Diamond & Pearl (TCG)

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This article is about the Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion. For other uses, see Diamond and Pearl.
← EX Power Keepers
TCG expansions
Mysterious Treasures →
Diamond & Pearl
Cards in set English: 130
Japanese: 122*
Set number English: 32
Japanese: 31
Release date English: May 23, 2007
Japanese: November 30, 2006
Theme Decks

Terra Firma (GrassDarkness)
Inferno Zone (FireFighting)
Royal Frost (WaterMetal)

Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends
Space-Time Creation
Secret of the Lakes

Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl (Japanese: 時空の創造 Space-Time Creation: ダイヤモンドコレクション Diamond Collection and パールコレクション Pearl Collection) is the name given to the first main expansion of cards from the Diamond & Pearl Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the DP Era in Japan). The set is the first to feature Generation IV Pokémon in the card game.


New Pokémon, New Adventures!

The next generation of Pokémon has arrived! In Diamond & Pearl, you'll explore the never-before-seen Sinnoh region and catch brand-new Pokémon for the very first time. New gameplay, including the exciting Level Up that makes your Pokémon more powerful... new attacks... even a new look—the Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl expansion will take every Trainer to the next level!


Diamond & Pearl is the name given to the first main expansion of the Diamond & Pearl Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Diamond Collection and Pearl Collection, collectively known as Space-Time Creation, the first expansion in the Pokémon Card Game DP Era. It is based on Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, featuring Generation IV Pokémon and the two game Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. The English expansion was released on May 23, 2007, while the Japanese expansion was released on November 30, 2006.

Diamond & Pearl introduced Pokémon LV.X, a type of Pokémon. Pokémon LV.X are "Level-Up Pokémon" and is able to use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous Level. Poison-type Pokémon changed from being represented by the Grass-type to the Psychic-type. Supporter and Stadium cards were separate class of cards, rather than the subclass of Trainer cards. Both Darkness Energy and Metal Energy received new basic Energy forms which were free from the 4-per-deck rule. Cards that allow players to search for a Darkness or Metal Energy card may seek out either version. Unown were counted as separate Pokémon, with the letter after the name.

Diamond & Pearl also introduced an updated card design, which included numerous changes. The Pokémon's level returned and appeared on the right of the Pokémon's name. The word "HP" was smaller and appeared before the amount. The Evolution box moved to below the Pokémon's name. The Pokémon's Pokédex number, species, height, and weight were displayed below the artwork window. The circles on the left of the card no longer appeared. The Pokédex entry made its return and was located below the Pokémon Power and attack box. The illustrator's name was moved above the retreat cost.

A new numbering system for Pokémon was deployed on the lower left of the card, labelled DPBP#. This Diamond & Pearl Battle Pokédex number system combined aspects of the National Pokédex and the habitat system featured in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. Japanese cards reverted to having no card numbering system. Darkness-type and Metal-type Pokémon were listed before Colorless-type Pokémon. Evolutionary family were listed together. Attacks that required no Energy were introduced.

With the release of this expansion, numerous rule changes took place. Outside of Asia, Trainer, Supporter, and Stadium cards were considered separate types. The player going first could now draw a card at the beginning of their first turn, but couldn't play any of the aforementioned cards.[1]

Each booster pack were increased from 9 cards to 10 cards; they include 5 Common, 3 Uncommon, 1 Reverse Holofoil, and 1 Rare or Rare Holo card. The Reverse Holofoil were no longer being Holofoil on the background of the artwork, instead it was Holofoil on the entire card excluding the artwork. Reverse Holofoil versions of the Rare Holo cards were also no longer being Holofoil on the artwork.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
3/130 Electivire Lightning Regional Championships 2007-2008 promo
3/130 Electivire Lightning Staff Regional Championships 2007-2008 promo
6/130 Lucario Fighting Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
7/130 Luxray Lightning National Championships 2007-2008 promo
7/130 Luxray Lightning Staff National Championships 2007-2008 promo
9/130 Manaphy Water Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
35/130 Pachirisu Lightning Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
49/130 Grotle Grass Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
52/130 Luxio Lightning "Prerelease" stamp Prerelease promo
52/130 Luxio Lightning Staff "Prerelease" stamp Prerelease promo
52/130 Luxio Lightning State/Province/Territory Championships 2007-2008 promo
52/130 Luxio Lightning Staff State/Province/Territory Championships 2007-2008 promo
56/130 Monferno Fire Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
58/130 Prinplup Water Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
61/130 Riolu Fighting Gold snowflake stamp Pokémon Countdown Calendar exclusive
76/130 Chimchar Fire Cosmos Holofoil North American 2007 Spring Collector's Tins/Special Edition Blisters/Classic Trio Boxes exclusive
76/130 Chimchar Fire Italian Pokémon Day 2008 promo
76/130 Chimchar Fire Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
83/130 Glameow Colorless Gold snowflake stamp Pokémon Countdown Calendar exclusive
93/130 Piplup Water Cosmos Holofoil North American 2007 Spring Collector's Tins/Special Edition Blisters/Classic Trio Boxes exclusive
93/130 Piplup Water San Diego 07 Pokémon USA annual distributor meeting promo
93/130 Piplup Water Italian Pokémon Day 2008 promo
93/130 Piplup Water Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
98/130 Shinx Lightning City Championships 2007-2008 promo
98/130 Shinx Lightning Staff City Championships 2007-2008 promo
98/130 Shinx Lightning Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
99/130 Skorupi Psychic Gold snowflake stamp Pokémon Countdown Calendar exclusive
102/130 Stunky Darkness Gold snowflake stamp Pokémon Countdown Calendar exclusive
103/130 Turtwig Grass Cosmos Holofoil North American 2007 Spring Collector's Tins/Special Edition Blisters/Classic Trio Boxes exclusive
103/130 Turtwig Grass New York 08 Pokémon USA annual distributor meeting promo
103/130 Turtwig Grass Italian Pokémon Day 2008 promo
103/130 Turtwig Grass Reverse Holo "Diamond & Pearl" stamp Burger King Collection 2008
112/130 Professor Rowan Su Professor Program 2007-2008 promo
112/130 Professor Rowan Su Cosmos Holofoil Diamond & Pearl Collection exclusive

Set lists

Diamond & Pearl
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/130 Dialga Metal Rare Holo Promotion
2/130 Dusknoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
3/130 Electivire Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
4/130 Empoleon Water Rare Holo Promotion
5/130 Infernape Fire Rare Holo Promotion
6/130 Lucario Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
7/130 Luxray Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
8/130 Magnezone Metal Rare Holo Promotion
9/130 Manaphy Water Rare Holo Promotion
10/130 Mismagius Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
11/130 Palkia Water Rare Holo Promotion
12/130 Rhyperior Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
13/130 Roserade Grass Rare Holo Promotion
14/130 Shiftry Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
15/130 Skuntank Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
16/130 Staraptor Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
17/130 Torterra Grass Rare Holo Promotion
18/130 Azumarill Water Rare Promotion
19/130 Beautifly Grass Rare Promotion
20/130 Bibarel Colorless Rare Promotion
21/130 Carnivine Grass Rare Promotion
22/130 Clefable Colorless Rare Promotion
23/130 Drapion Psychic Rare Promotion
24/130 Drifblim Psychic Rare Promotion
25/130 Dustox Grass Rare Promotion
26/130 Floatzel Water Rare Promotion
27/130 Gengar Psychic Rare Promotion
28/130 Heracross Grass Rare Promotion
29/130 Hippowdon Fighting Rare Promotion
30/130 Lopunny Colorless Rare Promotion
31/130 Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
32/130 Medicham Fighting Rare Promotion
33/130 Munchlax Colorless Rare Promotion
34/130 Noctowl Colorless Rare Promotion
35/130 Pachirisu Lightning Rare Promotion
36/130 Purugly Colorless Rare Promotion
37/130 Snorlax Colorless Rare Promotion
38/130 Steelix Metal Rare Promotion
39/130 Vespiquen Grass Rare Promotion
40/130 Weavile Darkness Rare Promotion
41/130 Wobbuffet Psychic Rare Promotion
42/130 Wynaut Psychic Rare Promotion
43/130 Budew Grass Uncommon Promotion
44/130 Cascoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
45/130 Cherrim Grass Uncommon Promotion
46/130 Drifloon Psychic Uncommon Promotion
47/130 Dusclops Psychic Uncommon Promotion
48/130 Elekid Lightning Uncommon Promotion
49/130 Grotle Grass Uncommon Promotion
50/130 Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
51/130 Hippopotas Fighting Uncommon Promotion
52/130 Luxio Lightning Uncommon Promotion
53/130 Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
54/130 Magneton Metal Uncommon Promotion
55/130 Mantyke Water Uncommon Promotion
56/130 Monferno Fire Uncommon Promotion
57/130 Nuzleaf Darkness Uncommon Promotion
58/130 Prinplup Water Uncommon Promotion
59/130 Rapidash Fire Uncommon Promotion
60/130 Rhydon Fighting Uncommon Promotion
61/130 Riolu Fighting Uncommon Promotion
62/130 Seaking Water Uncommon Promotion
63/130 Silcoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
64/130 Staravia Colorless Uncommon Promotion
65/130 Unown A Psychic Uncommon Promotion
66/130 Unown B Psychic Uncommon Promotion
67/130 Unown C Psychic Uncommon Promotion
68/130 Unown D Psychic Uncommon Promotion
69/130 Azurill Colorless Common Promotion
70/130 Bidoof Colorless Common Promotion
71/130 Bonsly Fighting Common Promotion
72/130 Buizel Water Common Promotion
73/130 Buneary Colorless Common Promotion
74/130 Chatot Colorless Common Promotion
75/130 Cherubi Grass Common Promotion
76/130 Chimchar Fire Common Promotion
77/130 Clefairy Colorless Common Promotion
78/130 Cleffa Colorless Common Promotion
79/130 Combee Grass Common Promotion
80/130 Duskull Psychic Common Promotion
81/130 Electabuzz Lightning Common Promotion
82/130 Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
83/130 Glameow Colorless Common Promotion
84/130 Goldeen Water Common Promotion
85/130 Hoothoot Colorless Common Promotion
86/130 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
87/130 Magnemite Metal Common Promotion
88/130 Marill Water Common Promotion
89/130 Meditite Fighting Common Promotion
90/130 Mime Jr. Psychic Common Promotion
91/130 Misdreavus Psychic Common Promotion
92/130 Onix Fighting Common Promotion
93/130 Piplup Water Common Promotion
94/130 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
95/130 Rhyhorn Fighting Common Promotion
96/130 Roselia Grass Common Promotion
97/130 Seedot Grass Common Promotion
98/130 Shinx Lightning Common Promotion
99/130 Skorupi Psychic Common Promotion
100/130 Sneasel Darkness Common Promotion
101/130 Starly Colorless Common Promotion
102/130 Stunky Darkness Common Promotion
103/130 Turtwig Grass Common Promotion
104/130 Wurmple Grass Common Promotion
105/130 Double Full Heal T Uncommon Promotion
106/130 Energy Restore T Uncommon Promotion
107/130 Energy Switch T Uncommon Promotion
108/130 Night Pokémon Center T Uncommon Promotion
109/130 PlusPower T Uncommon Promotion
110/130 Poké Ball T Uncommon Promotion
111/130 Pokédex HANDY910is T Uncommon Promotion
112/130 Professor Rowan Su Uncommon Promotion
113/130 Rival Su Uncommon Promotion
114/130 Speed Stadium St Uncommon Promotion
115/130 Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
116/130 Warp Point T Uncommon Promotion
117/130 Energy Search T Common Promotion
118/130 Potion T Common Promotion
119/130 Switch T Common Promotion
120/130 Empoleon LV.X Water Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
121/130 Infernape LV.X Fire Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
122/130 Torterra LV.X Grass Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
123/130 Grass Energy Grass E Common Promotion
124/130 Fire Energy Fire E Common Promotion
125/130 Water Energy Water E Common Promotion
126/130 Lightning Energy Lightning E Common Promotion
127/130 Psychic Energy Psychic E Common Promotion
128/130 Fighting Energy Fighting E Common Promotion
129/130 Darkness Energy Darkness E Common Promotion
130/130 Metal Energy Metal E Common Promotion

Diamond Collection
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
Heracross Grass Uncommon Promotion
Wurmple Grass Common Promotion
Silcoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
Beautifly Grass Rare Promotion
Cascoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
Dustox Grass Rare Promotion
Seedot Grass Common Promotion
Budew Grass Uncommon Promotion
Roselia Grass Common Promotion
Roserade Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Turtwig Grass Common Promotion
Grotle Grass Uncommon Promotion
Torterra Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Combee Grass Common Promotion
Vespiquen Grass Rare Promotion
Cherubi Grass Common Promotion
Cherrim Grass Uncommon Promotion
Carnivine Grass Rare Promotion
Torterra LV.X Grass Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
Rapidash Fire Uncommon Promotion
Chimchar Fire Common Promotion
Monferno Fire Uncommon Promotion
Infernape Fire Rare Holo Promotion
Infernape LV.X Fire Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
Goldeen Water Common Promotion
Seaking Water Uncommon Promotion
Marill Water Common Promotion
Azumarill Water Rare Promotion
Mantyke Water Uncommon Promotion
Piplup Water Common Promotion
Prinplup Water Uncommon Promotion
Empoleon Water Rare Holo Promotion
Buizel Water Common Promotion
Floatzel Water Rare Promotion
Manaphy Water Rare Holo Promotion
Empoleon LV.X Water Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
Elekid Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Electabuzz Lightning Common Promotion
Electivire Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Shinx Lightning Common Promotion
Luxio Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Luxray Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Pachirisu Lightning Rare Promotion
Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Gengar Psychic Rare Promotion
Mime Jr. Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Misdreavus Psychic Common Promotion
Unown A Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Unown B Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Unown C Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Unown D Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Wynaut Psychic Rare Promotion
Wobbuffet Psychic Rare Promotion
Duskull Psychic Common Promotion
Dusclops Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Dusknoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
Drifloon Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Drifblim Psychic Rare Promotion
Skorupi Psychic Common Promotion
Drapion Psychic Rare Promotion
Machop Fighting Common Promotion
Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
Onix Fighting Common Promotion
Rhyhorn Fighting Common Promotion
Rhydon Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Rhyperior Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
Meditite Fighting Common Promotion
Medicham Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Riolu Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Lucario Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
Hippopotas Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Hippowdon Fighting Rare Promotion
Sneasel Darkness Common Promotion
Weavile Darkness Uncommon Promotion
Nuzleaf Darkness Uncommon Promotion
Shiftry Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
Stunky Darkness Common Promotion
Skuntank Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
Magnemite Metal Common Promotion
Magneton Metal Uncommon Promotion
Magnezone Metal Rare Holo Promotion
Steelix Metal Rare Promotion
Dialga Metal Rare Holo Promotion
Cleffa Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Clefairy Colorless Common Promotion
Clefable Colorless Rare Promotion
Munchlax Colorless Rare Promotion
Snorlax Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Hoothoot Colorless Common Promotion
Noctowl Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Azurill Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Starly Colorless Common Promotion
Staravia Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Staraptor Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
Bidoof Colorless Common Promotion
Bibarel Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Buneary Colorless Common Promotion
Lopunny Colorless Rare Promotion
Chatot Colorless Common Promotion
Energy Restore T Uncommon Promotion
Energy Switch T Uncommon Promotion
Energy Search T Uncommon Promotion
Potion T Uncommon Promotion
Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
Double Full Heal T Uncommon Promotion
PlusPower T Uncommon Promotion
Switch T Uncommon Promotion
Pokédex HANDY910is T Uncommon Promotion
Poké Ball T Uncommon Promotion
Night Pokémon Center T Uncommon Promotion
Warp Point T Uncommon Promotion
Professor Rowan Su Uncommon Promotion
Rival Su Uncommon Promotion
Speed Stadium St Uncommon Promotion

Pearl Collection
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
Heracross Grass Uncommon Promotion
Wurmple Grass Common Promotion
Silcoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
Beautifly Grass Rare Promotion
Cascoon Grass Uncommon Promotion
Dustox Grass Rare Promotion
Seedot Grass Common Promotion
Budew Grass Uncommon Promotion
Roselia Grass Common Promotion
Roserade Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Turtwig Grass Common Promotion
Grotle Grass Uncommon Promotion
Torterra Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Combee Grass Common Promotion
Vespiquen Grass Rare Promotion
Cherubi Grass Common Promotion
Cherrim Grass Uncommon Promotion
Carnivine Grass Rare Promotion
Torterra LV.X Grass Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
Rapidash Fire Uncommon Promotion
Chimchar Fire Common Promotion
Monferno Fire Uncommon Promotion
Infernape Fire Rare Holo Promotion
Infernape LV.X Fire Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
Goldeen Water Common Promotion
Seaking Water Uncommon Promotion
Marill Water Common Promotion
Azumarill Water Rare Promotion
Mantyke Water Uncommon Promotion
Piplup Water Common Promotion
Prinplup Water Uncommon Promotion
Empoleon Water Rare Holo Promotion
Buizel Water Common Promotion
Floatzel Water Rare Promotion
Palkia Water Rare Holo Promotion
Manaphy Water Rare Holo Promotion
Empoleon LV.X Water Rare Holo LV.X Promotion
Elekid Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Electabuzz Lightning Common Promotion
Electivire Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Shinx Lightning Common Promotion
Luxio Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Luxray Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Pachirisu Lightning Rare Promotion
Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Gengar Psychic Rare Promotion
Mime Jr. Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Misdreavus Psychic Common Promotion
Mismagius Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
Unown A Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Unown B Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Unown C Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Unown D Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Wynaut Psychic Rare Promotion
Wobbuffet Psychic Rare Promotion
Duskull Psychic Common Promotion
Dusclops Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Dusknoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
Drifloon Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Drifblim Psychic Rare Promotion
Skorupi Psychic Common Promotion
Drapion Psychic Rare Promotion
Machop Fighting Common Promotion
Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
Onix Fighting Common Promotion
Rhyhorn Fighting Common Promotion
Rhydon Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Rhyperior Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
Bonsly Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Meditite Fighting Common Promotion
Medicham Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Riolu Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Lucario Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
Hippopotas Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Hippowdon Fighting Rare Promotion
Sneasel Darkness Common Promotion
Weavile Darkness Uncommon Promotion
Nuzleaf Darkness Uncommon Promotion
Shiftry Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
Magnemite Metal Common Promotion
Magneton Metal Uncommon Promotion
Magnezone Metal Rare Holo Promotion
Steelix Metal Rare Promotion
Cleffa Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Clefairy Colorless Common Promotion
Clefable Colorless Rare Promotion
Munchlax Colorless Rare Promotion
Snorlax Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Hoothoot Colorless Common Promotion
Noctowl Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Azurill Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Starly Colorless Common Promotion
Staravia Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Staraptor Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
Bidoof Colorless Common Promotion
Bibarel Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Buneary Colorless Common Promotion
Lopunny Colorless Rare Promotion
Glameow Colorless Common Promotion
Purugly Colorless Rare Promotion
Chatot Colorless Common Promotion
Energy Restore T Uncommon Promotion
Energy Switch T Uncommon Promotion
Energy Search T Uncommon Promotion
Potion T Uncommon Promotion
Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
Double Full Heal T Uncommon Promotion
PlusPower T Uncommon Promotion
Switch T Uncommon Promotion
Pokédex HANDY910is T Uncommon Promotion
Poké Ball T Uncommon Promotion
Night Pokémon Center T Uncommon Promotion
Warp Point T Uncommon Promotion
Professor Rowan Su Uncommon Promotion
Rival Su Uncommon Promotion
Speed Stadium St Uncommon Promotion


English Lucario pack
English Electivire pack
English Dialga pack
English Palkia pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Space-Time Creation set (Diamond & Pearl Collection sets) was released exclusively in Japanese, in both 1st Edition and Unlimited Edition. The Diamond & Pearl set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Polish. Cards in the English, German, French, Italian, and Polish sets were also available in Reverse Holofoil. The Spanish and Portuguese versions of this set lacked any Reverse Holofoil cards.

In other languages

Language Title
French Diamant & Perle
German Diamant & Perl
Italian Diamante & Perla
Polish Diament i Perła
Portuguese Diamante & Pérola
Spanish Diamante & Perla

External links


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Diamond & Pearl Series
DP Black Star Promos
Diamond & Pearl: Terra FirmaInferno ZoneRoyal Frost
Mysterious Treasures: Skull ChargeArmor Fortress
Diamond & Pearl Trainer KitPOP Series 6
Secret Wonders: LavaflowPowerhouse
Great Encounters: Eternal TimeInfinite SpaceEndless Night
POP Series 7
Majestic Dawn: Polar FrostForest Force
Legends Awakened: Metal SurgeBombardment
POP Series 8Pokémon Countdown Calendar
Stormfront: Raging SeaDark Rampage
DP Era
DP-P Promotional cardsPPP Promotional cards
Entry Pack
Space-Time Creation: Random Construction Starter Deck
Secret of the Lakes: Bastiodon the DefenderRampardos the Attacker
Shining Darkness: Dialga LV.X Constructed Standard DeckPalkia LV.X Constructed Standard Deck
10th Movie Commemoration Set
Moonlit PursuitDawn Dash: Magmortar vs Electivire Deck Kit
Entry Pack '08
Cry from the MysteriousTemple of Anger: Heatran vs Regigigas Deck Kit
Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky: Giratina vs Dialga Deck Kit
11th Movie Commemoration Set