Buffy the Vampire Slayer action figures is a line of 6" tall action figures based on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television show. They were produced by Moore Action Collectibles since 1999 and became distributed in partnership with Diamond Select Toys in 2004, releasing the line of Deluxe action figures as well.
The Buffy action figures were parallel to the Angel action figures, with their series often classified as incorporating each other's figurines, although still separated lines.
Items: two stakes, open Vampyr book, one weapons bag, one axe, the du Lac cross (with removable knife), one gravestone display stand of a book engraved with his quote from the episode "Witch": "That is the thrill of living on the Hellmouth. One has a veritable of cornucopia of fiends, devils, and ghouls to engage. Pardon me for finding the glass half full."
Items: one sombrero, one serape, one chainsaw, the du Lac cross (with removable knife), one gravestone display stand of a book engraved with his quote from the episode "Witch": "That is the thrill of living on the Hellmouth. One has a veritable of cornucopia of fiends, devils, and ghouls to engage. Pardon me for finding the glass half full."
Items: two stakes, two pistol crossbows, one guitar with strap, one amplifier, one extra pair of interchangeable hands, one clawed and chained gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason.
Entertainment Earth Oz
Based on Oz.
Items: two stakes, two pistol crossbows, one guitar with strap, one amplifier, one extra pair of interchangeable hands, one clawed and chained gravestone display stand.
Items: two stakes, two pistol crossbows, one guitar with strap, one amplifier, one extra pair of interchangeable hands, one clawed and chained gravestone display stand.
Items: one railroad spike, one dagger, the du Lac cross with white cloth, one fireplace poker, one hook stick, one axe, one bladed staff, one cross gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason.
Vampire Spike
Based on Spike in vampiric face.
Items: one railroad spike, one dagger, the du Lac cross with white cloth, one fireplace poker, one hook stick, one axe, one bladed staff, one cross gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason.
Exclusive for Fandom.com.
Buffy Series II 3-Pack
Contains: Oz, Buffy, and Giles, with respective accessories.
Ikon Exclusives[]
Ikon Collectibles presented a line of exclusive variants, each coming in a window packaging box.
Based on Buffy in season 2.
Items: two stakes, one pistol crossbow, one dagger, one hammer, one jacket, one gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason and Curt Chiarelli.
Based on Buffy in season 2.
Items: two stakes, one pistol crossbow, one dagger, one hammer, one jacket, one gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason and Curt Chiarelli.
Based on Angel.
Items: one Scottish dirk, one sai, one double bladed axe, one large axe, one sword, one coat, one display stand.
Sculpted by Sculpt This.
Based on Angel.
Items: one Scottish dirk, one sai, one double bladed axe, one large axe, one sword, one coat, one display stand.
Sculpted by Sculpt This.
Based on Spike.
Items: one railroad spike, one dagger, the du Lac cross with white cloth, one fireplace poker, one hook stick, one axe, one bladed staff, one cross gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason.
Based on Spike.
Items: one railroad spike, one dagger, the du Lac cross with white cloth, one fireplace poker, one hook stick, one axe, one bladed staff, one cross gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason.
Based on Spike.
Items: one railroad spike, one dagger, the du Lac cross with white cloth, one fireplace poker, one hook stick, one axe, one bladed staff, one cross gravestone display stand.
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason.
Based on Spike.
Items: one railroad spike, one dagger, the du Lac cross with white cloth, one fireplace poker, one hook stick, one axe, one bladed staff, one cross gravestone display stand splashed with blood.
Items: two stakes, one fire axe, one tranquilizer gun, one gravestone display stand with his quote from the episode "The Zeppo": "I laugh in the face of danger, then hide till it goes away."
Sixteen points of articulation.
Sculpted by Dene Mason and Curt Chiarelli.
Military Xander
Based on Xander in the episode "Halloween."
Items: two stakes, one fire axe, one M16 rifle, one gravestone display stand with his quote from the episode "The Zeppo": "I laugh in the face of danger, then hide till it goes away."
Items: one silver jar of blood, one knife, one red rose, Miss Edith, one display stand of stone floor with two skull pillars.
Ten points of articulation.
Sculpted by James Stapp and Sculpt This.
Vampire Drusilla
Based on Drusilla.
Items: one silver jar of blood, one bloody knife, one black rose, Miss Edith, one display stand of stone floor with two skull pillars.
Ten points of articulation.
Sculpted by James Stapp and Sculpt This.
Exclusive for Diamond Previews.
Gentlemen #1
Based on one of the Gentlemen in the episode "Hush."
Items: one of the Footmen, one heart, one extra pair of hands, one pair of scissors, one pair of tongs, one jar of blood, one display stand of half of the clock tower.
Ten points of articulation.
Sculpted by Jeremy Bush.
Gentlemen #2
Based on one of the Gentlemen in the episode "Hush."
Items: one of the Footmen, one heart, one extra pair of hands, one pair of scissors, one pair of tongs, one jar of blood, one display stand of half of the clock tower.
Items: the mÊ”, one display stand of stone floor with Buffy logo.
Exclusive for CineQuest.com.
SDCC Willow
Based on Willow.
Items: none.
Product polybagged with cardboard header.
Exclusive for San Diego Comic Con 2004.
World Tour Willow
Based on Willow.
Items: none.
Product polybagged with cardboard header.
Exclusive for ToyFair 2004.
Holiday Willow
Based on Willow.
Items: none.
Product polybagged with cardboard header.
Willow Spellbook
Contains modified versions of Dark Witch Willow (accessory color), Vampire Willow (blood splatter), and White Witch Willow (added articulation).
Series 6[]
Season Five Anya
November 3, 2004
Based on Anya.
Items: a baseball bat, the Symbol of Anyanka, one assortment of money, one stack of coins, one ledger, one cash register, the Magic Box counter, one display stand of the shop floor.
Items: a sword, two stakes, a pair of collapsible swords, a hunting hat, a laptop, a pair of glasses, two Watchers Diaries, The Magic Box training room display stands.