The Ultimate Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Gift is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer graphic novel. Designed by John Lo in adaptation of screenplay by Joss Whedon, it was originally published on November 8, 2005, by TokyoPop.
- TokyoPop presents Buffy's 100th episode as you've never seen it before — filled with behind-the-scenes photos, director and actor commentary, excerpts from the uncut script, and intricately designed stunts! In this chilling Cine-Manga adaptation of "The Gift," one of the most unforgettable and shocking episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the apocalypse is at hand in Sunnydale! Buffy must square off against a true god when Glory prepares to use Dawn to unleash all Hell on Earth. The only way to save the day is to kill Dawn — but Buffy refuses to harm her little sister, and the gang heads into battle knowing that some of them may not survive…
Behind the scenes[]
- Described as a "cine-manga," the graphic novel is an adaptation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "The Gift," using screenshots from the episode itself as panels.
- The volume features behind-the-scenes pictures, actor and director commentary, stunts, excepts from the original script, ant other trivia.