Five question marks

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If you were looking for the dummied out item in Generation I, see ????? (item 07).
If you were looking for the glitch Pokémon in the Generation III games with the same Japanese name, see Ten question marks.

????? are glitch Pokémon which appear in Generation II games. The game resorts to the error handler "?????" to name the non-existent Pokémon with index numbers 000, 252, 254 and 255 if they were to appear (not including 253, since index number 253 is used for Eggs). All ????? have no cry.

List of ?????

There are eight ????? variants, differing based on the index number and version:

Hex 00

Hex FC

Hex FE

Hex FF


Although all of the variants of ????? appear identical (as just a nonsensical assortment of various graphics from other parts of the game), they each use a different palette. For example, ????? (FC) appears gold and ????? (FF) appears silver. ????? of the same index number generally share the same palette across versions, but ????? (00)GS uses a different palette than its Crystal counterpart, ????? (00)C.

All variations of ????? lack their own back sprites. When a Trainer uses any variation of ?????, it will borrow the last sprite used in the battle area. This can be the original Trainer that appears before the battle starts, or another Pokémon that has been switched out. Any of these sprites will have the color palette that the particular form of ????? uses.

Since such data is undefined, the basic tileset source of the sprite of any variation of ????? depends on the last interface loaded into the game's RAM. This is usually the previous tileset basis of the main map interface, but if the player opens the Bag then closes it the game will attempt to use the menu as a source for the sprite of ?????.

Shiny ????? look identical to their regular counterparts.


All variants of ????? can be obtained through the Celebi Egg glitch or by making a bad clone. Sometimes a clone that was cloned multiple times becomes one of the variants of ?????. Attempting to trade 'M (00)RB/3TrainerPoké $Y to Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal with the Time Capsule will cause it to appear as a ????? (00)GS or ????? (00)C. ????? (00)GS evolves from ????? (FC)GS and ????? (FE)GS, while ????? (00)C evolves from ????? (FE)C.

In Gold and Silver, the only way to obtain ????? (FE)GS is to trade with Generation I or Pokémon Crystal because catching it restarts the game in a glitch dimension. That means ????? (FE)GS doesn't have a true Pokédex entry.

Pokédex data

This glitch is in need of research.
Reason: An image of what actually is there.
You can discuss this on the talk page.

In Crystal, all of the ????? glitches have Pokédex data which is undefined.

All of the ????? glitches have a footprint. The footprint is identical to that of Donphan with 256, 252, 254, or 255 printed in the middle of it for the form with the same index number (where 256 is equivalent to 0).

Time Capsule exploit

Main article: Time Capsule exploit

Both variants of ????? (FF) will act as 'cancel' on the party Pokémon screen, and thus can be taken into the Time Capsule to 'hide' the Pokémon below it which did not exist in Generation I.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese ?????
French ?????
German ?????
Italian ?????
Korean ?
Spanish ?????

External links

Red/Blue: 'M (00)MissingNo.▶ Aaゥ (C1)ゥ .4h POKé
PokéWTrainerPkMn (C5)ゥL ゥM 4♀Pゥ ゥゥTゥU?◣ゥ 8PC4SH
PPkMn ◣ nTrainer▼ W G dOPkMn4XPkMn PkMn T4B 8 4 8
ゥ 'M p'u ゥAゥ GPゥ ゥ ゥ4 hGlitch (D7)PkMnaPkMnゥ ♂ fPkMnk
PkMnRPkMn "B (DA)Glitch (DB)Glitch (DC)7PkMn 'v-PkMn.PkMn
/PkMn ▼PkMn'v……ゥ (E3)Glitch (E4)C- -
Pゥ 4$X CcA (EA)Glitch (EB)Glitch (EC)hゥ
.gゥ$'Mゥ$ (F0)94ゥ l (F2)ゥ l (F3)ゥ$ (F4)
ゥ (F5)G'Mp'Ng'Mp'Ng ゥ$94 hGlitch (FA)'M 'N gO
ゥ$ 6ゥ'M (FE)'M (FF)
Yellow: 3TrainerPoké $MissingNo.4 44 4 Hy♀ .pPkMnp' 'ゥ ( Z4
X ゥ- xゥ,4. .ァ7gug gァ / g J 1Glitch (CA)
. pゥ.8ゥ. BPkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (CE)4, ゥァ (CF)ゥ'B ァ h
PkMn ? Aゥゥ)ゥ (D4)'ゥ.PkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (D6)B (D7)PkMn (D8)
ゥ (D9)]ゥ' BPkMn (DC)4, ゥァ (DD)8 (DE)p ID
8 P ァ'r 'r 4(h4to894 89 48B 4 8Z ゥ9
ゥHIゥ.4(h4hi?$4HI?'r ゥ$ Pゥ. 4(?/4(h4?
ゥ► ゥ▼ ゥh 4Pゥ ゥ.... ゥ ( .I' .' B' ゥゥ ゥェ ゥ ▷ゥ $ A (F3)♂ p ゥ
▼ pゥゥ $ A (F6)PkMn (F7)ゥ 4- 4$ゥ▾ ゥ♂F q ,
ゥ$ 4MN ゥ× 'rゥ. 4-ゥ/ 4ァ 4,Q ◣
Glitch EggGlitch Unown
Generation III: -???????????Bad Egg
Generation IV: -----Bad EggGeneration IV hybrid
Generation V: -----Bad EggGlitch Unown
Generation VI: Bad EggGeneration VI 724+ glitch Pokémon
Generation VII: Bad EggGeneration VII 804+ glitch Pokémon

This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.