Bravely Default Wiki

Emma Odilia is an important character in the story of Bravely Default II. Though dead by the start of the story, Emma holds an important role as the former mentor of Elvis and Roddy in Wiswald, as well as the former holder of the Black Mage Asterisk and a former Hero of Light in the time 50 years prior to the game. In addition to the Asterisk, the book that Elvis aims to decipher formerly belonged to her, and Elvis plans to see his mentor’s goal completed by finding more Asterisks as she was unable to do so.


Emma was an accomplished mage who at some point came into possession of the Black Mage Asterisk and joined forces with Sir Sloan, King Godric Musa, and Queen Aileen to form their generation's Heroes of Light for the purpose of defeating the Night's Nexus. About 50 years before the events of the game, the four battled the Nexus, and though they fought valiantly, ultimately Godric had to give up his life to seal away the fiend, leaving the heroes' task finished. Around that time, she set up the city of Wiswald.

Emma spent much of her remaining life as a highly respected magic researcher and teacher in Wiswald, with one of her main efforts being to understand a mysterious book that she had acquired following her research into the Nexus alongside Aileen. Though the book reacted to her Asterisk, just the one was insufficient, and with the Bravebearer Asterisk cut in half in the battle with the Nexus, and Aileen unable to return to Mag Mell to give her any more, she was stuck figuring out another way. Her status in Wiswald attracted the attention of wizards from elsewhere, who tried to fight her for the title of greatest wizard, but she would always defeat them with utter disinterest. One such wizard she battled was Vigintio, and she ultimately killed him, though not before he had worked out a way to turn himself undead.

When Lady Emma died mere months before the events of the game, Elvis took over her work, taking on both the book and the Asterisk, and set out to fulfill the wish of his mentor. He would often think back to the guidance she gave him, and he was ultimately able to settle the score for her by defeating Vigintio once and for all.

A vision of Lady Emma is fought in the first of the Halls of Tribulation alongside visions of Sir Sloan and Lonsdale, showing the sheer mastery she had over her Asterisk.


Emma was a woman described as ageless, looking the same when fighting the Nexus as she did just before her death, and this is due to her use of magic to halt her aging. Emma has elbow-length black and white striped hair, and she is seen wearing the outfit of the Black Mage Asterisk, featuring a black garment tied at the waist with a hooded shawl, a yellow cravat, a black fedora with a yellow band, black gloves, black pants, black high-heeled shoes, and small black earrings. Her appearance as a Black Mage is most similar to that of Elvis, with her fedora having the same yellow band while Seth's is red and Gloria and Adelle don't wear a fedora.


Lady Emma was known as strong, kind, and studious. She was a fierce believer in fighting for the good of her world, doing so as a Hero of Light, and later spent a large amount of time educating future practitioners of magic, while remaining diligent in her own studies. She was often exasperated by the antics and irresponsible nature of pupils such as Elvis, but she also had a strong eye for potential and enthusiasm, which gave her confidence Elvis would succeed. She commanded respect from people across the land and admiration from those who knew her more closely due to her combination of might and good nature.


BD II Emma Flare

Lady Emma casting Flare

When fought in the first Hall of Tribulations, Lady Emma uses the most potent Black Magic available, specifically the top-level spells of each element, Flare, Freeze, and Burst, as well as Poison. As she only attacks with those spells, immunities to the corresponding elements or the Bastion's Vallation can make the mighty mage very nonthreatening. She is additionally able to absorb all magic damage. She wields the Leviathan Staff, which can be dropped and grants the Black Mage passives Lunar-Powered and Aspir Attack when equipped.

