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Dudunsparce ノココッチ Nokokocchi
English expansion
Temporal Forces
English card no.
Japanese expansion
Wild Force
Japanese rarity
Japanese card no.
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Dudunsparce.
Dudunsparce (Japanese: ノココッチ Nokokocchi) is a Colorless-type Stage 1 Pokémon card. It was first released as part of the Temporal Forces expansion.
Card text
Once during your turn, you may draw 3 cards. If you drew any cards in this way, shuffle this Pokémon and all attached cards into your deck.
Pokédex data
This Pokémon uses its hard tail to make its nest by boring holes into bedrock deep underground. The nest can reach lengths of over six miles.
硬い 尻尾で 地中 深くの 岩盤を くり抜き 巣を 作る。 巣穴は 長さ10キロに およぶ。
Release information
This card was included in the Temporal Forces expansion, first released in the Japanese Wild Force expansion. It was reprinted in the Prismatic Evolutions special expansion, originating from the Japanese Terastal Fest ex subset.
This card forms a combined illustration with eight other cards released in the Scarlet & Violet Series of the Pokémon TCG: Torkoal, Wattrel, Golbat, Slowpoke, Spheal, Togetic, Vibrava, and Passimian. All nine cards feature illustrations by Teeziro and were first released in Japan in 2024. The full combined illustration is featured on the つながるせかい -みんなのすみか- Tsunagaru Sekai -Minna no Sumika- (lit. "Connected World - Everyone's Habitat") line of TCG card sleeves.
This card features a Two-Segment Form Dudunsparce. Run Away Draw is derived from Run Away, an Ability in the Pokémon games that Dudunsparce can have. Land Crush is an attack that first appeared as Fissure on Brock's Golem from Gym Heroes. This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Scarlet.