From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
- If you were looking for the spin-off Pokémon game, see Pokémon Smile.
- If you were looking for the first Korean opening theme song for Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, see Smile (Korean opening).
- If you were looking for the Japanese ending theme song for the sixteenth Pokémon movie, see Smiling Face.
The subject of this article has no official English name. The name currently in use is the official English translation of the Japanese name.
Smile (Japanese: スマイル lit. Sumairu) is the third Japanese ending theme of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire. It debuted in AG052, replacing Polka O Dolka. A second cut with different lyrics debuted in AG062. It was replaced by Full of Summer!! in AG083. It returned in AG092, using the second cut. It was later replaced by GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~ in AG099.
Smile is notable in that it was the first ending sequence to be updated whenever one of the main characters caught or evolved one of their Pokémon. Updating opening and ending sequences with team changes became a standard practice during Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire and Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.
Ending animation
Ash and Pikachu are walking along the riverbank at night in the background, while short clips play in the foreground. Ash is lying against the tree, while Treecko/Grovyle rests on another tree. Pikachu jumps onto Ash's knees, Corphish and Torkoal walks towards Ash, and Taillow/Swellow flies and lands on the tree that Treecko/Grovyle is on. Pikachu jumps onto Ash's hat and onto his shoulders. Ash puts his hat on Pikachu's head and smiles. May joins Ash and Pikachu in the background. May is alone under a lotus leaf, feeling sad. Torchic/Combusken, Skitty and Bulbasaur walk, Beautifly flies toward May. She looks at her Pokémon, wipes off a tear with her finger, and smiles. Max and Brock joins Ash, Pikachu and May in the background. Brock is cooking a wok of soup, while Max, Mudkip, Forretress and Lotad/Lombre looks at him. He takes a sip and nods his head. Max smiles. On a stack of rocks, Jessie, James, Wobbuffet and Chimecho are awake, and Meowth, Seviper, Dustox and Cacnea are sleeping. The short clips end and in the background, the sun rises over the mountain. Finally, a group shot is shown.
TV size
こらえきれずに 今流した 君の涙が光って それでも変わらずに 気ままな風は胸を揺さぶるよ
頑張ることは大切だけど 正直な君の弱さを 隠すためだけにある 強さなら なくていいから
今は見えなくても 確かに君の胸の中にある 何かを信じ抜く強さは 君の笑顔を待ってる
The tears you shed now, Unable to hold them back, are shining Even so, that doesn't change The unrestrained wind that moves your heart
It's important to try hard, but If your strength only exists To hide your honest weakness, You're better off without it.
Even if you can't see it now, It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile.
ひとはみな誰もが 今日をさまよう ちいさな旅人 時には迷い 時にははぐれ 明日を探してる
傷つくことから 逃げ出して 今日に立ちすくんだとしても 何も無くしてしまうものなど きっと ないはずさ
今は見えなくても 確かに君の胸の中にある 何かを信じ抜く強さは 君の笑顔を待ってる
All people wander through today, Little travelers Sometimes getting lost, sometimes straying As they search for tomorrow
Escape from being hurt, Even if you can't move today There's nothing to lose, Surely
Even if you can't see it now, It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile
Full version
こらえきれずに 今流した 君の涙が光って それでも変わらずに 気ままな風は胸を揺さぶるよ
頑張ることは大切だけど 正直な君の弱さを 隠すためだけにある 強さなら なくていいから
今は見えなくても 確かに君の胸の中にある 何かを信じ抜く強さは 君の笑顔を待ってる
ひとはみな誰もが 今日をさまよう ちいさな旅人 時には迷い 時にははぐれ 明日を探してる
傷つくことから 逃げ出して 今日に立ちすくんだとしても 何も無くしてしまうものなど きっと ないはずさ
明日のはじまりに ぼくらは立っているから
小さくても大事な一歩は 君の未来を描き出すよ 何かをつかんだ その汚れた手は 君の勲章
今は見えなくても 確かに君の胸の中にある 何かを信じ抜く強さは 君の笑顔を待ってる
The tears you shed now, Unable to hold them back, are shining Even so, that doesn't change The unrestrained wind that moves your heart
It's important to try hard, but If your strength only exists To hide your honest weakness, You're better off without it
Even if you can't see it now, It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile
All people wander through today, Little travelers Sometimes getting lost, sometimes straying As they search for tomorrow
Escape from being hurt, Even if you can't move today There's nothing to lose, Surely
Because we are standing At the beginning of tomorrow
A step so small, yet important Will depict your future Grab hold of something Your own dirty hands are your medal
Even if you can't see it now It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile
Let's feel the wind and start walking once again
There are nine variants of the ending animation:
- AG052 - AG057: The original animation.
- AG058 - AG061: Torkoal is added.
- AG062: The lyrics change.
- AG063 - AG065: Lombre replaces Lotad.
- AG066 - AG072: Grovyle replaces Treecko.
- AG073 - AG079: Bulbasaur is added.
- AG080 - AG081: Swellow replaces Taillow.
- AG082 - AG091: Combusken replaces Torchic.
- AG092 - AG098: Chimecho is added.
Brock and Max
Team Rocket
Group shot
- The second version of the shot featuring May (used between AG073 and AG081) has a higher transparency level than in the first version. In AG073, the transparency level reverts back to the first version for a split-second. This is corrected in the following episode.
External links