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Larvesta メラルバ Merlarva
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Larvesta.
Larvesta (Japanese: メラルバ Merlarva) is a Fire-type Basic Pokémon card. It is part of the Surging Sparks expansion.
Card text
Pokédex data
In ancient times, Larvesta was worshiped as the emissary of the sun. However, it was also viewed as a burden since it often caused forest fires.
大昔は 太陽の遣い と 崇められたが しばしば 山火事を 起こすこともあり 煙たがられた。
Release information
This card was included as a Regular card and a Full Art illustration rare card in the Surging Sparks expansion, first released in the Japanese Super Electric Breaker expansion. The Regular print features artwork by MARINA Chikazawa, while the Full Art illustration rare print features artwork by Whisker.
Ram is an attack that first appeared on Zubat from Team Rocket. Steady Firebreathing is an attack that first appeared on Team Magma's Houndour from EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua. This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Violet.