Pikarom Judge (TCG)

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Pikarom Judge

Box art
Release date November 22, 2019
Types used Lightning

Pikarom Judge is the name of the deck used by Haruki Miyamoto, the Juniors Division champion at the 2019 World Championships. It is one of the 2019 World Championships Decks released November 22, 2019. Each deck comes with a Worlds 2019 deckbox, a Worlds 2019 pin, a booklet about the championships, and a TCGO code card. The cards included in the deck are not the prints actually used in the decks, but are the most recent printing of the lowest rarity of the cards.


A tournament standout all season, the Pikachu & Zekrom-GX deck made up about a quarter of the World Championships field—and in the hands of Haruki Miyamoto of Japan, it came out on top of the Junior Division! This deck packs plenty of ways to search for (and power up) the Pokémon you need, and it can often do so very quickly—to the tune of 150 damage on the second turn of the game, charging up a giant GX attack for nearly 400 total damage the next turn!

Deck list

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning Rare
Raichu & Alolan RaichuTag Team GX Lightning Rare
DedenneGX Lightning Rare
ZeraoraGX Lightning Rare
Hoopa Darkness Rare
Marshadow Psychic Rare
Mew Psychic Rare
Tapu Fini Water Rare
Tapu Koko Prism Star Lightning Rare
Cherish Ball I Uncommon
Custom Catcher I Uncommon
Cynthia Su Uncommon
Electromagnetic Radar I Uncommon
Electropower I Uncommon
Energy Switch I Uncommon
Judge Su Uncommon
Lysandre Labs St Uncommon
Pokémon Communication I Uncommon
Power Plant St Uncommon
Reset Stamp I Uncommon
Stadium Nav I Uncommon
Switch I Uncommon
Tag Switch I Uncommon
Thunder Mountain Prism Star St Rare
Volkner Su Uncommon
11× Lightning Energy Lightning E

Pokémon World Championships
Pokémon Trading Card Game only 2004-2008; TCG and Video Games 2009-on
2004: Blaziken TechMagma SpiritRocky BeachTeam Rushdown
2005: Bright AuraDark TyranitarKing of the WestQueendom
2006: B-L-SEeveelutionsMewtrickSuns & Moons
2007: FlyveesLegendary AscentRamboltSwift Empoleon
2008: Bliss ControlEmpotechIntimidationPsychic Lock
2009: StallgonCrowned TigerQueengarLuxdrill
2010: LuxChomp of the SpiritHappy LuckPower CottonweedBoltevoir
2011: MegazoneReshiphlosionThe TruthTwinboar
2012: Pesadelo PrismTerraki-MewtwoEeltwoCMT
2013: Anguille Sous RocheAmerican GothicDarkraiUltimate Team Plasma
2014: Plasma PowerTrevgorEmerald KingCrazy Punch
2015: The Flying HammerPunches 'n' BitesHonorStoisePrimal Groudon
2016: Black DragonBebe DeckMagical SymphonyNinja Blitz
2017: Infinite ForceGolisodorIce Path FTWSamurai Sniper
2018: Victory MapDragones y SombrasGarbanetteBuzzroc
2019: Pikarom JudgeFire BoxMind BlownPerfection
2022: ADPThe Shape of MewCheryl AgainIce Rider Palkia
2023: Mew's RevengePsychic EleganceColorless LugiaLost Box Kyogre
2024: Crushing ThornThe 'DonRegidrago VSTARAncient Toolbox
Champions Jason KlaczynskiJun HasebeRay Rizzo

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.