Triumphant (TCG)

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← Undaunted
TCG expansions
Call of Legends →
Cards in set English: 103
Japanese: 81
Set number English: 46
Japanese: 43
Release date English: November 3, 2010
Japanese: July 8, 2010
Theme Decks

Royal Guard (FightingPsychic)
Verdant Frost (GrassWater)

Reviving Legends
Clash at the Summit
Black Collection • White Collection

Pokémon TCG: HS—Triumphant (Japanese: 頂上大激突 Clash at the Summit) is the name given to the fourth and final main expansion of cards from the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is the third and final main expansion from the LEGEND Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan. The set continues to feature Pokémon Prime and Pokémon LEGEND in the card game.



Battle for the excitement, for the challenge...and for the victory! In the Pokémon Trading Card Game: HS—Triumphant expansion, you'll find what you need to put triumph within your reach. Palkia and Dialga combine as an incredible Pokémon LEGEND. Machamp, Gengar, and a half-dozen other powerful Pokémon appear for the first time as Pokémon Prime. New Trainer, Supporter, and Stadium cards—plus a new Special Energy card—give you new strategies and deck ideas. The only thing missing is a Trainer who battles to win...and that's you!


Clash at the Summit logo

Triumphant is the name given to the fourth and final main expansion of the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Clash at the Summit, the third and final expansion in the Pokémon Card Game LEGEND Era. It is based on Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, featuring Generation II Pokémon. The English expansion was released on November 3, 2010, while the Japanese expansion was released on July 8, 2010. The release of Clash at the Summit coincided with the premiere of the thirteenth Pokémon movie, Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark on July 10, 2010 in Japan. Triumphant is composed of its Japanese equivalent as well as the Lost Link subset.

Psyduck and Weepinbell have the word "Flip" misspelled as "Filp" in their attacks, which remain uncorrected.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
3/102 Celebi Psychic Non Holo Zoroark: Master of Illusions DVD exclusive
5/102 Mamoswine Water Cracked Ice Holo Verdant Frost Theme Deck exclusive
5/102 Mamoswine Water Non Holo Verdant Frost Theme Deck exclusive
6/102 Nidoking Fighting Cracked Ice Holo Royal Guard Theme Deck exclusive
6/102 Nidoking Fighting Non Holo Royal Guard Theme Deck exclusive
11/102 Venomoth Grass Non Holo Verdant Frost Theme Deck exclusive
20/102 Electivire Lightning "Triumphant" stamp Prerelease promo
20/102 Electivire Lightning Staff "Triumphant" stamp Prerelease promo
85/102 Black Belt Su Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 2)
87/102 Junk Arm T Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 2)
88/102 Seeker Su Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 3)

Set lists

No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/102 Aggron Metal Rare Holo Promotion
2/102 Altaria Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
3/102 Celebi Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
4/102 Drapion Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
5/102 Mamoswine Water Rare Holo Promotion
6/102 Nidoking Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
7/102 Porygon-Z Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
8/102 Rapidash Fire Rare Holo Promotion
9/102 Solrock Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
10/102 Spiritomb Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
11/102 Venomoth Grass Rare Holo Promotion
12/102 Victreebel Grass Rare Holo Promotion
13/102 Ambipom Colorless Rare Promotion
14/102 Banette Psychic Rare Promotion
15/102 Bronzong Metal Rare Promotion
16/102 Carnivine Grass Rare Promotion
17/102 Ditto Colorless Rare Promotion
18/102 Dragonite Colorless Rare Promotion
19/102 Dugtrio Fighting Rare Promotion
20/102 Electivire Lightning Rare Promotion
21/102 Elekid Lightning Rare Promotion
22/102 Golduck Water Rare Promotion
23/102 Grumpig Psychic Rare Promotion
24/102 Kricketune Grass Rare Promotion
25/102 Lunatone Fighting Rare Promotion
26/102 Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
27/102 Magmortar Fire Rare Promotion
28/102 Nidoqueen Psychic Rare Promotion
29/102 Pidgeot Colorless Rare Promotion
30/102 Sharpedo Darkness Rare Promotion
31/102 Wailord Water Rare Promotion
32/102 Dragonair Colorless Uncommon Promotion
33/102 Electabuzz Lightning Uncommon Promotion
34/102 Electrode Lightning Uncommon Promotion
35/102 Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
36/102 Kangaskhan Colorless Uncommon Promotion
37/102 Lairon Metal Uncommon Promotion
38/102 Lickilicky Colorless Uncommon Promotion
39/102 Luvdisc Water Uncommon Promotion
40/102 Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
41/102 Magby Fire Uncommon Promotion
42/102 Magmar Fire Uncommon Promotion
43/102 Magneton Lightning Uncommon Promotion
44/102 Marowak Fighting Uncommon Promotion
45/102 Nidorina Psychic Uncommon Promotion
46/102 Nidorino Psychic Uncommon Promotion
47/102 Pidgeotto Colorless Uncommon Promotion
48/102 Piloswine Water Uncommon Promotion
49/102 Porygon2 Colorless Uncommon Promotion
50/102 Tentacruel Water Uncommon Promotion
51/102 Unown Psychic Uncommon Promotion
52/102 Wailmer Water Uncommon Promotion
53/102 Weepinbell Grass Uncommon Promotion
54/102 Yanmega Grass Uncommon Promotion
55/102 Aipom Colorless Common Promotion
56/102 Aron Metal Common Promotion
57/102 Bellsprout Grass Common Promotion
58/102 Bronzor Metal Common Promotion
59/102 Carvanha Darkness Common Promotion
60/102 Cubone Fighting Common Promotion
61/102 Diglett Fighting Common Promotion
62/102 Dratini Colorless Common Promotion
63/102 Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
64/102 Illumise Grass Common Promotion
65/102 Kricketot Grass Common Promotion
66/102 Lickitung Colorless Common Promotion
67/102 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
68/102 Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
69/102 Nidoran♀ Psychic Common Promotion
70/102 Nidoran♂ Psychic Common Promotion
71/102 Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
72/102 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
73/102 Porygon Colorless Common Promotion
74/102 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
75/102 Shuppet Psychic Common Promotion
76/102 Skorupi Psychic Common Promotion
77/102 Spoink Psychic Common Promotion
78/102 Swablu Colorless Common Promotion
79/102 Swinub Water Common Promotion
80/102 Tentacool Water Common Promotion
81/102 Venonat Grass Common Promotion
82/102 Volbeat Grass Common Promotion
83/102 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
84/102 Yanma Grass Common Promotion
85/102 Black Belt Su Uncommon Promotion
86/102 Indigo Plateau St Uncommon Promotion
87/102 Junk Arm T Uncommon Promotion
88/102 Seeker Su Uncommon Promotion
89/102 Twins Su Uncommon Promotion
90/102 Rescue Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
91/102 Absol Darkness SuperRare Holo Promotion
92/102 Celebi Grass SuperRare Holo Promotion
93/102 Electrode Lightning SuperRare Holo Promotion
94/102 Gengar Psychic SuperRare Holo Promotion
95/102 Machamp Fighting SuperRare Holo Promotion
96/102 Magnezone Lightning SuperRare Holo Promotion
97/102 Mew Psychic SuperRare Holo Promotion
98/102 Yanmega Grass SuperRare Holo Promotion
99/102 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND DarknessPsychic Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
100/102 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND DarknessPsychic Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
101/102 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND WaterMetal Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
102/102 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND WaterMetal Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
FOUR Alph Lithograph T Rare Secret Promotion

Clash at the Summit
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/080 Bellsprout Grass Common Promotion
002/080 Weepinbell Grass Uncommon Promotion
003/080 Victreebel Grass Rare Holo Promotion
004/080 Yanma Grass Common Promotion
005/080 Yanmega Grass Uncommon Promotion
006/080 Yanmega Grass SuperRare Holo Promotion
007/080 Celebi Grass SuperRare Holo Promotion
008/080 Kricketot Grass Common Promotion
009/080 Kricketune Grass Rare Promotion
010/080 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
011/080 Rapidash Fire Rare Holo Promotion
012/080 Magby Fire Uncommon Promotion
013/080 Magmar Fire Uncommon Promotion
014/080 Magmortar Fire Rare Promotion
015/080 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
016/080 Golduck Water Rare Promotion
017/080 Tentacool Water Common Promotion
018/080 Tentacruel Water Uncommon Promotion
019/080 Swinub Water Common Promotion
020/080 Piloswine Water Uncommon Promotion
021/080 Mamoswine Water Rare Holo Promotion
022/080 Wailmer Water Common Promotion
023/080 Wailord Water Rare Promotion
024/080 Luvdisc Water Common Promotion
025/080 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
026/080 Electrode Lightning Uncommon Promotion
027/080 Electrode Lightning SuperRare Holo Promotion
028/080 Elekid Lightning Rare Promotion
029/080 Electabuzz Lightning Uncommon Promotion
030/080 Electivire Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
031/080 Nidoran♀ Psychic Common Promotion
032/080 Nidorina Psychic Uncommon Promotion
033/080 Nidoqueen Psychic Rare Promotion
034/080 Nidoran♂ Psychic Common Promotion
035/080 Nidorino Psychic Uncommon Promotion
036/080 Unown Psychic Uncommon Promotion
037/080 Celebi Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
038/080 Spoink Psychic Common Promotion
039/080 Grumpig Psychic Rare Promotion
040/080 Skorupi Psychic Common Promotion
041/080 Nidoking Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
042/080 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
043/080 Machoke Fighting Common Promotion
044/080 Machamp Fighting Uncommon Promotion
045/080 Machamp Fighting SuperRare Holo Promotion
046/080 Cubone Fighting Common Promotion
047/080 Marowak Fighting Uncommon Promotion
048/080 Lunatone Fighting Rare Promotion
049/080 Solrock Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
050/080 Carvanha Darkness Common Promotion
051/080 Sharpedo Darkness Rare Promotion
052/080 Drapion Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
053/080 Aron Metal Common Promotion
054/080 Lairon Metal Uncommon Promotion
055/080 Aggron Metal Rare Holo Promotion
056/080 Bronzor Metal Common Promotion
057/080 Bronzong Metal Rare Promotion
058/080 Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
059/080 Pidgeotto Colorless Common Promotion
060/080 Pidgeot Colorless Uncommon Promotion
061/080 Lickitung Colorless Common Promotion
062/080 Lickilicky Colorless Uncommon Promotion
063/080 Kangaskhan Colorless Common Promotion
064/080 Ditto Colorless Rare Promotion
065/080 Porygon Colorless Common Promotion
066/080 Porygon2 Colorless Common Promotion
067/080 Porygon-Z Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
068/080 Aipom Colorless Common Promotion
069/080 Ambipom Colorless Rare Promotion
070/080 Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND WaterFighting Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
071/080 Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND WaterFighting Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
072/080 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND WaterMetal Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
073/080 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND WaterMetal Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
074/080 Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND ColorlessPsychic Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
075/080 Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND ColorlessPsychic Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
076/080 Junk Arm I Uncommon Promotion
077/080 Black Belt Su Uncommon Promotion
078/080 Twins Su Uncommon Promotion
079/080 Indigo Plateau St Uncommon Promotion
080/080 Rescue Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
081/080 Alph Lithograph I Rare Holo Promotion


English Electivire pack
English Magmortar pack
English Dialga pack
English Palkia pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Clash at the Summit set is only released in Japanese, in both 1st Edition and Unlimited Edition. All cards in this Japanese set, including the Pokémon Prime cards but excluding all Pokémon LEGEND cards and Alph Lithograph, were also available in Reverse Holofoil. The Triumphant set is released in English, German, French, and Italian, with cards also available in Reverse Holofoil.

In other languages

Language Title
French Triomphe
German Triumph
Italian Battaglie Trionfali
Brazilian Portuguese Triunfante
Russian Триумфальные Битвы Triumfal'nyye Bitvy

External links

Related articles

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Locations Crown City
Other Pokémon Baccer World CupTime RippleTime travel
Soundtrack and score Soundtrack
Ice Cream Syndrome (single)
Adaptations Manga
TCG Raikou (HGSS Promo 19, Call of Legends SL9)
Entei (HGSS Promo 20, Call of Legends SL3)
Suicune (HGSS Promo 21, Call of Legends SL11)
Celebi (Triumphant 3, Triumphant 92)
Zoroark and Legendary PokémonIllusion's ZoruaIllusion's ZoroarkZorua and Celebi
LEGEND Perfect SetWorld of Illusions Box
2009 Pokémon Card Design Contest
Merchandise Pokémon Kids figures
Tie-in media Pokémon Black and White Sampling Tour
Event distributions Cinema Celebi (Japanese, Korean) • Winter 2011 Celebi (Americas, European, Spanish, Italian, German, French)
Crown Beasts
Crown Beast Raikou (American, Korean, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Australian) • Shinsegae Raikou
Crown Beast Entei (American, Korean, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Australian) • Shinsegae Entei
Crown Beast Suicune (American, Korean, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Australian)
Goone's Scizor
Station ZoroarkPokémon Camp Italy ZoroarkLostlorn Forest Zoroark (requires Relocator)
Battrio pucks (Celebi, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Pikachu)
Related animation DP183 (following TV episode)
Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
HeartGold & SoulSilver Series
HGSS Black Star Promos
HeartGold & SoulSilver: Growth ClashEmber SparkMind Flood
HS Trainer Kit
Unleashed: Chaos ControlSteel Sentinel
Undaunted: NightfallDaybreak
Pokémon Surprise Calendar
Triumphant: Royal GuardVerdant Frost
World Collection
Call of Legends Series
Call of Legends: ReconRetort
L-P Promotional cards
HeartGold CollectionSoulSilver Collection: Random Basic Pack
Battle Starter DecksLeafeon vs Metagross Expert Deck
Reviving Legends: Steelix Constructed Standard DeckTyranitar Constructed Standard Deck
Lost Link
Clash at the Summit
Pikachu World

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.