Overgrow (Ability)

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Overgrow しんりょく
Fresh Greenery
Flavor text
Generation III
Ups Grass moves in a pinch.
Generation IV
Powers up Grass-type moves in a pinch.
Generation V
Powers up Grass-type moves in a pinch.
Generation VI
Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon is in trouble.
Generation VII
Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.
Generation VIII
Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.
Generation IX
Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.

Overgrow (Japanese: しんりょく Fresh Greenery) is an Ability introduced in Generation III. All Grass-type first partner Pokémon have this Ability.


In battle

Generations III to IV

When a Pokémon with Overgrow uses a Grass-type move, the move's power will be increased by 50% if the user has less than or equal to ⅓ of its maximum HP remaining.

Generations V onward

Instead of boosting Grass-type moves' power, Overgrow now technically boosts the Pokémon's Attack or Special Attack by 50% during damage calculation if a Grass-type move is being used, resulting in effectively the same effect.

Outside of battle

Overgrow has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Overgrow

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur
Grass Poison Overgrow None Chlorophyll
0002 Ivysaur Ivysaur
Grass Poison Overgrow None Chlorophyll
0003 Venusaur Venusaur
Grass Poison Overgrow None Chlorophyll
0152 Chikorita Chikorita
Grass Grass Overgrow None Leaf Guard
0153 Bayleef Bayleef
Grass Grass Overgrow None Leaf Guard
0154 Meganium Meganium
Grass Grass Overgrow None Leaf Guard
0252 Treecko Treecko
Grass Grass Overgrow None Unburden
0253 Grovyle Grovyle
Grass Grass Overgrow None Unburden
0254 Sceptile Sceptile
Grass Grass Overgrow None Unburden
0387 Turtwig Turtwig
Grass Grass Overgrow None Shell Armor
0388 Grotle Grotle
Grass Grass Overgrow None Shell Armor
0389 Torterra Torterra
Grass Ground Overgrow None Shell Armor
0495 Snivy Snivy
Grass Grass Overgrow None Contrary
0496 Servine Servine
Grass Grass Overgrow None Contrary
0497 Serperior Serperior
Grass Grass Overgrow None Contrary
0511 Pansage Pansage
Grass Grass Gluttony None Overgrow
0512 Simisage Simisage
Grass Grass Gluttony None Overgrow
0650 Chespin Chespin
Grass Grass Overgrow None Bulletproof
0651 Quilladin Quilladin
Grass Grass Overgrow None Bulletproof
0652 Chesnaught Chesnaught
Grass Fighting Overgrow None Bulletproof
0722 Rowlet Rowlet
Grass Flying Overgrow None Long Reach
0723 Dartrix Dartrix
Grass Flying Overgrow None Long Reach
0724 Decidueye Decidueye
Grass Ghost Overgrow None Long Reach
0724 Decidueye Decidueye
Hisuian Form
Grass Fighting Overgrow None ScrappyGen IX+
0810 Grookey Grookey
Grass Grass Overgrow None Grassy Surge
0811 Thwackey Thwackey
Grass Grass Overgrow None Grassy Surge
0812 Rillaboom Rillaboom
Grass Grass Overgrow None Grassy Surge
0906 Sprigatito Sprigatito
Grass Grass Overgrow None Protean
0907 Floragato Floragato
Grass Grass Overgrow None Protean
0908 Meowscarada Meowscarada
Grass Dark Overgrow None Protean
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

When the Pokémon's HP falls below 25%, the power of Grass-type moves increases by 2-timesRBTDS or 1.5-timesSMD

Pokémon Conquest

In Pokémon Conquest, Overgrow will increase user's Attack if the Pokémon using it is below ⅓ of its HP.

Pokémon UNITE

In Pokémon UNITE, Overgrow is Venusaur's Ability. When at 30% HP or less, it increases all damage dealt by 20%.


Games Description
MDRB Boosts the power of Grass-type moves when HP is low.
MDTDS Boosts the power of the Pokémon's Grass-type moves when its HP is low.
BSL HPがへって ピンチになると くさタイプの わざが つよくなる
Conq. Raises Attack when HP is low.
MDGtI When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of its Grass-type moves goes up.*
When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of Grass-type moves goes up!*
SMD When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of Grass-type moves goes up!
MDRTDX When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of Grass-type moves goes up.

In animation

Pokémon animated series




The Pokémon's Grass-type moves become more powerful when it gets tired or weak.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Grovyle When Grovyle becomes tired out or weak, its body becomes surrounded by a green aura and the leaves on its arms glow green as well, powering up its Grass-type moves.
Ash's Grovyle Balance of Power Debut
Sceptile When Sceptile becomes tired or weak, its body becomes surrounded by a green aura, powering up its Grass-type attacks.
Ash's Sceptile Once More with Reeling! None
Chespin When Chespin becomes tired or weak, its body becomes surrounded by a green aura, powering up its Grass-type attacks.
Clemont's Chespin An Appetite for Battle! None
Sprigatito When Sprigatito becomes tired or weak, its body becomes surrounded by a green aura, powering up its Grass-type attacks.
Liko's Sprigatito The Ancient Poké Ball First mentioned in A Challenge from the Explorers
Floragato When Floragato becomes tired or weak, its body becomes surrounded by a green aura, powering up its Grass-type attacks.
Liko's Floragato HZ079 None

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 茂盛 Mauhsihng *
新綠 Sānluhk *
Mandarin 茂盛 Màoshèng *
新綠 Xīnlǜ *
Czech Bujný růst
Dutch Woekergroei
Finnish Ylikasvu
French Engrais
German Notdünger
Italian Erbaiuto
Korean 심록 Simrok
Polish Wzrastanie*
Portuguese Supercrescimento
Russian Зарастание Zarastaniye
Spanish Latin America Overgrow* (HZ043)
Espesura (XY015)
Superpoder (AG191)
Crecer Rápidamente (AG070)
Spain Espesura
Swedish Överväxt
Thai เขียวชอุ่ม
Turkish Çabuk Büyüme
Vietnamese Xanh tươi

Variations of the Ability Overgrow

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.