


About Me[]

Hi, I'm Tradeylouish, and I've been playing with LEGO for about 11 years. I started off with DUPLO, then started collecting BIONICLE, and then other LEGO themes. My current favourite is Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Clone Troopers are awesome!). I made my wikia account early this year, and frequently make edits. I'm also semi-active on MLN wiki and the LEGO Message Boards. Visit my page on MLN!

My Lego sets (incomplete)[]


Mars Mission This user collected Mars Mission LEGO.
Dino-attack-logo This user collected Dino Attack LEGO.
Tn bionicle png This user collects BIONICLE LEGO.
LEGO Star Wars Blue Logo This user collects Star Wars LEGO.
Brickpumpkin-052 This user also has a ID.
Skater13 This user is a Teenage Fan of LEGO.
Lego Digital brick This user is a LEGO Digital Designer.
Legouniverselogobeta copy This user was a LEGO Universe Beta Tester.
MOClogo This user has an MOCPages account.
Brick Reviews Logo March 2011 This user contributed to Brick Reviews.
Gamer This user is a LEGO gamer.
My Lego Network This user is a member of My LEGO Network.
Ninjago logo This user collects Ninjago LEGO.
Rating-1-glossy This user helped to promote 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker to Class 1 status.
R This user joined The Reparo Project.
TMNFOL This user is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Fan of LEGO.


Pages I've created[]



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Gold Brick
Gold Brick
Dataman1 has awarded you a Gold Brick! Gold Bricks are awards given by users to other users for all their hard work. Great job!

You can copy the code for this Gold Brick and add it to your userpage.

Dataman1 also added the following comment: 'Thanks for joining The Reparo Project'

Gold Brick
Gold Brick
Nerfblasterpro has awarded you a Gold Brick! Gold Bricks are awards given by users to other users for all their hard work. Great job!

You can copy the code for this Gold Brick and add it to your userpage.

Nerfblasterpro also added the following comment: For being such a good editor, and a bit of a early gift...for your 1000 edits. ;)