


Ed Mail is a mailman who appears in LEGO Island, LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge, and Island Xtreme Stunts.


LEGO Island[]

Ed Mail can be wandering LEGO Island in this game, occasionally stopping to talk to the player about his never ending job. During one encounter, he indirectly mentions that Dr. Clickitt is his brother in game.

LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge[]

In the PC version of the game he can initially be found sorting parcels, one of which for Pepper's house. Afterwards, he can be found wandering LEGO Island for the rest of the game.

He can be found wandering the bottom left section of LEGO Island in the Game Boy Color port.

At the start of the Game Boy Advance port he shows up a Pepper's house and mentions that the northern bridge is currently being repaired. Afterwards, other than the player finding his card, he isn't seen for the rest of the game.

Island Xtreme Stunts[]

In Island Xtreme Stunts, he can be found near the harbor and asks Pepper to help him deliver the mail due to his backache. Margret Patricia Post and him are written like a couple in this game.

Behind the Scenes[]

Ed Mail's concept goes back to at least 1996 during the development of LEGO Island. An additional postal person was also considered to accompany Ed at various points, with names such as Edie Mail[1] and Edith Mail[2] being considered.

The LEGO Island 3 Character Bible,[3] used for reference during the making of Island Xtreme Stunts, mentions that his full name is Edward "Mail" Clickitt and that Dr. Clickitt is his brother. Additionally, it specifies that Margret Patricia Post is his wife.


Video Game appearances[]


