Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki


Hi there, I'm Xilinoc, an administrator and member of the Policy and Standards Committee here on Bleach Wiki. Feel free to ask me anything about anything, be polite, and remember to sign your posts with four ~ so I can properly respond to you.--Xilinoc (talk) 04:37, 6 December 2024 (UTC)

Regarding order for large names[]

I'm gonna preface this by saying that I know official translations and Japanese fansites are as prone to errors as we are. I'm going to ask about characters with more than two Japanese names. Such characters with four names are Shunsui Kyōraku and Marechiyo Ōmaeda, characters with three names are Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Chōjirō Sasakibe, and Yūshirō Shihōin; there are also two Karakura High students with three names, and both keep the 2-3-1 order with name 2 being non-Japanese for both. With that out of the way...

I've noticed that on the wiki, the Western order for characters with four names is 4-3-2-1 (e.g. 京楽(1) 次郎(2) 総蔵佐(3) 春水(4) Westernizes to Shunsui(4) Sakuranosuke(3) Jiro(2) Kyoraku(1)). But for characters with three names, the order is 2-3-1 instead of 3-2-1. I can see the reasoning for the three-name order, since name 2 is what other characters treat as the forename in that case, but why not use 4-2-3-1 for the four-names like the official manga and anime subs do? Or rather, what was it that made people settle on 4-3-2-1 over 4-2-3-1?

On that note, for Kyoraku, is there actually an unwritten "no" in 京楽 次郎 as written on the page's romanized reading, or is it a mistake that got overlooked like Sakuranosuke? I'm asking because on multiple Japanese fan-maintained sites, the reading for 京楽 次郎 総蔵佐 春水 does not have a "no" anywhere. FWIW, the "no" was added during the days when the page had Souzousa instead of Sakuranosuke (this revision).

One last thing, I'd like to apologize for not getting permission before moving Gengorō Ōunabara. I moved it because this pagename is more accurate to the furigana (link can be found in that page's history), but wasn't aware of the moving policy. RevvedUp (talk) 05:14, 26 November 2024 (UTC)

Image request - 397[]

Hey Xil, I was thinking of making a proper page for the Torrent of the Soul King's Power ability (even though that name is a bit of a mouthful, but whatever). But I realized I'm actually missing a proper image of the "cyclops babies" to add to it. So could you perhaps upload an image of episode 397 of Hisagi grabbing one of those things as it's biting at him? It's probably the best image of an individual one we'll ever get. Thanks! Timjer (talk) 19:08, 28 November 2024 (UTC)

So, what do you think of the page? I was divided on making it a "Quincy technique" or a "Transcendent technique" page, but I figured that since it's something Yhwach could only do after absorbing the SK and we almost never use that other template, I figured to make it a "Transcendent technique". Though I'm not opposed to changing it to a "Quincy technique" page if others prefer it. Timjer (talk) 17:59, 29 November 2024 (UTC)


Hey Xil, very minor thing, but would you agree that Qualkreis should be Qual Kreis given the kana separator used in the subs. The pages that would need changing I identified are:

If I got your ok I could do the changes, except on the image gallery which needs unlocking first. Karama20 (talk) 10:25, 29 November 2024 (UTC)

Aight only pages left to change that are locked are Qualkreis' Image Gallery and Yhwach's page! Thx in advance. Karama20 (talk) 18:06, 29 November 2024 (UTC)

Last followup. U had a bit of a typo haha. Should be Qual Kreis, not Qualk Reis. Karama20 (talk) 18:32, 29 November 2024 (UTC)

Anti-me rant on social section[]

Hey, I honestly don't want to bother the rest of the staff with it, but when random users start posting "anti-Timjer rants" on the social section as if I am solely the rotten apple on this site, I'm honestly not sure what to think anymore. Am I really such a ***** when dealing with people there just because I try to enforce this place's rules and keep things from escalating every single time? Because I lock down posts that are repeated constantly and keep getting less and less readable? Anyway, this user acts like I'm the biggest problem with this community, so if you guys would prefer I keep my distance from the social section, just say so, alright? Timjer (talk) 15:59, 2 December 2024 (UTC)

P.S.: I'm also not going to respond to that post right now. Not because I don't want to, I do have some things to say to that user, but because I feel that if I am going to reply it'll only escalate stuff. Timjer (talk) 16:08, 2 December 2024 (UTC)

Damn, you certainly didn't pull any punches with that one, eh? I appreciate it though, really. And don't worry, I'm not going to leave this place beause of the occassional troll that decides to come above ground regardless. I'm not going to let those lifeless jerks ruin the enjoyment I do get from contributing to a fandom I like. I just meant that I'm aware that I'm not the most socially skilled person alive, so if I actually did do something to offend people without realizing it, I would have preferred to hear it from a third party. But since I'm cleared of all charges here, I see no reason to back down at all. Anyway, once again thanks for sticking up for me. Timjer (talk) 18:22, 2 December 2024 (UTC)

Images request - 401[]

Yep, it's that time of week again. I'll keep it simple, first a close up of Katen's face at 22:13 (potential profile image), secondly Katen trying to stab Shunsui's eye at 22:06 (we could use some extra images of them together, and it shows their relationship well, I think), IF its not included in the next episode - 0:24, as Ashisogi Jizo is about to explode, and one of Shunsui's afterimages at 10:16. Thanks. Timjer (talk) 12:49, 7 December 2024 (UTC)

Thanks. And it was actually the second Kageokuri image I was initially looking for, but both works better. As for Katen, I do hope the next episode will have a better profile image as well, but just in case it doesn't I at least wanted to have the options, you know? Timjer (talk) 18:54, 10 December 2024 (UTC)


Greetings, i just wanted to inform you, that the user GibMemes4

Is vandalising the wiki.

Gearbram (talk) 14:34, 12 December 2024 (UTC)

Episode and music[]

First of all, just like how you geeked out over Uryu vs Renji, I'm going to geek out to the end of Shunsui vs Lille, if you don't mind. Shiro Sagisu didn't just cook with that final OST (when Trompete is charged), he made us a whole ten-course gourmet meal with it. Oh, and speaking of music, I think you might find this interesting: official previews for cour 2 OSTs, so that might make listing the episode songs a bit easier. Timjer (talk) 19:22, 14 December 2024 (UTC)

Trompete Trivia[]

TBH, I was debating myself wether or not it counts as Junk Trivia or not. But in the end I figured the parallels (such as Jilliel meaning "Judgement of God" and the battles around Warhwelt being for the end of the world(s)) were too much to be unintentional. But I'll refer to your, well, judgment on this. Timjer (talk) 17:38, 15 December 2024 (UTC)

I reworded it as you suggested. Aside from the fact that it deserves mention that Kubo seems to draw a decent amount of inspiration from biblical stories and such for the Quincy and Yhwach, it also helps avoid confusion amongst some fans, who might think that Lille's Trompete might just be Kubo being random and nonsensical, as detractors often claim he is. Timjer (talk) 18:38, 15 December 2024 (UTC)

Junk Trivia[]

Hey Xil. Since the "Junk Trivia" rule has cropped up a few times now, I was wondering... Would it be worth amending that rule somewhat to allow maybe sth. like a "Conjecture/Digression" section below (or as part of) Trivia sections, for likely background info/possible inspiration/intertextual references and stuff?

It might be somewhat annoying in terms of determining what is/isn't suitable info, but if we keep it to the most obvious/likely references (e.g. Aizen/the Hogyōku being an allusion to Aizen Myō'ō and the Wish-Granting Cintamani, etc.)? Similar to say, the HxH Wiki or Narutopedia. If we properly distinguish this section from the rest of the page and lead into it with a phrase like "The following is conjecture and does not constitute confirmed ..." (and still keep the language as non-suppositional as possible) maybe that could work? Unless it's too much of a hassle.

In my mind, it might be worth considering insofar as that kind of digression/info is more suitable than in-universe speculation (like "This character might be capable of .../related to...")... And a viewer of the page can then make up their own mind regarding how likely that kinda info is to apply as background inspo... Even if stuff like Gerard Hoffnung cannot be verified without word from Kubo, it might still be worth adding it, even if just as an interesting coincidence... Karama20 (talk) 15:52, 16 December 2024 (UTC)

Would you prefer keeping it as reg. Trivia points, or as a somewhat separate section, called "Digression" or something (dunno if it's maybe unnecessary)? Karama20 (talk) 15:42, 17 December 2024 (UTC)

Aight, thanks for your help^^! Karama20 (talk) 15:46, 17 December 2024 (UTC)

Zanpakuto types discussion[]

Hey Xil, I and Karama were having a bit of a discussion on the Zanpakuto talk page about reclassifying some of them. I personally think that concerning Shinso and Minazuki some good points were raised, so if you don't mind I'm going to make the change, as I prefer to have an admin approve of something like that. Timjer (talk) 15:49, 17 December 2024 (UTC)

Yhwach page edit[]

Can you link Soul Distribution Power to Yhwach's page? In history and powers. Also, I would like to add that he does not have the innate ability to manipulate Reishi in powers. Lightning Laxus (talk) 20:21, 22 December 2024 (UTC)

Thanks for unlocking Yhwach's page. Can you do the same for the Soul King? Frankly speaking, I don't see why it was locked in the first place. The only edit besides Timjer's on that day was this, and it's not a malicious edit. In fact, Yhwach does say humans in the episode. Lightning Laxus (talk) 13:00, 23 December 2024 (UTC)
I've just unlocked it, as it seems like most vandals are gone for now. Timjer (talk) 13:03, 23 December 2024 (UTC)
Well, thank you for that, but I don't see how it was vandalized? It looks like it was just randomly locked. Only you and RevvedUp were even editing on that day. Lightning Laxus (talk) 13:08, 23 December 2024 (UTC)
I honestly don't know why it was locked again back then, maybe preventively? Regardless, it's unlocked now. Timjer (talk) 13:09, 23 December 2024 (UTC)

Shadows Gone[]

Can you unlock the page and fix the linking error in the lede? Lightning Laxus (talk) 15:22, 26 December 2024 (UTC)


I implemented the change from Aschetonig to Aschtonig as per the Talk page discussion. Can you do me a favor and make the change for me on Gerard's Image Gallery page which is locked? Also, I already renamed the image [1] (though the file link still needs changing on Gerard's gallery page), but the image [2] still needs to be renamed. Since it's used on a couple locked pages and the rename function sometimes doesn't load for me well, could you rename that one for me too. Thanks in advance! (Also glad you enjoyed the last 2 episodes!) Karama20 (talk) 17:08, 30 December 2024 (UTC)

I've taken the liberty of updating the Image Gallery. Timjer (talk) 17:21, 30 December 2024 (UTC)

Re: C3 finale[]

No need to apologize, I figured the holiday season was responsible to some degree and as I've said before RL stuff comes before this place. That being said, you might have noticed that some power scalers are going crazy right now, and it's a bit more than I could handle by myself.

Agreed about C3's finale. Absolutely awesome and glad the Visoreds are getting at least some chance to shine. Also great to see Ichigo use what appears to be Zangetsu's Chain ability when fighting Uryu. Our boy is evolving. The only thing I do dislike is that we now have to wait yet another year or so for the resolution, especially since apparently cour 4 will have the most new content of all. Timjer (talk) 10:06, 31 December 2024 (UTC)


Hello Xilinoc, I just wanted to bring up the fact that Shunsui is stated to be a kido expert on this wiki but Ukitake is a master. How is Shunsui only an expert when hado 78 is a high level spell and he used it w/o incantation. Ukitake hasn’t shown using any spell as high as that so I was wondering could this perhaps be a subject thats looked into.(DisaterDad (talk) 09:49, 1 January 2025 (UTC))

Images Removed[]

Sorry, but I added two screenshots to Momo Hinamori's page, but they were both removed. I don't understand why.

Original SS[]

Sorry to add to your workload, but when cour 3 ended, I attempted to move the names and images of the original SS members to their new/official spellings, but several pages are just locked. In other words, I half-assed some of it and gave up midway. For example, you can see broken image links in the Wandenreich image gallery and pages like the Quincy Blood War use the old spellings. Could you fix all of that? Lightning Laxus (talk) 16:19, 2 January 2025 (UTC)

Don't forget these


Tite Kubo has stated that Senjumaru Shutara was made a member of the Royal Guard due to creating the shihakushō. Shouldn't this be mentioned in the Royal Guard template? Stay safe and healthy, and have fun! Burrito shipoop 11:50, 5 January 2025 (UTC)

Re: New OST[]

Hey, just going to copy-paste what I replied on Pavelartf's page:

Actually Xil the official OST for Cour 2 has already been released... In physical media in Japan. While I'm personally still waiting as well for it to come on Spotify and/or Youtube (I'm hoping it'll be just a few more weeks at most), I've seen some YTers post, ehm, fragments on YT with the official titles (for example the Auswahlen theme turns out to be "He'll die for our sins"). It's what I used for a few of my edits already. I could send you a link, purely for editing purposes, but since it's not the official release I'm not entirely sure it's appropriate... Timjer (talk) 10:59, 16 January 2025 (UTC)

Canon policy and TYBW anime content[]

Hey Xil, I'm going to keep this shorter than I'd like as I have some things to do, but I wanted to write this down before I forget about it. I just had a recent discussion with some people on the reddit about our Wiki's canon policy (so far it remains reasonably polite), and it made me look up our Bleach Wiki:Canon Policy and Bleach Wiki:Anime Policy page~s and made me realize that the things are kinda outdated. It's wording still considers some OG anime-only stuff canon (aside from blatantly contradicting fillers), and does not take into account our revised plans for the TYBW anime, which is more Kubo's "director's cut". So it might be very confusing for newcomers or future editors on how we actually approach things. Anyway, I just wanted to get the ball rolling for now for a discussion on how to improve and update our policy pages. Timjer (talk) 13:28, 18 January 2025 (UTC)

I'm sorry[]

Xil, you may have noticed that a MASSIVE vandalizing racist fascist scumbag is on a rampage here right now. I cannot handle this by myself. I'm not blaming you, but the fact that NONE of the other users or Fandom Staff are even REMOTELY helping me deal with this shitstorm is very disheartening. I need to take a break of a few hours, I'm sorry. Timjer (talk) 18:26, 23 January 2025 (UTC)

EDIT: Even though my mental health is seriously hurting under the Internet lately, I'm NOT throwing in the towel just yet, don't worry. But I cannot shoulder all this by myself. Timjer (talk) 18:28, 23 January 2025 (UTC)
Hmm, seems like that jerk has been dealt with at last. Good. Anyway, as I said before, I don't blame you or Eevee of Schiffy or anything. And I don't want your worklife to suffer under it iether. My frustration came from the fact that I kept seeing notifications from other users/anons about "reported content" here, yet when I tried to make a post asking them to at least mass report that disgusting vandal to Fandom Staff instead, so I could focus more on cleaning up here, nobody did anything about that, yet they kept reporting the stuff to us... I hope you can imagine why that didn't make it easier for me. Timjer (talk) 19:34, 23 January 2025 (UTC)

Image request - Shadow's gone[]

Hey Xil, could you upload another image for me? From Shadow's Gone, near the end, when Lille is just hit by his own reflected Trompete and cut in half, showing his "glowing insides". Thanks. Timjer (talk) 11:36, 26 January 2025 (UTC)

Chain edit help[]

Hey Xil, so yesterday I made an edit on the Chain page to have the infobox list both users of the technique, both Ichigo and Zangetsu, similar to the Getsuga Tensho page. But for some reason it doesn't quite work the way I intended. So unless it's a problem on my end, I think the infobox template for Hollows seems to be outdated and cannot work with the newer multiple images. I thought about fixing it myself, but I'm not that skilled with wiki coding and I don't want to break something. Can you help me with this? Timjer (talk) 10:34, 4 February 2025 (UTC)


Hey, could you please unblock Rangiku and Findorr's pages? They've been protected for a while now and I think it should be okay for other users to edit them. I hope you'll consider it... that is, if you even see this message at all... Stay safe and healthy, and have fun! Burrito shipoop 12:40, 17 February 2025 (UTC)

Monks of Destruction -> Destroyers[]

I completely forgot about this, but we can start implementing this change right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only annoying thing might be the mentions on episode pages right? Karama20 (talk) 19:33, 19 February 2025 (UTC)

Thanks! Karama20 (talk) 20:02, 19 February 2025 (UTC)

Blocked pages[]

I think that there are way too many pages that are blocked, some of which have been blocked for a few years. For example, when I went to edit Charlotte Chuhlhourne's article, I learned that it had been protected since summer of last year. Not only that, but many blocked pages don't get updated quite often, if at all. Stay safe and healthy, and have fun! Burrito shipoop 12:18, 1 March 2025 (UTC)

User AdamSandler420[]

Hey Xil, just wanted to inform you about the user "AdamSandler420", who suddenly began necroposting on the social section just to insult us mods and start flame wars over another user who was banned years ago for toxic behavior. Wether you want to give them the satisfaction of a rebuttal or outright ban them, it's your call. Timjer (talk) 09:58, 5 March 2025 (UTC)

And now there's a second user (who might be a sockpuppet) named "SuperSigmaAlt" who says I'm "harassing" NeoSaiyan by not letting them back in here and says I should step down from being a mod... Lovely. Timjer (talk) 19:05, 5 March 2025 (UTC)

Discord participation[]

Hey, I came to realize that I may be the only member of this wiki's mod community who isn't particularly active on our Discord server. I do occasionally come there to check up on things as a lurker, but the thing is that for the sake of my anxiety and mental health, I prefer not to spend too much time on social media in general. Especially these days, as you can imagine. However, if you or any of the other team members would prefer that I communicate more on Discord than here on the wiki, please let me know. I will put an effort to be more active on the Discord then. It does help that I know our Discord is decently moderated by sane and like-minded people. Timjer (talk) 11:10, 5 March 2025 (UTC)

Harassment help[]

Hey Xil, sorry for bothering you with this, but I could use some help. On at least two other wiki's I am currently being harassed by even more users who really want to unblock Neosaiyan on our wiki. Both here and here. I know you don't have any authority over there, but as an Admin, can you perhaps help me get someone at Fandom Staff to listen to me ASAP? Because I honestly can't take this harassment and false accusations anymore. Timjer (talk) 10:14, 6 March 2025 (UTC)

Berenice Gender[]

According to the official Bleach anime website, Berenice Gabrielli is male. Should this not be listed in Berenice's article? Stay safe and healthy, and have fun! Burrito shipoop 19:48, 6 March 2025 (UTC)