From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
These are articles from 2015.
This category has the following 26 subcategories, out of 26 total.
Pages in category "2015"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 365 total.
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- 2015 Elite Status Rewards revealed
- 2015 International Challenge - April tournament announced
- 2015 International Challenge - February tournament announced
- 2015 International Challenge - June tournament announced
- 2015 tour dates for Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions officially announced
- 2015 World Championships side event announced
- 2015 World Championships winners announced
- All Blue Shock/Red Flash images, translations available
- Amiibo, NFC reader/writer to be released in South Korea
- Another early look at Primal Clash
- Apparent new Pokémon reportedly seen at the end of movie 18
- Arceus special stage now live in Pokémon Shuffle
- Arceus, Legendary Pokémon to be distributed to promote 18th movie
- Aromatisse, Mr. Mime from Red Flash now unveiled
- Ash to battle Laverre Gym on May 28
- Australian Classification Board rates Pokémon Rumble World
- Australian National Pokémon Championships to be held in June
- Battle of Hoenn competition entrants to receive Hidden Ability Tyrunt
- Beyond Home Entertainment apologizes for XY - Collection 2 error
- Beyond to release Pokémon: Heritage Collection II in Australia in November
- Beyond to release three limited edition DVD sets
- Black New Nintendo 3DS coming to Australia, New Zealand
- Blaziken coming to Pokken Tournament in August
- Both Mewtwo-EX, Mega Mewtwo-EX unveiled for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Break Through TCG merchandise announced
- BREAKthrough available via Premium Collections
- BREAKthrough promos available in stores
- British gamers trying to catch 'em all for charity
- Bulbagarden launches seventh annual Christmas Contests
- Can we catch ‘em all?: Generation V
- Can we catch ‘em all?: Generation VI
- Cartoon Network reports new English dub titles via November '15 schedule
- Cartoon Network to air 4-hour long Pokémon marathon on Feb. 7
- Cartoon Network's December schedule reveals new dub episode titles
- Celebi special stage added to Pokémon Shuffle
- Charizard among new Amiibo figures to be released this Spring
- Circle of Legends Wi-Fi competition announced
- Club Nintendo to be phased out this year
- CoroCoro features new green creature
- CoroCoro includes teaser for 2016 Pokémon movie
- CoroCoro officially reveals Hoopa Unbound
- CoroCoro officially reveals new Zygarde formes
- CoroCoro reveals Hoopa
- CoroCoro reveals more cards from Blue Shock and Red Flash
- Customers to be able to make their own Pikachu at Build-a-Bear Workshop
- Cynthia Nendoroid to be released on
- Dark variant of Mewtwo appears in Pokkén Tournament footage
- Darkrai to be distributed at GAME stores in the UK
- Dave & Buster's SVP reveals Pokkén to have location test in the US
- Delibird "Incredible Item Stage" live in Shuffle, Shuffle Mobile
- Details for M18 Hoopa distribution released
- Diance to be distributed in Hong Kong
- Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction now available as digital download and iBook
- Diancie special stage live in Pokémon Shuffle 3DS and Mobile to celebrate 5 million downloads
- Diancie to be distributed via Wi-Fi for PAL, North American regions
- Dragonite codes to be available at GameStop in United States
- Dub title of Hoopa movie revealed
- Dusknoir, Halloween-themed Pokémon Safari live in Pokémon Shuffle, Shuffle Mobile
- Eighth and ninth Pokémon movies are now available on iTunes
- Ending song announced for 18th movie
- English dubs of first three Pokémon movies coming to Region 1 on Blu-ray disc
- Enter the Dragon Type Wi-Fi competition announced
- Eon Ticket to be distributed via code for North America, Europe
- Eon Ticket Wi-Fi event now running
- Espeon & Umbreon, Mega Charizard Y & Mega Rayquaza 3DS themes now available in North America
- Espeon & Umbreon, Mega Charizard Y & Mega Rayquaza 3DS themes now available in PAL regions
- Europe to receive New Nintendo 3DS and Alpha Sapphire bundle
- Extreme Speed Linoone to be distributed in Korea
- Festive Feud Wi-Fi tournament announced
- First English Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon footage revealed
- First pages from the 18th movie manga adaptation surface
- First Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon trailer released
- Florges, Hoothoot, Dodrio revealed for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Four 2015 Pokémon Video Game Regional Championships announced for Australia, New Zealand
- Four new English dub episode titles revealed
- Four new Japanese episode titles announced in Pokémon Fan magazine
- Four Pokémon to be distributed at Japanese 7-Eleven stores
- Free Pokémon Shuffle Jewels at Game Mania in Belgium and the Netherlands
- Gallade unveiled for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Gates to Infinity 30% off in Europe and Australia
- Generation Showdown Wi-Fi tournament announced
- Gengar announced for Pokkén Tournament
- Gengar, Burning Energy unveiled for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Glalie-EX, Vivillon, Parasect among new Blue Shock/Red Flash cards unveiled
- Good Smile Company warns of Bootleg Nendoroid Red
- Gotta Meme 'em All: 7.8/10 Too Much Water
- Gotta Meme 'em All: A Tale of Two Youngsters
- Gotta Meme 'em All: Mudkip and Marshtomp, here in the track
- Gotta Meme 'em All: PokéGods
- Gotta Meme 'em All: Pokémon Bank Delay
- Gotta Meme 'em All: Spiraling Out of Control!
- Gotta Meme 'em All: The mother of all...
- Gotta Meme 'em All: Vietnamese Crystal
- Greninja, Jigglypuff amiibo figures announced in Nintendo Direct
- Groudon special stage available in Pokémon Shuffle Mobile
- Here's everything known about Double Crisis
- Hidden Ability fully-evolved Unova starter Pokémon distribution announced for American, PAL region
- Hidden Ability Johto starters to be distributed by Pokémon Bank
- Hidden Ability Samurott now available in PAL, American regions
- Hoopa and the Clash of Ages to make US debut on Cartoon Network
- Hoopa distributions in the Netherlands and Belgium
- Hoopa events announced for Europe and North America
- Hoopa to be available in Nordic countries via Nintendo Zone, serial code
- Hoopa to be distributed by Bart Smit in the Netherlands
- Hoopa to be distributed in Portugal at FNAC via Nintendo Zone
- Hoopa to be distributed in Singapore via serial code
- Hoopa to be distributed in the US and France
- Hoopa Unbound officially revealed in English
- Houndoom-EX, Mega Houndoom-EX unveiled for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Japanese players given another chance to obtain Shiny Rayquaza
- Japanese release date for Pokkén Tournament revealed
- Japanese title for XY061 announced
- Japanese title for XY062 announced
- Jewel deal available in Pokémon Shuffle until August 17
- Jirachi to be distributed at Pokémon Center Tohoku
- Jirachi, new main stages available in Pokémon Shuffle
- Johto starters to be distributed at Pokémon Lab attraction in Japan
- Kangaskhan to be distributed in Taiwan and Hong Kong
- Kanto starter Pokémon to be distributed at Japanese science center Pokémon attraction
- Keldeo to be distributed via Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Guidebooks in Korea
- Klefki, Doublade passwords revealed for Rumble World
- Kotone Yasue's Shiny Tyranitar to be distributed in Japan
- Kyogre, Mew Special Stages available in Pokémon Shuffle
- Level 99 Pikachu to be distributed in Japan
- Little Cup Wi-Fi tournament announced
- Lucarionite available as prize from competitive stage in Pokémon Shuffle
- Lucarionite Competitive Stage returns to Pokémon Shuffle, Blazikenite Competitive Stage coming soon
- Lugia, Carnivine special stages added to Pokémon Shuffle
- Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi special stages available in Shuffle, Shuffle Mobile
- Lysandre's Trump Card banned from TCG competitive play
- Magikarp, Shiny Gyarados to be distributed in Japan to promote Pokémon Center Hiroshima
- Magnezone, Swinub unveiled for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Major Pokémon Shuffle patch separates Hearts into regenerating and bonus
- Mamoswine unveiled for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Manaphy to be distributed in South Korea
- Mega Banette Competitive Stage live in Pokémon Shuffle
- Mega Blastoise Competitive Stage live in Pokémon Shuffle
- Mega Evolution anime shorts to be available on Pokémon TV
- Mega Gardevoir Competitive Stage in Shuffle, Kyogre special stage in Shuffle Mobile
- Mega Manectric Competitive Stage now available in Pokémon Shuffle
- Mega Sharpedo Competitive Stage live in Pokémon Shuffle
- Mega Venusaur Competitive Stage live in Pokémon Shuffle
- Mega Venusaur Competitive Stage returns to Pokémon Shuffle
- Melbourne show for Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions revealed
- Mew event for Generation VI games announced for Japan
- Mewtwo amiibo displayed at San Diego Comic-Con
- Mewtwo amiibo figure in development
- Mewtwo amiibo release dates confirmed for Europe, Australia and New Zealand
- Mewtwo DLC release date and price for Super Smash Bros. revealed
- Mismagius, Haunter unveiled for Blue Shock/Red Flash
- Movies 1, 2, 3 to be released on DVD, Blu-ray in Australia and New Zealand
- N Nendoroid figure getting a western release
- N Nendoroid to be released in Japan
- National Museum of Play to create World Video Game Hall of Fame
- New cards for Blue Shock/Red Flash, Noivern BREAK, Raichu BREAK Evolution packs announced
- New daily stages added to Pokémon Shuffle
- New Dialga stage in Pokémon Shuffle
- New English dubbed episodes of the Pokémon anime to start Feb. 7
- New free-to-play Nintendo 3DS game Pokémon Shuffle
- New game Pokémon GO announced for iPhone, Android
- New Hoopa short to be available on DVD in Japan
- New Japanese XY airings announced
- New main stages, Escalation Battle to be available in Pokémon Shuffle June 8
- New main stages, expert stage, Groudon special stage added to Pokémon Shuffle
- New main stages, expert stages available in Shuffle; Cresselia, Regirock available in Shuffle Mobile
- New main stages, Regirock special stage added to Pokémon Shuffle
- New Nintendo 3DS family release announced for North America, Europe
- New Nintendo 3DS System Update released
- New Nintendo 3DS to be released in South Korea
- New patches released for Pokémon X and Y and Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
- New playable and assist character in Pokkén Tournament to be revealed
- New Pokémon Center store to open in Hiroshima
- New Pokémon rhythm game available for Android and iOS in Japan
- New Pokémon Shuffle patch adds Cresselia, Wobuffet special stages
- New Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions tour dates announced for California
- New XY&Z anime information revealed
- Nintendo 3DS System Update released to fix Pokémon Rumble World crash
- Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS games come to Wii U Virtual Console
- Nintendo Anime Channel coming to Nintendo 3DS in Europe, Australia, New Zealand
- Nintendo gives preliminary details on new account system, membership program
- Nintendo HK to distribute Shiny Jirachi
- Nintendo Korea's Lunar New Year Events
- Nintendo leaving Brazilian gaming market
- Nintendo representative explains why North America only got the New 3DS XL
- North American, PAL region Hidden Ability starter Pokémon distribution continues