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"Always Darkest" is a short story of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight comic book series. Written by Joss Whedon and illustrated by Jo Chen, it was originally published in July 2009 by Dark Horse Comics.


Buffy is fighting Caleb in a circular stone chamber. Angel and Spike appear but, instead of paying attention to her, the two begin making out. The preacher then proceeds to marry her to Warren, while Buffy's excited about being a bride. In the ceremony, Tara blames her for her death, and various villains both fictional and from her past attend.

Awaken from her nightmare, Xander asks if Buffy's sleeping any better, to which Buffy answers: "Everybody dies always."


  • Buffy mentions leaving Caleb in a smoking crater, in reference to his death and Sunnydale's destruction in "Chosen"
  • Buffy dreams of Spike recalling she left him in the lurch ("Chosen"), and Angel recalling she left him in Acathla's dimension ("Becoming, Part Two").
  • Buffy dreams of Tara blaming her for her death, bearing the same bullet wound from "Seeing Red".
  • As the vision in Anywhere but Here, the nightmare is another foreshadow of the upcoming decisive event in this room, the Seed of Wonder's chamber: Giles's death and the end of magic in Last Gleaming, Part Four.
  • While separating a fight between Angel and Spike (Last Gleaming, Part Four), Buffy will say she preferred when they were kissing, in reference to the nightmare in this story.
  • When Buffy has a nightmare in Last Gleaming, Part Five, Dawn asks if it's "the one where Angel and Spike get it awwn," also in reference to the one she has in this story.



Organizations and titles[]



Behind the scenes[]


  • "Always Darkest" was originally published in MySpace/Dark Horse Presents issue #24.
  • This story is available for reading at Dark Horse Comics website.[1]


Pop culture references[]

International titles[]

  • French: "Ténèbres Éternelles" (Eternal Darkness)


  1. ↑ "eComics". Dark Horse Comics. Retrieved on August 4, 2009.