Remains Island

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← Oddity Cave
Remains Island
Marvelous Sea →
Remains Island された
Left-Behind Island
Basic info
Floors: 20RB
Rest stops: No
Traps: Yes
Monster Houses: Yes
Main type: FlyingRB
Boss: None
Recruiting: Yes
Items: Allowed
Money: Allowed
Starting level: Current
Team members: 3

Remains Island (Japanese: された Left-Behind Island) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX that contains 20RB/13RTDX floors.

In Red and Blue Rescue Team, it cannot be accessed by normal means in the game and is only available through a Nintendo Event, using the Wonder Mail Code: ??M4 CJY? 44?P CF?8 7J6R (...)M?1. In Rescue Team DX, it is unlocked after clearing Sky Tower for the first time.


Generation III

Pokémon in this dungeon can also be found in the Northern Range and Pitfall Valley, with the exception of Wingull.

Generation VIII

A random weather effect prevails on floors 2, 7, 9, and 11. The last floor contains 2 Pretty Boxes and 1 False Swipe TM.

Pokémon encountered

Generation III

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Hoothoot (Pokémon) Hoothoot 1-3 6 7%
Swellow (Pokémon) Swellow 1-5 20 Unrecruitable
Ninjask (Pokémon) Ninjask 1-5 25 Unrecruitable
Pidgeot (Pokémon) Pidgeot 1-6 16 Unrecruitable
Farfetch'd (Pokémon) Farfetch'd 1-6 30 7.2%
Ledyba (Pokémon) Ledyba 1-6 25 12.1%
Beautifly (Pokémon) Beautifly 1-6 36 Unrecruitable
Butterfree (Pokémon) Butterfree 4-9 35 Unrecruitable
Raticate (Pokémon) Raticate 5-8 25 Unrecruitable
Hoppip (Pokémon) Hoppip 5-8 8 8.5%
Doduo (Pokémon) Doduo 7-12 25 7.2%
Swablu (Pokémon) Swablu 7-12 24 7.5%
Wingull (Pokémon) Wingull 7-14 23 12.5%
Spearow (Pokémon) Spearow 9-13 34 11.9%
Yanma (Pokémon) Yanma 9-15 25 7.4%
Masquerain (Pokémon) Masquerain 10-14 40 Unrecruitable
Scyther (Pokémon) Scyther 13-19 32 10%
Skiploom (Pokémon) Skiploom 15-20 25 -19%
Spinarak (Pokémon) Spinarak 16-20 11 7.8%
Togetic (Pokémon) Togetic 16-20 25 Unrecruitable
Dodrio (Pokémon) Dodrio 20 25 Unrecruitable

Generation VIII

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Weedle (Pokémon) Weedle 1-2 35 14.4%
Pidgey (Pokémon) Pidgey 1-2 35 14.4%
Rattata (Pokémon) Rattata 1-2 35 14.4%
Nidoran♀ (Pokémon) Nidoran♀ 1-2 35 14.4%
Nidoran♂ (Pokémon) Nidoran♂ 1-2 35 10.8%
Clefairy (Pokémon) Clefairy 1-2 35 6.4%
Zubat (Pokémon) Zubat 1-2 35 10.8%
Snubbull (Pokémon) Snubbull 1-12 35 8.2%
Chingling (Pokémon) Chingling 1-12 35 8.2%
Bonsly (Pokémon) Bonsly 1-12 35 8.2%
Munchlax (Pokémon) Munchlax 1-12 35 8.2%
Oddish (Pokémon) Oddish 3-4 35 14.4%
Paras (Pokémon) Paras 3-4 35 14.4%
Poliwag (Pokémon) Poliwag 3-4 35 14.4%
Graveler (Pokémon) Graveler 3-4 35 10.8%
Ponyta (Pokémon) Ponyta 3-4 35 6.4%
Doduo (Pokémon) Doduo 4 35 10.8%
Seel (Pokémon) Seel 4 35 10.8%
Grimer (Pokémon) Grimer 4 35 10.8%
Shellder (Pokémon) Shellder 4 35 8.2%
Gastly (Pokémon) Gastly 5-6 35 8.2%
Hypno (Pokémon) Hypno 5-6 35 8.2%
Voltorb (Pokémon) Voltorb 5-6 35 14.4%
Exeggcute (Pokémon) Exeggcute 5-6 35 14.4%
Hitmonlee (Pokémon) Hitmonlee 5-6 35 8.2%
Lickitung (Pokémon) Lickitung 5-6 35 6.4%
Tangela (Pokémon) Tangela 7-9 35 10.8%
Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime 7-9 35 8.2%
Electabuzz (Pokémon) Electabuzz 7-9 35 8.2%
Pinsir (Pokémon) Pinsir 7-9 35 14.4%
Magmar (Pokémon) Magmar 7-9 35 10.8%
Sentret (Pokémon) Sentret 7-9 35 14.4%
Ledyba (Pokémon) Ledyba 7-9 35 14.4%
Flaaffy (Pokémon) Flaaffy 10-12 35 8.2%
Marill (Pokémon) Marill 10-12 35 6.4%
Hoppip (Pokémon) Hoppip 10-12 35 8.2%
Skiploom (Pokémon) Skiploom 10-12 35 10.8%
Aipom (Pokémon) Aipom 10-12 35 10.8%
Wooper (Pokémon) Wooper 10-12 35 8.2%
Murkrow (Pokémon) Murkrow 10-12 35 10.8%
Misdreavus (Pokémon) Misdreavus 10-12 35 8.2%
Fainted Pokémon
Butterfree (Pokémon) Butterfree 2-12 39 100%
Pidgey (Pokémon) Pidgey 2-12 37 100%
Jigglypuff (Pokémon) Jigglypuff 2-12 37 100%
Golem (Pokémon) Golem 2-12 39 100%
Magikarp (Pokémon) Magikarp 2-12 37 100%
Kabuto (Pokémon) Kabuto 2-12 37 100%
Totodile (Pokémon) Totodile 2-12 37 100%
Pineco (Pokémon) Pineco 2-12 37 100%
Teddiursa (Pokémon) Teddiursa 2-12 39 100%
Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo 2-12 42 100%
Mystery House
Kadabra (Pokémon) Kadabra 2-12 35 100%
Haunter (Pokémon) Haunter 2-12 35 100%
Onix (Pokémon) Onix 2-12 35 100%
Krabby (Pokémon) Krabby 2-12 35 100%
Staryu (Pokémon) Staryu 2-12 35 100%
Jynx (Pokémon) Jynx 2-12 35 100%
Misdreavus (Pokémon) Misdreavus 2-12 35 100%
Wobbuffet (Pokémon) Wobbuffet 2-12 35 100%
Dunsparce (Pokémon) Dunsparce 2-12 35 100%
Steelix (Pokémon) Steelix 2-12 35 100%
Delibird (Pokémon) Delibird 2-12 35 100%
Mawile (Pokémon) Mawile 2-12 35 100%
Sharpedo (Pokémon) Sharpedo 2-12 35 100%
Wailord (Pokémon) Wailord 2-12 35 100%
Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria 2-12 35 100%
Lunatone (Pokémon) Lunatone 2-12 35 100%
Solrock (Pokémon) Solrock 2-12 35 100%
Duskull (Pokémon) Duskull 2-12 35 100%
Clamperl (Pokémon) Clamperl 2-12 35 100%
Honchkrow (Pokémon) Honchkrow 2-12 35 100%
Strong Foe
Espeon (Pokémon) Espeon 1-12 60 Unrecruitable
Bonsly will appear only after reaching Bronze rank.
Shiny Espeon can only be recruited with a Friend Bow.


Generation III

Remains Island

Item Floors
4-74 Poké 1-20F
Def. Scarf 1-20F
Power Band 1-20F
Special Band 1-20F
Zinc Band 1-20F
Cheri Berry 1-20F
Oran Berry 1-20F
Pecha Berry 1-20F
Rawst Berry 1-20F
Max Elixir 1-20F
Gravelerock 1-20F
Blast Seed 1-20F
Heal Seed 1-20F
Warp Seed 1-20F
Apple 1-20F
Blue Gummi 1-20F
Brown Gummi 1-20F
Gold Gummi 1-20F
Gray Gummi 1-20F
Orange Gummi 1-20F
Purple Gummi 1-20F
Red Gummi 1-20F
Royal Gummi 1-20F
White Gummi 1-20F
Yellow Gummi 1-20F
Blowback Orb 1-20F
Cleanse Orb 1-20F
Escape Orb 1-20F
Evasion Orb 1-20F
Hurl Orb 1-20F
Petrify Orb 1-20F
Pounce Orb 1-20F
Radar Orb 1-20F
Rebound Orb 1-20F
Rollcall Orb 1-20F
Scanner Orb 1-20F
Switcher Orb 1-20F
Trapbust Orb 1-20F
Trawl Orb 1-20F
Warp Orb 1-20F

Kecleon Shop

Item Floors
Gold Ribbon 1-20F
Joy Ribbon 1-20F
Heal Ribbon 1-20F
Pecha Scarf 1-20F
Persim Band 1-20F
Power Band 1-20F
Racket Band 1-20F
Stamina Band 1-20F
Warp Scarf 1-20F
Insomniscope 1-20F
Scope Lens 1-20F
X-Ray Specs 1-20F
Apple 1-20F
Big Apple 1-20F
Cheri Berry 1-20F
Oran Berry 1-20F
Pecha Berry 1-20F
Rawst Berry 1-20F
Reviver Seed 1-20F
Max Elixir 1-20F
Blowback Orb 1-20F
Hurl Orb 1-20F
Lob Orb 1-20F
Petrify Orb 1-20F
Pounce Orb 1-20F
Stayaway Orb 1-20F
Switcher Orb 1-20F
Warp Orb 1-20F

Buried items

Item Floors
Aerial Ace 10-20F
Blizzard 10-20F
Bulk Up 10-20F
Dig 10-20F
Earthquake 10-20F
Fire Blast 10-20F
Focus Punch 10-20F
Giga Drain 10-20F
Hyper Beam 10-20F
Iron Tail 10-20F
Overheat 10-20F
Protect 10-20F
Psychic 10-20F
Return 10-20F
Safeguard 10-20F
Shadow Ball 10-20F
Skill Swap 10-20F
Sludge Bomb 10-20F
Solarbeam 10-20F
Steel Wing 10-20F
Thunder 10-20F
Toxic 10-20F
Water Pulse 10-20F
Cleanse Orb 10-20F
Decoy Orb 10-20F
Drought Orb 10-20F
Escape Orb 10-20F
Evasion Orb 10-20F
Fill-In Orb 10-20F
Hail Orb 10-20F
Hurl Orb 10-20F
Identify Orb 10-20F
Invisify Orb 10-20F
Itemizer Orb 10-20F
Lob Orb 10-20F
Longtoss Orb 10-20F
Luminous Orb 10-20F
Mobile Orb 10-20F
Mug Orb 10-20F
One-Room Orb 10-20F
One-Shot Orb 10-20F
Petrify Orb 10-20F
Pierce Orb 10-20F
Pounce Orb 10-20F
Quick Orb 10-20F
Radar Orb 10-20F
Rainy Orb 10-20F
Rebound Orb 10-20F
Rocky Orb 10-20F
Rollcall Orb 10-20F
Sandy Orb 10-20F
Scanner Orb 10-20F
See-Trap Orb 10-20F
Shocker Orb 10-20F
Silence Orb 10-20F
Sizebust Orb 10-20F
Slow Orb 10-20F
Slumber Orb 10-20F
Snatch Orb 10-20F
Stairs Orb 10-20F
Stayaway Orb 10-20F
Sunny Orb 10-20F
Switcher Orb 10-20F
Totter Orb 10-20F
Transfer Orb 10-20F
Trapbust Orb 10-20F
Trapper Orb 10-20F
Trawl Orb 10-20F
Two-Edge Orb 10-20F
Warp Orb 10-20F

Generation VIII

Remains Island

Item Floors
50-142 Poké 1-12F
Cover Band 1-12F
Efficient Bandanna 1-12F
Heal Ribbon 1-12F
Joy Ribbon 1-12F
Nullify Bandanna 1-12F
Pecha Scarf 1-12F
Persim Band 1-12F
Recovery Scarf 1-12F
Weather Band 1-12F
Goggle Specs 1-12F
Insomniscope 1-12F
Scope Lens 1-12F
X-Ray Specs 1-12F
Apple 1-12F
Cheri Berry 1-12F
Chesto Berry 1-12F
Oran Berry 1-12F
Pecha Berry 1-12F
Rawst Berry 1-12F
Blast Seed 1-12F
Empowerment Seed 1-12F
Eyedrop Seed 1-12F
Sleep Seed 1-12F
Stun Seed 1-12F
Tiny Reviver Seed 1-12F
Totter Seed 1-12F
Training Seed 1-12F
Warp Seed 1-12F
Max Ether 1-12F
Max Elixir 1-12F
Treasure room
False Swipe 13F
2 Pretty Box 13F

Sparkling Floor

Item Floors
Deluxe Ribbon 1-12F
Gold Ribbon 1-12F
Sitrus Berry 1-12F
Heal Seed 1-12F
Joy Seed 1-12F
Life Seed 1-12F
Reviver Seed 1-12F
Calcium 1-12F
Carbos 1-12F
Iron 1-12F
Protein 1-12F
Zinc 1-12F

Kecleon Shop

Item Floors
Cover Band 1-12F
Efficient Bandanna 1-12F
Nullify Bandanna 1-12F
Goggle Specs 1-12F
Scope Lens 1-12F
3-6 Geo Pebble 1-12F
5-6 Iron Spike 1-12F
Big Apple 1-12F
Cheri Berry 1-12F
Chesto Berry 1-12F
Pecha Berry 1-12F
Rawst Berry 1-12F
Ban Seed 1-12F
Decoy Seed 1-12F
Empowerment Seed 1-12F
Energy Seed 1-12F
Pure Seed 1-12F
Quick Seed 1-12F
Reviver Seed 1-12F
Stun Seed 1-12F
Tiny Reviver Seed 1-12F
Max Elixir 1-12F
Aurora Veil TM 1-12F
Brutal Swing TM 1-12F
Smart Strike TM 1-12F
Work Up TM 1-12F
All Dodge Orb 1-12F
All Protect Orb 1-12F
Bank Orb 1-12F
Cleanse Orb 1-12F
Drought Orb 1-12F
Foe-Hold Orb 1-12F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-12F
Health Orb 1-12F
Helper Orb 1-12F
Inviting Orb 1-12F
Monster Orb 1-12F
Nullify Orb 1-12F
Rare Quality Orb 1-12F
Reset Orb 1-12F
Revive All Orb 1-12F
Trapbust Orb 1-12F
Weather Lock Orb 1-12F
Wigglytuff Orb 1-12F
? Guiding Wand 1-12F
6 Pounce Wand 1-12F
3 Stayaway Wand 1-12F
4 Surround Wand 1-12F
3-4 Tunnel Wand 1-12F
5 Two-Edged Wand 1-12F
5 Warp Wand 1-12F

Monster House

Item Floors
50-140 Poké 1-12F
Cover Band 1-12F
Efficient Bandanna 1-12F
Heal Ribbon 1-12F
Nullify Bandanna 1-12F
Recovery Scarf 1-12F
Goggle Specs 1-12F
Apple 1-12F
Cheri Berry 1-12F
Chesto Berry 1-12F
Oran Berry 1-12F
Pecha Berry 1-12F
Rawst Berry 1-12F
Blast Seed 1-12F
Empowerment Seed 1-12F
Eyedrop Seed 1-12F
Sleep Seed 1-12F
Stun Seed 1-12F
Tiny Reviver Seed 1-12F
Max Ether 1-12F
Max Elixir 1-12F

Traps encountered

Generation III

Note: The % are approximated.

Image Trap Floor 1-20
Chestnut Trap 5.95%
Explosion Trap 2.38%
Grimy Trap 5.95%
Gust Trap 2.98%
Mud Trap 2.98%
Poison Trap 5.96%
Pokémon Trap 5.95%
PP-Zero Trap 5.96%
Seal Trap 2.97%
Selfdestruct Trap 1.78%
Slow Trap 5.95%
Slumber Trap 6.15%
Spin Trap 5.35%
Sticky Trap 2.97%
Summon Trap 5.96%
Warp Trap 5.95%

Generation VIII

Note: The percentages are calculated from trap frequencies observed across 15 dungeon runs involving a total of 768 traps.

Image Trap Floor 1-12
Blast Trap 6.4 %
Grimy Trap 6.8 %
Gust Trap 8.1 %
Hunger Trap 12.8 %
Poison Trap 7.2 %
PP-Leech Trap 8.9 %
Seal Trap 5.9 %
Slow Trap 6.3 %
Slumber Trap 6.1 %
Spiky Trap 5.7 %
Spin Trap 7.9 %
Summon Trap 6.9 %
Trip Trap 4.8 %
Warp Trap 6.4 %

Other encounters

Generation III

Image Tile Floor 1-20
Wonder Tile 23.81%
Kecleon Shop 7%


Generation III

In other languages

Language Title
French Île VestigeRTDX
Ile VestigeRB
German Verlassene InselRTDX
Italian Isola Desolata
Korean 남겨진 섬 Namgyeojin Seom
Spanish Isla Desolada

Related articles

Locations in the Pokémon world in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX
Major locations
Friend Areas/Rescue team campsTeam BasePokémon SquareKecleon Shop
Kangaskhan StorageMakuhita DojoWhiscash PondLuminous CaveHill of the Ancients
Tiny WoodsThunderwave CaveMt. SteelSinister WoodsSilent Chasm
Mt. ThunderGreat CanyonLapis CaveRock PathMt. BlazeSnow Path
Frosty ForestMt. FreezeMagma CavernSky TowerUproar Forest
Howling ForestStormy SeaSilver TrenchMeteor CaveFiery Field
Lightning FieldNorthwind FieldMt. FarawayWestern CaveNorthern Range
Pitfall ValleyBuried RelicWish CaveMurky CaveDesert Region
Southern CavernWyvern HillSolar CaveDarknight RelicGrand Sea
Waterfall PondUnown RelicJoyous TowerFar-Off SeaPurity Forest
Oddity CaveRemains IslandMarvelous SeaFantasy Strait
Unknown DungeonRB
Illusory GrottoRTDX
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.