Operations side by side, with the guerillas activities. Salient features of the planned military actions were:
1. Take over of lightly held Pakistanis positions.
2. Retaliatory action against the Pakistanis and inflicting heavy casualties on them.
3. Disruption of the Pakistanis lines of communication.
4. Stepping up of guerilla activities.
We realized that such decision, communicated by the Indian commander himself, was in fact coming from the government of India. This also indicated Indian Army's preparedness to face any adventurism by the Pakistan Army. This definitely was a welcome development for us and it was felt that the Indian Force's would, in the process, get deeply involved in our liberation struggle.
On 15 and 16 September we held elaborate planning discussion and meeting with Brigadier Shabeg Singh, local commander of the Indian force. The meeting wall attended by Khaled Mosharaf and Shafiullah also.
On 15 September an ambush against the Pakistanis at Amjadhat area in Pourshuram was laid by 10 of our soldiers. The Pakistani's counter attacked and the fighting continued for more than 2 hours. Naik Nadirussaman fought very galantly and helped in the safe withdrawal of the entire ambush party. The Pakistanis suffered 8 casualties. One of our man was injured.
On 18 September the first meeting Col. Sharma of 19 Raj RIF was held at Sreenagar area. The capture of lightly held Pakistani positions were to be carried out in coordination with the Indian forces, deployed along the border. Such coordination was necessary so that if the Pakistanis made any retaliatory attack and tried to cross the international borders, these could be repulsed. However, the actual attack on the Pakistani positions and the holding of the ground had to be done by the by the Bangladesh forces. The operational plan had to cover many aspects including those of limited fire support that the Indian army promised us in time of extreme crisis.
On the night our forces ambushed enemy patrol at Gourangapara. More than 15 Pakistanis were casualties in the action.
On 19 September complete operational reconnaissance of the Pakistani positions were held by Col. Sharma and me jointly. The Indian artillery unit Commander was also present to prepare artillery fire support plants. We recognized our troops by drawing surplus elements from main HQ & sub-sectors. While the operations were being planned guerilla activities continued other areas and deep inside Bangladesh.
On 20 September Subedar Raham Ali attacked the Pakistanis at Champaknagar BOP and after a brief battle withdrew to the base without suffering casualty. The Pakistanis suffered 3 casualties in the action.