Stone Heart (TCG)

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Stone Heart

Box art
Expansion Ancient Origins
Release date August 12, 2015
Types used GrassFighting
Coin / /

The Stone Heart Theme Deck from the Ancient Origins expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Grass-type and Fighting-type Pokémon. Each Theme Deck is packaged with a 60-card deck, damage counters, a custom coin, a rulesheet, a card list, a deckbox, a two-player mat, and a TCGO code card.


Strength of Spirit, Strength of Stone!

This deck's got heart—the kind of prizefighter's heart that never quits! With the Stone Heart theme deck, your Pokémon can poison, paralyze, and trick opposing Pokémon in many ways—and the mighty Regirock leads the way, with its Unyielding Rock attack perfect for taking down Pokémon-EX! Add in the Legendary Pokémon Virizion with the power to hit harder if you're behind, and the Stone Heart deck is full of fighting spirit. This is one contender that's never down for the count!

Deck list

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Regirock Fighting Rare Holo
Regirock Fighting Rare
Virizion Grass Rare
Vileplume Grass Rare
Gloom Grass Uncommon
Oddish Grass Common
Vespiquen Grass Rare
Combee Grass Common
Ariados Grass Uncommon
Spinarak Grass Common
Porygon2 Colorless Uncommon
Porygon Colorless Common
Ace Trainer Su Uncommon
Healing Scarf I Uncommon
Level Ball I Uncommon
Lucky Helmet I Uncommon
Pokémon Center Lady Su Uncommon
Pokémon Fan Club Su Uncommon
Potion I
Professor's Letter I Uncommon
Switch I Uncommon
Tierno Su Uncommon
Wally Su Uncommon
14× Grass Energy Grass E
Fighting Energy Fighting E


  • The Cracked Ice Holofoil version of Regirock is exclusive to this deck.
  • The Non Holofoil version of Virizion is exclusive to this deck.

In other languages

Language Title
French Cœur de Roc
German Steinernes Herz
Italian Roccaforte
Brazilian Portuguese Coração de Pedra
Russian Каменное Сердце Kamennoye Serdtse
Spanish Corazón de Piedra

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
XY Series
XY Black Star Promos
Kalos Starter Set: Chespin DeckFennekin DeckFroakie Deck
XY: Resilient LifeDestruction Rush
XY Trainer Kit
Flashfire: Mystic TyphoonBrilliant Thunder
McDonald's Collection 2014
Furious Fists: Dark HammerEnchanted Echo
Battle Arena Decks: Xerneas vs. Yveltal
Phantom Forces: Burning WindsBolt Twister
XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff
Primal Clash: Earth's PulseOcean's Core
Double CrisisXY Trainer Kit: Latias & Latios
Roaring Skies: Aurora BlastStorm Rider
Ancient Origins: Iron TideStone Heart
Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai
BREAKthrough: Burning SparkNight Striker
McDonald's Collection 2015
BREAKpoint: Wave SlasherElectric Eye
GenerationsXY Trainer Kit: Pikachu Libre & Suicune
Fates Collide: Fates Collide Prerelease KitSky GuardianBattle Ruler
Steam Siege: Steam Siege Prerelease KitGears of FireRing of Lightning
McDonald's Collection 2016Battle Arena Decks: Rayquaza vs. Keldeo
Articuno Legendary Battle DeckZapdos Legendary Battle DeckMoltres Legendary Battle Deck

Evolutions: Evolutions Prerelease KitMewtwo MayhemPikachu Power
XY Era
XY-P Promotional cards
XY Beginning Set
Collection XCollection Y
Xerneas Half DeckYveltal Half Deck
Wild Blaze: M Charizard-EX Mega Battle Deck
Rising Fist
Phantom Gate: Hyper Metal Chain Deck
Super Legend Set: Xerneas-EX & Yveltal-EX
Gaia VolcanoTidal Storm
Magma Gang VS Aqua Gang: Double Crisis
Emerald Break: M Rayquaza-EX Mega Battle Deck
Bandit Ring
Legendary Shine CollectionEmboar-EX vs Togekiss-EX Deck KitM Master Deck Build Box Power StyleM Master Deck Build Box Speed Style
Blue ShockRed Flash: Raichu BREAK Evolution PackNoivern BREAK Evolution Pack
Golduck BREAK + Palkia-EX Combo Deck
Rage of the Broken Heavens
Grass/Fighting Battle Strength SetFire/Lightning Battle Strength SetWater/Psychic Battle Strength SetPokéKyun CollectionBREAK Starter Pack
Awakening Psychic King: Zygarde-EX Perfect Battle DeckM Audino-EX Mega Battle Deck
Premium Champion Pack
Fever-Burst FighterCruel Traitor
Mythical & Legendary Dream Shine CollectionExpansion Pack 20th AnniversaryThe Best of XY