Bibarel (Duel 141)

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ビーダル Beadaru
Evolution stage 2
Figure name Bibarel
Move Points 2
Normal Water
Rarity Rare
Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur
Version 7.0.6
ID 141
Time Booster League N/A
Special Time Boosters None
Locked Booster No
Material Exchange
and Gem Exchange
2700 Material
150 Gems
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Bibarel.

Bibarel (Japanese: ビーダル Beadaru) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 7.0.6.



Data Disk

 Breakneck Blitz ウルトラダッシュアタック 96 pt.
Pokémon knocked out by this Attack's damage are temporarily excluded from the duel, returning to the bench 7 turns later.
 Hydro Vortex スーパーアクアトルネード 96 pt.
The battle opponent and opposing Pokémon within 2 steps of it become confused.
Cut いあいぎり 24 pt.
Rock Smash いわくだき 24 pt.
Surf なみのり 20 pt.
Miss ミス 4 pt.
Strength かいりき 24 pt.

Release information

This figure was available as a Commemorative Figure to players who had started the game prior to the end of the April 1 to 2, 2019 Queen's Cup for April Fools' Day 2019. It was distributed from April 2 to 5, 2019.


Image used in the game files prior to version 7.0.6


  • Prior to version 7.0.14, this figure was unable to be purchased in the Material Exchange.


Cut, Rock Smash, Surf, and Strength are all moves in the Pokémon games that Bibarel can learn through TMs and HMs. Breakneck Blitz and Hydro Vortex are Z-Moves in the games that Bibarel can use by equipping Normalium Z and Waterium Z, respectively.

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TFG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TFG, respectively.