Frisk (Ability)

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Frisk おみとおし
Unobstructed Sight
Flavor text
Generation IV
The Pokémon can check the foe's held item.
Generation V
The Pokémon can check a foe's held item.
Generation VI
The Pokémon can check an opposing Pokémon's held item.
Generation VII
When it enters a battle, the Pokémon can check an opposing Pokémon's held item.
Generation VIII
When it enters a battle, the Pokémon can check an opposing Pokémon's held item.
Generation IX
When it enters a battle, the Pokémon can check an opposing Pokémon's held item.

Frisk (Japanese: おみとおし Unobstructed Sight) is an Ability introduced in Generation IV.


In battle

Generations IV and V

Frisk allows the Pokémon to see the opponent's held item upon entering battle. If the foe is holding an item, a message identifying the item will be shown right after the Pokémon with Frisk enters the battle. If the foe is not holding an item, no message will appear.

In a Double or Triple Battle, an unidentified opponent is randomly chosen and their held item revealed. The item revealed may be from a non-adjacent opponent.

Generation VI

Frisk now identifies the held items of all opposing Pokémon, regardless of position, in the order of left to right from that team's perspective.

Outside of battle

Frisk has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Frisk

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff
Normal Fairy Cute Charm CompetitiveGen VI+ Frisk
0103 Exeggutor Exeggutor
Alolan Form
Grass Dragon Frisk None Harvest
0157 Typhlosion Typhlosion
Hisuian Form
Fire Ghost Blaze None FriskGen IX+
0161 Sentret Sentret
Normal Normal Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
0162 Furret Furret
Normal Normal Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
0193 Yanma Yanma
Bug Flying Speed Boost Compound Eyes Frisk
0234 Stantler Stantler
Normal Normal Intimidate FriskGen IV+ Sap Sipper
0353 Shuppet Shuppet
Ghost Ghost Insomnia FriskGen IV+ Cursed Body
0354 Banette Banette
Ghost Ghost Insomnia FriskGen IV+ Cursed Body
0355 Duskull Duskull
Ghost Ghost Levitate None FriskGen VI+
0356 Dusclops Dusclops
Ghost Ghost Pressure None FriskGen VI+
0469 Yanmega Yanmega
Bug Flying Speed Boost Tinted Lens Frisk
0477 Dusknoir Dusknoir
Ghost Ghost Pressure None FriskGen VI+
0574 Gothita Gothita
Psychic Psychic Frisk CompetitiveGen VI+ Shadow Tag
0575 Gothorita Gothorita
Psychic Psychic Frisk CompetitiveGen VI+ Shadow Tag
0576 Gothitelle Gothitelle
Psychic Psychic Frisk CompetitiveGen VI+ Shadow Tag
0708 Phantump Phantump
Ghost Grass Natural Cure Frisk Harvest
0709 Trevenant Trevenant
Ghost Grass Natural Cure Frisk Harvest
0710 Pumpkaboo Pumpkaboo
Ghost Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia
0711 Gourgeist Gourgeist
Ghost Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia
0714 Noibat Noibat
Flying Dragon Frisk Infiltrator Telepathy
0715 Noivern Noivern
Flying Dragon Frisk Infiltrator Telepathy
0826 Orbeetle Orbeetle
Bug Psychic Swarm Frisk Telepathy
0859 Impidimp Impidimp
Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Pickpocket
0860 Morgrem Morgrem
Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Pickpocket
0861 Grimmsnarl Grimmsnarl
Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Pickpocket
0899 Wyrdeer Wyrdeer
Normal Psychic Intimidate Frisk Sap Sipper
0955 Flittle Flittle
Psychic Psychic Anticipation Frisk Speed Boost
0956 Espathra Espathra
Psychic Psychic Opportunist Frisk Speed Boost
1015 Munkidori Munkidori
Poison Psychic Toxic Chain None Frisk
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDTDS Shows if the foe is holding an item when the Pokémon hits it with a regular attack.
BSL つうじょうこうげきを したときに あいてが どうぐを もっているかが わかる
MDGtI When the Pokémon uses a move on a foe, it will learn the name of the item the foe is holding.*
When it uses a move or attack on a foe, the Pokémon will know the name of the item that foe is carrying.*
SMD When the Pokémon uses a move or attack on an enemy, the Pokémon will know the name of the item that the enemy is carrying!
MDRTDX When the Pokémon attacks an enemy, it will learn the name of the item that the enemy is carrying.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 察覺 Chaatgok *
看穿 Honchyūn *
Mandarin 察覺 / 察觉 Chájué *
看穿 Kànchuān *
French Fouille
German Schnüffler
Italian Indagine
Korean 통찰 Tongchal
Russian Обыск Obysk
Spanish Cacheo
Vietnamese Bắt Bài

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.