Chatler has been with Pearl since before the start of the manga. Chatler first appeared in Stagestruck Starly, performing in Diamond and Pearl's comedy routine in Jubilife City. During the skit, Pearl had Chatler blow the grass away, however, when Chatler did so, it revealed Diamond and Lax's lazy selves, which made both Pearl and Chatler mad. Despite ruining the act, the audience found it funny, allowing Diamond and Pearl to win the special prize. Later, the two were attacked by a group of Starly, and Chatler helped fend them off alongside the other Pokémon.
In Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu II, Chatler participated in Platinum's Gym battle against Maylene. He first fought against a Black Belt's Machoke with Aerial Ace. During the Gym Battle against Maylene, Chatler replaced Chimler when Chimler was struggling against Riolu. Chatler attacked with a supereffective Chatter and Maylene switched Riolu in for Meditite. Meditite started off a speedy Bullet Punch and followed up with a critical hit from Psycho Cut, dealing major damage. Despite the damage, Chatler retaliated with Mirror Move and was able to beat Meditite by copying Bullet Punch. He then went up against Riolu again and was defeated by a single Vacuum Wave.
In Problematic Probopass & Mad Magnezone II, Chatler fought Cyrus after Cyrus had Magnezone use its Magnet PullAbility to draw out the camera hidden inside Lax's fur. Chatler quickly flew by and grabbed the camera but was subdued by Probopass's Gravity. Chatler's Trainer, unable to do a thing in said state, asks for Cyrus to lift the attack. This allowed for Chatler to gain his mobility and crush the camera Cyrus used to capture the images of the ruin paintings.
In Winning Over Wingull, Chatler sensed two violent Wingull approaching and warned Pearl about the danger. Despite the warning, the two Wingull hit Pearl and caused him to lose his balance. Angered, Pearl has Chatler attack the two with Pluck. Despite the speed advantage, Chatler was quickly put at a disadvantage due to fighting two of them and their constant use of Roost. This prompted Pearl to send Chimler onto the battlefield as well until he notices an injured Wingull near him.
Chatler battling Chingling
In Outwitting Octillery, Chatler worked alongside his team to reach the middle of Lake Valor in an attempt to find Azelf. Halfway across the lake, they got attacked by Saturn's Octillery, who used Octazooka to destroy their raft. Saturn showed up on a UFO-like vessel and grabbed Pearl while demanding to know why he was heading for the island at the middle of the lake while Chatler, Chimler, and Rayler desperately try to free him. A few minutes later, the Galactic Bomb went off, with its target revealed to be Lake Valor. Pearl and Saturn witnessed Azelf reveal itself and Saturn and his Grunts began to try to capture it. Pearl and his team attempted to stop them but were overwhelmed by the number of opponents and defeated.
In Chancing Upon Chingling, Chatler was sent to look for Diamond inside the Galactic Veilstone Building in order to return Tru and Kit to him. Soon after finding Diamond, they were attacked by the Advanced level Grunt and Diamond had Chatler attack his Chingling with Chatter while it attacked with Uproar in order to mask the sound of the Pokédex. After some time, the two Pokémon became exhausted.
In Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia VI, Chatler was used alongside the other Pokémon to battle against the Legendary PokémonDialga and Palkia. Despite his small size, Chatler was able to do great damage to the Dragons with the help of Diamond and Pearl's Pokémon and with a combined technique, they were all able to destroy the Red Chains controlling them.
In The Final Dimensional Duel XI, Chatler tried to stop Charon from closing the portal to the Distortion World with his machine. Charon quickly uses the machine to control Chatler and have him attack his own Trainer instead. Rotom then showed up in a Proteam Omega toy and destroyed the machine.
Personality and characteristics
Like his Trainer, Chatler is quick, impatient, and easily irritable, taking most of his anger out on Diamond's Munchlax, Lax, in a manner similar to how Pearl behaves towards Diamond. He is a fairly strong fighter and is occasionally used for battling, though Pearl tends to use Chimler over him. Pearl occasionally uses him to listen in on conversations and repeat them.