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Mimikyu (Japanese: ミミッキュ Mimikkyu) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 4.0.5. Shiny Mimikyu was made available in version 6.1.2.
When this Pokémon moves from the bench to the field, attach a Disguise marker to this Pokémon. While that marker is attached to it, this Pokémon is not knocked out in battle (instead of knocking it out, remove the marker and any special conditions affecting it). This Pokémon can MP move through other Pokémon on the field.
Data Disk
Version 7.0.14
Never-Ending Nightmare むげんあんやへのいざない
96 pt.
All opposing Pokémon on the field spin. Those that spin White Attacks get an MP −1 marker.
Twinkle Tackle ラブリースターインパクト
96 pt.
Moves the battle opponent to the bench.
Let's Snuggle Forever ぽかぼかフレンドタイム
96 pt.
Moves the battle opponent to its P.C. The battle opponent is not knocked out.
Attach a Curse marker to the battle opponent. (A Pokémon that is knocked out in this condition is excluded from the duel.)
Shadow Claw シャドークロー
24 pt.
Play Rough* じゃれつく※
40 pt.
*On the next turn, your opponent cannot use plates.
Version 7.0.0-7.0.13
Never-Ending Nightmare むげんあんやへのいざない
96 pt.
All opposing Pokémon on the field spin. Those that spin White Attacks get an MP −1 marker.
Twinkle Tackle ラブリースターインパクト
96 pt.
Moves the battle opponent to the bench.
Attach a Curse marker to the battle opponent. (A Pokémon that is knocked out in this condition is excluded from the duel.)
Shadow Claw シャドークロー
24 pt.
Play Rough* じゃれつく※
40 pt.
*On the next turn, your opponent cannot use plates.
Version 6.1.1-6.2.11
Attach a Curse marker to the battle opponent. (A Pokémon that is knocked out in this condition is excluded from the duel.)
Shadow Claw シャドークロー
24 pt.
Play Rough* じゃれつく※
40 pt.
*On the next turn, your opponent cannot use plates.
Version 4.0.5-6.1.0
Attach a Curse marker to the battle opponent. (A Pokémon that is knocked out in this condition is excluded from the duel.)
Shadow Claw シャドークロー
24 pt.
Play Rough* じゃれつく※
40 pt.
*On the next turn, your opponent cannot use plates.
Release information
Shiny Mimikyu
This figure was available for purchase in the Shiny Mimikyu Set from August 8 to 16, 2018 and from December 26, 2018 to January 2, 2019. During this time it was also available via Material Exchange for 1800 materials.
- Prior to version 7.0.14, Shiny Mimikyu was only able to be purchased in the Material Exchange when the Shiny Mimikyu Set was available in the Shop.
Disguise is an Ability in the Pokémon games that Mimikyu can learn. Curse, Shadow Claw, and Play Rough are moves in the games that Mimikyu can learn, the first via breeding. Never-Ending Nightmare, Twinkle Tackle, and Let's Snuggle Forever are Z-Moves in the games that Mimikyu can use by equipping Ghostium Z, Fairium Z, and Mimikium Z, respectively.