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Flygon フライゴン Flygon
Evolution stage
Card name
resistance None
retreat cost
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Flygon.
Flygon (Japanese: フライゴン Flygon) is a Dragon-type Stage 2 Pokémon card. It was first released as part of the Boundaries Crossed expansion.
Card text
At any time between turns, if this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Pokémon.
You may discard a

Energy and a

Energy attached to this Pokémon. If you do, the Defending Pokémon is now
Pokédex data
Known as "The Desert Spirit" this Pokémon hides in the sandstorms it causes by beating its wings.
さばくのせいれい と よばれる。 はばたくことで まきおこした すなあらしの なかに かくれている。
Release information
This card was included as part of the Boundaries Crossed expansion, first released in the Japanese Freeze Bolt. It was reprinted as one of the BW-P Promotional cards with new artwork given to those who purchased a booster box of either Freeze Bolt or Cold Flare. This print was released as one of the BW Black Star Promos as the Prerelease promo for the English Boundaries Crossed expansion.
This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.