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リーフタウン Leaf Town

Region Johto
Debut Tricks of the Trade

Palmpona (Japanese: リーフタウン Leaf Town) is an animated series-exclusive location in Johto. It is located between Azalea Town and Goldenrod City. It was featured in Tricks of the Trade.

The town's biggest attraction is the Pokémon Swap Meet, where hundreds of Trainers come to trade Pokémon with others. Benny attended in the hopes of trading his Wobbuffet for another Pokémon. He reached his goal when Jessie accidentally traded her Lickitung for the Psychic Pokémon.

Another big attraction is the "Run of the Tauros" tournament to see who has the strongest Tauros. Ash had his Tauros sent to him from Professor Oak in order to compete in the competition. He was able to defeat the champion, and afterwards many people offered to trade him their Pokémon for his Tauros. Ash declined all the offers.



Palmpona appears to be named after Pamplona in Spain, which is famous for its annual Running of the Bulls competition. There is also a town in southern California called Pomona, where a large swap meet is held several times a year.[1]


Animated series-exclusive locations in Johto
Alto MareArborvilleBattle ParkBig TownBloomingvaleBluefinlandBlue LagoonBlue Moon FallsBlue Point IsleBonitavilleCatallia City
Charicific ValleyCoastline GymColossal Tree Tribe ruinsDiglett VillageDragon Holy LandEclipse CastleEggseterFlorandoGreenfieldHappy Town
Ho-Oh ShrineI.S.S. Raspberry shipwreckInland CityKasado CityLake LucidLake of LifeLake SlowpokeLen TownMarine Pokémon Laboratory
Marion TownMaroon TownMegi CityMount QuenaOgi CityOgi IsleOnix TunnelPalm HillsPalmponaPokémon Jujitsu AcademyPudgy Pidgey Isle
Red Rock IsleRemoraid MountainRikishii TownScarlet CitySecret GardenSilver Rock IsleSilver TownSlowpoke TempleSnowtop Mountain
Sunflora LodgeTransit TownWay Away IslandWhitestoneWobbuffet VillageYellow Rock Isle
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaKitakamiOther
This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.