouchers; and Scottie/Bettie & Pikachu, Scottie/Bettie & Torchic, Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash, or any unlisted sync pair with the Unova theme skill to obtain 0.2× bonus vouchers.

This event featured the Battle Challenge, where players were challenged to defeat a team of strong opponents. Players could complete event missions by clearing these areas with teams using various theme skills, earning medals and other rewards.

First run

The event first ran from September 15 to October 1, 2022. In this run, the type of voucher that players could earn was Event Voucher Z. Event mission rewards included medals, Gems, Battle Points, and a Strike Move Candy Coin.

Second run

The event reran from September 10 to 24, 2023. In this run, the type of voucher that players could earn was Event Voucher J. Event mission rewards included medals and Gems.

Exchanges were available in the shop to convert Naomi and Sandslash's Custom ★ Power-Ups and Sync Orbs into standard 4★ Power-Ups, 3★ Power-Ups, and Co-op Sync Orbs for players who had already fully upgraded this sync pair.


Lear appoints Rosa as the tourism ambassador of Pasio, and asks the player to support her. He explains that since they're both well known on Pasio and know how amazing the island is, they'll be able to guide sightseers who come to visit. If they can make Pasio more popular, they might get to meet rare Pokémon and battle strong Trainers from all over the world. Rosa thinks this sounds exciting and agrees to do it.

Rosa changes into an outfit suited for the role of tourism ambassador and gets ready to guide her first tourist. Elio and Selene wish her luck, having helped her come up with the idea to have the tourists complete trials rather than just walking around and sightseeing. Naomi arrives, and Rosa greets her and explains that she'll be showing her around. As Rosa, Naomi, and the player head off, Lear, Elio, and Selene decide that they're going to keep an eye on the tour just in case.

Rosa, Naomi, and the player arrive on Pasio's beach. As Naomi takes a selfie on the beach, the trio is approached by Bruno, Chuck, and Brawly. Rosa explains that they'll be their opponents in the trial. Naomi is excited to try one of Pasio's signature three-on-three battles, so she, Rosa, and the player prepare to battle the Fighting-type experts.

Meanwhile, a male Sightseer is looking around the Pokémon Center for the person he's supposed to meet. He's approached by Leon, who says he'll take the Sightseer to where everyone else is.

Rosa, Naomi, and the player prepare to head to the last spot. Naomi asks Rosa why they're battling so much; Rosa explains that it's because they become stronger as sync pairs by battling with their Pokémon, and it's more memorable to battle together than to just walk around. As they talk, Naomi suddenly remembers that another tourist was supposed to come today. This shocks Elio, Lear, and Selene, who hadn't heard anything about any other guests. Selene then gets a phone call from someone, which causes her to run up to Rosa shouting that they're in trouble. She explains hastily that someone was supposed to bring the other tourist who came to sight-see to the meeting spot, but due to a mix-up, that someone ended up being Leon.

Meanwhile, Leon and the male Sightseer have ended up in the glaciers. The Sightseer is shivering from the cold, while Leon is just a little confused that they've ended up in the wrong place again.

Rosa panics, and Lear and Elio approach the group. Lear complains that they'll never be able to find them because Leon has absolutely no sense of direction, but Naomi pipes up that people have been posting Leon's whereabouts on social media. She shows the posts to Rosa, who declares that she can figure out where they're heading next using this information. Lear leaves to ask his staff to search for them, while the rest of the group follows Rosa.

At the end of the day, Rosa and the others finally find Leon and the male Sightseer in the city. Rosa apologizes for overlooking his arrival, and Leon apologizes for dragging him around to random places instead of bringing him to the meeting spot. However, the Sightseer says that he got to see a lot of famous places on Pasio, and he enjoyed traveling around the island with Leon. Rosa is relieved that her first tour didn't end in failure, and Naomi is shocked that it's her first tour. Rosa says that the main reason she accepted the role of tourism ambassador was for the sake of her partner, Shaymin—feelings of gratitude are Shaymin's source of energy, so she wanted to show Shaymin the gratitude she gets from everyone who visits Pasio. Naomi is impressed that she's caring for both the sightseers and her partner Pokémon, and she and the male Sightseer thank her for guiding them. Naomi also says that she fell in love with Pasio and wants to keep on battling on the island.

Area info

Area name Unlock condition Completion Rewards
Pasio Tourism Ambassador! Available from start Gems ×10
Guiding with All My Heart!
Guiding with All My Heart! Complete Pasio Tourism Ambassador! Gems ×10
Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
Someone's Missing Complete Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1 Gems ×10
Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
The Strongest Guide Complete Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2 Gems ×10
Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
Delivering Gratitude Complete Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3 Gems ×10

Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
Daily Extreme Battle 1
Battle Challenge! Round 1


Name Difficulty Trainer(s) Pokémon Stamina First-Time Rewards Completion Rewards Battle Rewards
Left Middle Right
Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1 Normal





10 Gems ×30
Someone's Missing
200 coins
Event Voucher Z / J ×7
Event Voucher Z / J ×1-2
Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2 Hard 15 Gems ×30
The Strongest Guide
600 coins
Event Voucher Z / J ×14
Event Voucher Z / J ×1-3
Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3 Very Hard 15 Gems ×30
Delivering Gratitude
600 coins
Event Voucher Z / J ×25
Event Voucher Z / J ×1-3
Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4 Super Hard 20 Gems ×30 1,500 coins
Event Voucher Z / J ×32
Event Voucher Z / J ×1-4
Daily Extreme Battle 1 Ultra Hard 30 Gems ×30 2,000 coins
Event Voucher Z / J ×100
Battle Challenge! Round 1 Super Hard
Sightseer Mitch



Gems ×100
Battle Challenge! Round 2
3★ Tech Move Candy
None None
Battle Challenge! Round 2 Ultra Hard Gems ×100
4★ Strike Move Candy
None None

Event missions

September 15 to October 1, 2022

Mission Name Objective Reward
Mission 1 Complete any of the following areas ×3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×50
Battle Points ×40
Mission 2 Complete any of the following areas ×10
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×50
Battle Points ×40
Mission 3 Complete any of the following areas ×20
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×40
Mission 4 Complete any of the following areas ×30
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×40
Mission 5 Complete any of the following areas ×40
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×40
Mission 6 Complete any of the following areas ×50
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Battle Points ×50
Mission 7 Complete the following area ×1
Delivering Gratitude
1★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
Mission 8 Complete the following area ×1
Battle Challenge! Round 1
2★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
Mission 9 Complete the following area ×1
Battle Challenge! Round 2
3★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
Mission 10 Complete the following area with 1 or fewer sync pairs falling to 0 HP:
Battle Challenge! Round 2
Wholehearted Thank-You!
Mission 11 Complete Battle Challenge! Round 2
with 3 or more sync pairs that share the following theme
and with 1 or fewer sync pairs falling to 0 HP:
• Unova
Strike Move Candy Coin
Reward for completing 10 missions Gems ×200

September 10 to 24, 2023

Mission Name Objective Reward
Mission 1 Complete any of the following areas ×3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×50
Mission 2 Complete any of the following areas ×10
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×50
Mission 3 Complete any of the following areas ×20
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Mission 4 Complete any of the following areas ×30
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Mission 5 Complete any of the following areas ×40
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Mission 6 Complete any of the following areas ×50
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 1
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 2
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 3
• Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge! Part 4
• Daily Extreme Battle 1
Gems ×100
Mission 7 Complete the following area ×1
Delivering Gratitude
1★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
Mission 8 Complete the following area ×1
Battle Challenge! Round 1
2★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
Mission 9 Complete the following area ×1
Battle Challenge! Round 2
3★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
Mission 10 Complete the following area with 1 or fewer sync pairs falling to 0 HP:
Battle Challenge! Round 2
Wholehearted Thank-You!
Mission 11 Complete Battle Challenge! Round 2
with 3 or more sync pairs that share the following theme
and with 1 or fewer sync pairs falling to 0 HP:
• Unova
Gems ×100
Reward for completing 10 missions Gems ×200


September 15 to October 1, 2022

Item given Item received Max exchanges

Event Voucher Z ×800

Event Voucher Z ×50

Custom ★ Power-Up ×1
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

Event Voucher Z ×30

Custom ★ Power-Up ×1
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

Event Voucher Z ×50

Sync Orb ×150
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

Event Voucher Z ×400

Tech Move Candy Coin ×1

Event Voucher Z ×200

5★ Scout Ticket ×1

Event Voucher Z ×250

4★ Power-Up ×1

Event Voucher Z ×150

3★ Power-Up ×1

Event Voucher Z ×100

Skill Sphere ×10

Event Voucher Z ×50

Co-op Sync Orb ×200

Event Voucher Z ×50

Sync Orb ×50
Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin

Event Voucher Z ×100

Grass Codex, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher Z ×50

Grass Tome, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher Z ×100

Ground Codex, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher Z ×50

Ground Tome, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher Z ×30

Elite Four Notes ×10

Event Voucher Z ×20

Gym Leader Notes ×10

Event Voucher Z ×150

3-Pack Great Drink ++ Set ×50

Event Voucher Z ×100

3-Pack Drink ++ Set ×50

Event Voucher Z ×80

3-Pack Ultra Drink + Set ×50

Event Voucher Z ×60

3-Pack Great Drink + Set ×50

Event Voucher Z ×50

4★ Level-Up Manual ×10

Event Voucher Z ×30

Skip Ticket ×10

Event Voucher Z ×750

3★ Power-Up ×1

Event Voucher Z ×10

3-Pack Drink + Set ×30

Event Voucher Z ×10

3★ Level-Up Manual ×3

Event Voucher Z ×10

3-Pack Ultra Drink Set ×40

Event Voucher Z ×10

3-Pack Great Drink Set ×50

September 10 to 24, 2023

Item given Item received Max exchanges

Event Voucher J ×800

Event Voucher J ×50

Custom ★ Power-Up ×1
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

Event Voucher J ×30

Custom ★ Power-Up ×1
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

Event Voucher J ×50

Sync Orb ×150
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

Event Voucher J ×400

Tech Move Candy Coin ×1

Event Voucher J ×200

5★ Scout Ticket ×1

Event Voucher J ×250

4★ Power-Up ×1

Event Voucher J ×150

3★ Power-Up ×1

Event Voucher J ×100

Skill Sphere ×10

Event Voucher J ×50

Co-op Sync Orb ×200

Event Voucher J ×50

Sync Orb ×50
Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin

Event Voucher J ×100

Grass Codex, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher J ×50

Grass Tome, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher J ×100

Ground Codex, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher J ×50

Ground Tome, Vol. 1 ×10

Event Voucher J ×30

Elite Four Notes ×10

Event Voucher J ×20

Gym Leader Notes ×10

Event Voucher J ×150

3-Pack Great Drink ++ Set ×50

Event Voucher J ×100

3-Pack Drink ++ Set ×50

Event Voucher J ×80

3-Pack Ultra Drink + Set ×50

Event Voucher J ×60

3-Pack Great Drink + Set ×50

Event Voucher J ×50

4★ Level-Up Manual ×10

Event Voucher J ×30

Skip Ticket ×10

Event Voucher J ×750

3★ Power-Up ×1

Event Voucher J ×10

3★ Level-Up Manual ×3

Event Voucher J ×10

3-Pack Drink + Set ×30

Event Voucher J ×10

3-Pack Ultra Drink Set ×40

Event Voucher J ×10

3-Pack Great Drink Set ×50

Custom ★ Power-Up ×10
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

4★ Power-Up ×1

Custom ★ Power-Up ×5
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

3★ Power-Up ×1

Sync Orb ×150
Naomi (Sightseer) & Sandslash

Co-op Sync Orb ×300


Event banner (First run)
Event banner (Second run)
1★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
2★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
3★ Super Tour Guide Rosa
Wholehearted Thank-You!
Event notification image (First run) Artwork by Inamori Ryusa


Situation Song key Song name Arrangement
In menu No. 00004 Adventure Awaits! Unknown
During battle
(Rosa's Sight-Seeing Challenge, Daily Extreme Battle 1)
No. 02001 Battle! (Johto Gym Leader)
(Pokémon Masters EX Version)
Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.)
During battle
(Battle Challenge)
No. 00018 Battle! (Powerful Sync Pair) Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.)
Pasio Tourism Ambassador!
From start
No. 00007 Fun with Friends Unknown
Pasio Tourism Ambassador!
When Naomi arrives at the Pokémon Center
Guiding with All My Heart!
While the other Sightseer looks for his guide
Pokémon Center
(Pokémon Masters EX Version)
Guiding with All My Heart!
From start
No. 00038 Fantastic Carnival Unknown
Guiding with All My Heart!
When Naomi arrives at the beach
Someone's Missing
From start
The Strongest Guide
When the group tries to track down Leon
No. 00008 Out for a Stroll Unknown
Guiding with All My Heart!
When Bruno, Chuck, and Brawly arrive
No. 01008 Battle! (Kanto Elite Four: Bruno)
(Pokémon Masters EX Version)
Haruki Yamada (ATTIC INC.)
Someone's Missing
After Rosa finds out that Leon is acting as a tour guide
The Strongest Guide
From start
No. 00005 Danger! Unknown
Delivering Gratitude
From start
No. 00003 Taking It Easy Unknown
Song names without a song key listed are unofficial, as they have not been added to the Jukebox.


  • Pokémon Center (event conversation)
Name Text
Sightseer I'm so excited to experience everything here on Pasio!
Sightseer Since I'm here, I made a list of the things I wanna do!
The sights! The food! The people! The activities! There's so much to do, I can't decide where to begin!
Rosa Pasio has so many wonderful places!
I'll show you around so you can enjoy every part of it!
Sightseer Yay! I can't wait!

  • Pasio Tourism Ambassador!
Name Text
(City; Lear, Rachel, and Sawyer approach Rosa and the player)
Lear Rosa! I hereby appoint you to be the tourism ambassador of Pasio!
And I want you to support her, <player>.
Rosa The tourism ambassador? Why me?
Lear Both you and <player> are well known on Pasio.
Since you both know how amazing Pasio is, you'll be able to guide the sightseers that come here from other places.
Plus, I know you two will make it exciting!
If you can be a successful tourism ambassador and make Pasio more popular than it already is...
we may get to meet rare Pokémon and battle strong Trainers from all over the world, right?
Rosa That DOES sound exciting!
Rachel Master Lear's getting suuuper good at giving compliments, huh.
Sawyer The young master has the future of Pasio in mind. He's constantly growing as a person!
Rosa The tourism ambassador of Pasio...
(Rosa's Shaymin cries out)
Rosa Sure! I'd love to do it!
(Pokémon Center; a female Sightseer runs in)
Sightseer So this is Pasio!
(The female Sightseer takes a selfie)
Sightseer I'm gonna collect a lot of Travel Exp.!

  • Guiding with All My Heart!
Name Text
(City; Rosa has changed into her special costume)
Elio It's almost time, right?
Selene Good luck, Rosa! <player>!
Rosa Thanks! I appreciate the help, you two.
We all brainstormed together, so I know it's a great tour plan.
Elio I got the ideas from the island challenge in the Alola region!
Selene Completing trials will be way more memorable than just walking around and sightseeing!
Lear You're going to make the sightseers take on trials?
Elio Yes, but it won't be dangerous.
Selene Besides, Rosa and <player> are gonna be with them, so it should be OK!
(The female Sightseer arrives and looks around until she sees Rosa, Elio, Selene, Lear, and the player)
Sightseer (1) That must be the meeting spot. Are you the ambassador?
(The group waves Naomi over)
Selene See ya! Good luck!
(Lear, Elio, and Selene leave as the female Sightseer arrives)
Rosa Welcome to Pasio!
(Shaymin cries out happily)
Sightseer (1) Hehehe! Are you gonna show me around?
Rosa Pasio is an artificial island that's full of nature!
We'll look around many famous spots, so...
be sure to use all your senses to take in the beauty of nature! Enjoy it as much as you can!
Sightseer (1) Wow! I'm excited!
(Rosa, Shaymin, the female Sightseer, and the player head off; Lear, Selene, and Elio watch them)
Lear I don't think we need to worry, but let's watch over them just in case...
(Transition to the beach)
Sightseer (1) This must be Pasio's beach. It's glistening! Hang on—I've gotta take a selfie of this to post later!
(Bruno, Chuck, and Brawly call out)
Bruno We've been waiting for you, Pasio trial-goer!
Sightseer (1) Huh? What's this?
Rosa At every tourist attraction on Pasio, you'll encounter a trial like this!
Let's work together and face the challenge!
Which means...
Sightseer (1) Time for a team battle!: A team battle? Like a three-on-three match?
A three-on-three match!: You mean a team battle?
I wanna do it!
That's sooo Pasio! I just have to give it a try!
(The female Sightseer sends out her Sandslash)
Rosa Now then, let's start our first trial!
(Pokémon Center; a male Sightseer is looking around)
Sightseer (2) Isn't this where we're supposed to meet?
??? Hi! Sorry for being late.
(Leon approaches the male Sightseer)
??? Don't worry! I'll take you to where everyone is!
Sightseer (2) Oh! I know who you are!

  • Someone's Missing
Name Text
(Rosa, the player, and the female Sightseer are chatting in a field)
Rosa Next, I'll show you the mountains here on Pasio!
(Selene, Elio, and Lear watch from afar)
Selene They're finally headed to the last spot!
Sightseer (1) All those battles were pretty tough, but I'm having so much fun!
But I was wondering... How come we're battling so much?
Rosa The more you battle with your Pokémon, the stronger you become as a sync pair!
My friends came up with the idea, but instead of just walking around touristy places...
they said it would be much more memorable to complete trials together!
Pokémon battles on Pasio are a great experience that both Trainers and their Pokémon will remember!
(Naomi is impressed; the trio continues chatting)
Selene They're doing great!
Elio Yeah! The guests look happy, and Rosa's tour was a huge success!
Lear I made the right decision to leave it to them.
(The female Sightseer's Sandslash cries out)
Sightseer (1) Yup yup! If we keep doing Pokémon battles, the other Trainers that come here to sight-see might...
(The female Sightseer is silent for a moment)
Sightseer (1) Oh, wait. Other Trainers...?
Rosa What's the matter?
Sightseer (1) Hmm... That reminds me.
I think there was someone else besides me who was supposed to come today. We haven't seen them, right?
Rosa What?! S-someone else?
(Elio, Selene, and Lear are shocked)
Lear What are they talking about? I haven't heard anything about that.
Selene That's strange... I didn't think there were any other guests...
(Selene's Poryphone rings)
Selene Hello?
(Selene pauses)
Selene Whaaat?!
(Selene runs over to Rosa and the others)
Selene Rosa! We're in trouble!
Rosa Selene? Why are you here?
Selene I was watching the both of you while you were doing the tour...
Never mind that! We're in big trouble!
You see, the other tourist who came to sight-see was supposed to be brought to the meeting spot, but...
due to some mix-up, Leon's the one showing them around!
Rosa Whaaat?! L-Leon is the guide?
(Transition to the glaciers)
Sightseer (2) A...achoo!
(The male Sightseer is upset; Leon looks around)
Leon Oh? It seems like we've ended up in the wrong place again.

  • The Strongest Guide
Name Text
Rosa Oh no! What should we do?
(Lear and Elio run up to the group)
Rosa Whoa! Lear! Elio! You're here too?
Lear Did I hear you say that Leon is guiding the tourist?!
Of all people, why him?
He has no sense of direction whatsoever. How will we even find them?!
Selene Y'know, it might be fun since he could take them to all kinds of places.
Lear That's not the point!
Sightseer Hey, are you guys referring to the Champion Leon?
(Lear, Elio, and Selene all turn to look at the female Sightseer)
Sightseer If so, people have been posting his whereabouts on social media...
Rosa Wh-what?! Can you show me?
(The female Sightseer shows Rosa the posts on her phone)
Elio So, was there any useful information?
Rosa Yes! We might be saved!
With this information, we can probably figure out where they're heading next!
I know everything about Pasio, so leave it to me!
I know where everything is—and which spots are everyone's favorites!
Now's the time to show my powers as a super tourism ambassador!
Sightseer We're depending on you, ambassador!
Lear I'll leave that to you! I'll also order my staff to search for them.
(Lear leaves)
Rosa Ready, everyone? Please, follow me!
Elio Sure!
Selene We're counting on you, super tourism ambassador!
(Rosa, Elio, Selene, and the player head off)
Sightseer Leon's famous! When I meet him, I should ask for his autograph and brag about it on my socials!
(The Sightseer takes a selfie)
Sightseer This is the Pasio experience! I'll get tons of Travel Exp. from this!

  • Delivering Gratitude
Name Text
(City; Rosa, the female Sightseer, the player, Elio, and Selene find Leon and the male Sightseer)
Rosa I-I'm so sorry!
We completely overlooked your arrival!
Sightseer (2) Umm...
Sightseer (1) Wow! I can't believe we actually found them!
Lear I'm terribly sorry for causing trouble.
Leon I was supposed to take you to the meeting spot.
But instead, I dragged you around.
Sightseer (2) N-no! I'm not bothered at all!
I actually enjoyed it.
We were able to see a lot of famous places on Pasio.
It was such a rewarding experience to travel around the island with you!
Leon I'm happy to hear that.
Selene Isn't that great, Rosa? The guest wasn't upset at all!
Elio We may have run into a few hiccups, but we're all settled now!
Rosa Yes! All thanks to everyone's help!
I'm relieved. My first tour didn't end in failure.
Lear It turned out all right in the end, I suppose.
Sightseer (1) Wait, this was your first time? You did such a good job!
Selene This is something Lear said, but...
If Pasio becomes more famous than it is now...
then we'll be able to see a lot more Pokémon and strong Trainers. That's why Rosa is trying her best.
Rosa Well... That's also true, but...
I actually accepted the role as a tourism ambassador for Shaymin's sake.
(Shaymin cries out)
Rosa Feelings of gratitude are Shaymin's source of energy.
Professor Oak told me that when you're feeling grateful, you should share it with others!
That's why I wanted to show Shaymin the gratitude I get from everyone who visits Pasio!
Lear Heh.
Sightseer (1) Not only were you treating us sightseers with care...
But you were also caring for your partner Pokémon, too!
This is how a sync pair should be on Pasio!
Thank you for taking us around so many wonderful places today!
Seriously—I mean it!
Sightseer (2) I had fun too! Thank you!
Rosa I'd like to thank you too, for giving me your best smiles and appreciating what I do!
Sightseer (1) I fell in love with Pasio.
I wanna keep on battling so I can meet even more sync pairs!
(Shaymin cries out happily)


In other languages

Language Title
Japanese 観光案内 メイっぱい!
Mandarin Chinese 依鳴驚人的觀光導覽!
French Écho, super ambassadrice touristique
German Rosy als Touristenführerin
Italian Una guida da ringraziare
Korean 최선을 다한 관광 안내!
Spanish Nanci, embajadora turística

See also

Neo Champions: Leaders of a New EraFight for the Future TogetherThree Trainers, Three MindsA Pure and Touching HeartA Touching Sepia-Toned SongHoning One's LoveOne More Step to a New PathGoing Beyond Primal Nature
Costume events: Poké War Games (Diantha's Battle PrepHilda's Battle PrepGuzma's Battle PrepJasmine's Battle PrepBattle Prep) • Curious Tea Party (Lillie's Party Prep—An Eye for BeautySonia's Party Prep—The Finest TeaIngo's Party Prep—Way of the ButlerEmmet's Party Prep—Heart and SoulSolving Wonderful Mysteries) • Super Tour Guide RosaSolve the Case! (Part 1)Solve the Case! (Part 2)The Power of DanceNew Heroes Are BornInfamous Pokéstar Villains
New Year's events: Season's GreetingsNew Year and New FriendsGather Up! Dream Duo!Rising New Year's ResolutionsFriend-Making Battle
Palentine's events: Baking BuddiesSweet ShenanigansChef's Heartful DeliveryVictor's Cooking Class!Tiny Courage, Big Thanks
Spring events: Pasio Eggsplorers
Summer events: Summer SuperstarsBeachside RivalrySummer Nights & Wishing StarsTwin Stars Far ApartExciting Treasure Hunt
Fall events: Fight or FrightMidnight Battle BallOtherworldly EncounterThe Haunted MuseumThe Truth—Mane or Feathers?
Holiday events: Rosa's PartyA Special PresentDeck the HallsWinter WishesShine a Gentle LightFocus on the Shining Shot!Joyful Music with Everyone
2019 debut: Reach for the TopThe Girl in Black and WhiteThe Importance of EleganceTwo Champions
2020 debut: The Strongest There IsShining StarTeam Skull Crash CourseThe Star of the ContestSerena's Dessert PartyFamily TiesThe Eccentric ElectricianDazzling Dizzying Battle StageThe Ideal Formula
2021 debut: Champion TimeShining Heart of DragonsTrials on the IsleMasters of Land and SeaAll Aboard the Victory TrainHearts UnitedThe Light Devourer
2022 debut: Pasio FriendiversaryVerdant GuardianA Golden FutureRevel in RivalryThreads of StrengthMelancholy Wally
2023 debut: Galar's Poké Ball EnthusiastTravelers from a Distant PastChase the Northern WindWe Should Battle!Tower Tycoon and Hall MatronTogether in an Unknown LandWho's the Best Singer?Veevee on Pasio!Let's Go In Search of Wonder
2024 debut: The Electrifying InfluencerSub-zero—My Past, My FutureMechanized—Love and SolitudeResearcher and SeekerGood Ol' Rika HereMiddle-Aged OppositesIsle Disciples, Arena TycoonUltra Beast Meet-and-GreetPeculiar Pokémon-Loving PalAncient VisitorFestive Sun and MoonGolden Bonds on PasioSygna Siblings—All AboardMysterious Kalos DuoGuzzling Glutton's Target
2025 debut: Five Friends' Treasure Hunt
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.