List of glitches in Generation V

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This is a list of glitches in the Generation V Pokémon games.

Some glitches are found on separate pages:

Pokémon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2

Box change glitch

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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Needs cause

If a Pokémon is selected, then the Box is changed by tapping the Box name and using the "Switch Box" option, when changing back to the original Box the selected Pokémon's menu sprite will be invisible.

If the space where the Pokémon was is tapped, a red silhouette of the last Pokémon to be in the same spot when the PC was opened will appear. So if the Pokémon was not moved and there was no other Pokémon in the same spot when the box was changed then a red silhouette of the Pokémon will appear. If a different box was viewed either before or during the glitch with a Pokémon in the same spot or the Pokémon was moved to a spot that had another Pokémon was before while not looking at another Pokémon in a different box in the same spot then it will be a copy of that Pokémon. If the Pokémon is moved to a spot where another Pokémon was before and switch to another box with no Pokémon also appearing in the same spot the no silhouette will appear when the Pokémon is selected.

If put in the party, it temporarily takes the colored menu sprite of the silhouette after reopening the party; if the space was empty, it reverts to its original menu sprite. If the Pokémon did not copy another Pokémon silhouette then it will remain invisible. If left in a Box and the Box is changed (except using the "Switch Box" method initially used before), its menu sprite will revert to normal; if left in the party it will remain in its false menu sprite. It will return to its regular sprite if the PC is closed, a Pokémon status screen is examined, the bag screen is opened or if the search screen is selected.

If a Pokémon that has its form changed by an item (Giratina, Arceus, or Genesect) and its item is removed while it is under the effect of the glitch, the proper menu sprite will show, ending the glitch.

By ChickasaurusGL
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Card Album cry oversight

If the player has another page of Wonder Cards following the page they are viewing, and moves the cursor over to "Back" and taps the bottom screen, the cry of the Pokémon in the first slot of the next page can be heard.

Game Freak logo freeze

If the player continuously mashes A and B buttons while the Game Freak logo is displaying, it will freeze instead of being skipped for as long as the player can keep the inputs.

TM94 Rock Smash oversight

Menu screen of TM94 in Black and White
Menu screen of TM94 in Black 2 and White 2

In Black, White, Black 2, and White 2, the TM94 (Rock Smash) icon appears as a Rock-type TM, despite the move being Fighting-type.

Pokémon Black and White

All languages

GTS morphing glitch

Main article: Global Trade System
By wtfhloser
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

GTS search glitch

After successfully trading with another player, when the player returns to seek more Pokémon, there will be no other players there; pressing Select won't cause anything to happen, pressing Search will bring up the message "Please change your search conditions". The player cannot search for that Pokémon again until they have searched for another, then search for it.

GTS freeze glitch

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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: checking if it occurs in B2W2

This glitch happens as a side effect of the GTS Trainer display glitch. When selecting a Trainer after an empty space, the game freezes. Tapping on a Trainer after a space will cause the game to display that an error has occurred.

By wtfhloser
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

GTS Trainer display glitch

Sometimes, the GTS will not display Trainers when the player is searching for some kind of Pokémon. This seems to differ between Trainers.

Liberty Garden Fly oversight

When selecting Liberty Garden while using Fly, its green dot is filled red, as if it could be flown to, unlike other locations represented by the same symbol. This indicates that it may have been intended to be a location which could be flown to in the beta versions.

In the sequels however, all locations marked by green squares turn red.

PC red 'X' button oversight

If the "Switch Box" mode is entered in "Move Pokémon" and the player proceeds to change the name of the current box, upon changing the name, the red cross in the bottom-right corner will no longer be visible. This is only aesthetic, as the empty space will still function as the cross does. The actual name of the box does not need to be changed; the glitch activates when returning to the PC box from the character entry menu.

Japanese language

TM67 Retaliate oversight

Menu screen of TM67 in the Japanese versions

In Japanese versions of Pokémon Black and White, TM67 (Retaliate) appears as a Dark-type TM, despite the move being Normal-type. This might suggest that Retaliate was originally intended to be a Dark-type move.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Habitat glitch

In the Unova Pokédex, if the player chooses a Pokémon that is found on a route where a Pokémon outside of the Unova Pokédex can be found by fishing, clicks Area and selects the route with A, then clicks the fishing icon and selects a non-native Pokémon, and then presses A, pressing B twice will show Victini's area page. Unless the player has seen Victini, clicking the Pokédex in Victini's entry will freeze the game.

By Luciano Sigilli
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Mail Ability description oversight

If the player reads Mail held by a Pokémon, then views the summary of any Pokémon in their party, the description of its Ability will disappear. The description returns if the player changes to any screen but the one displaying that Pokémon's Ability.

By ChickasaurusGL
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.

Twist Mountain Habitat List oversight

The Habitat List entry for Twist Mountain is only added if the player enters from Route 7. Entering from either Icirrus City or the Clay Tunnel will not add Twist Mountain to the Habitat List unless they navigate from there to the cave section that contains the exit to Route 7.

White and Black flashback oversight

If the player has used the Memory Link and defeated N and Ghetsis in the Black or White version which the game is linked to, the White and Black flashback will be unlocked. The description from the Memory List says that in order to make it happen, the player needs to first participate in the Pokémon World Tournament. However, it is possible to watch the flashback before doing so, just after having gone to Rood's house in Driftveil City for the first time.

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This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.