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Malgax Attacks is the seventh episode of the eighth season of Ben 10: Omniverse, and the seventy-seventh episode overall.
Ben finally manages to rid himself of Skurd... just when he needs the Slime-Biot most.[CN 1]
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The episode begins with Ben playing a video game at the newly launched Plumber Headquarters, but he loses, and the video game is overdue to Skurd distracting him. This is the final straw as Ben gets annoyed and says that he is going to get rid of Skurd for good who has no intention of leaving the Omnitrix, claiming that the Omnitrix's DNA collection to be "the nectar of the gods." Ben goes to Blukic and Driba to asks them for help to Skurd off him. They try many different ways in order to remove Skurd from the Omnitrix, but all of the attempts fail due to Skurd using the abilities of Diamondhead, Heatblast, and Stinkfly. Ben gets even more annoyed and decides to go for the "big guns" and go to Galvan Prime so Azmuth can help his problem, which also prompts Blukic and Driba to want to tag along because they want to visit a certain someone. Meanwhile, on Galvan Prime, Albedo and Vilgax break into the Galvan Museum and teleport away with Malware's remains, saying that their problems with Ben and Azmuth will be solved permanently.
Max takes them to Galvan Prime and on the way there Skurd feels bad for never saying goodbye to Rook who is visiting his sister. When they landed, they met Azmuth who revealed he never observed a Slime-Biot due to them being thought extinct yet and will help Ben. Luhley also joined them and was unsatisfied with seeing Blukic and Driba still competing over her. In his lab, Azmuth says that he can get rid of Skurd without causing pain through using ionic particle surgery, but he asks Ben if he's sure about this and mentions that good relationships take time. Meanwhile, Blukic and Driba follow Luhley to the Museum where she checks if everything is alright. They continue to give complements which makes Luhley think about which Galvan she would choose. Suddenly, Luhley puts this thought on hold once she notices Malware's remains are missing and the three Galvans immediately head towards Azmuth's lab. Meanwhile, Azmuth successfully removes Skurd and places him in a container for further examination. Luhley rushes into Azmuth's lab to warn the others of the disappearance of Malware's remains while Driba gives her a pot of her favorite flower and Blukic declares "it's on" which leads to the lot of them to figure out what Malware is planning, mistakenly believing Malware to be alive once again.
In Galvan Prime's orbit, Vilgax and Albedo are plotting the final steps of their plan on the Chimeran Hammer and send out the attack Mechadroid which easily bypass Azmuth's strengthened barrier, much to Azmuth's surprise. The Galvan Security Officers defend Galvan Prime and Ben transforms into Ghostfreak. Ghostfreak destroys some of the incoming attacking Mechadroids with his claws as he flies above the city and lands close to the ground next to Max where he transforms back into Ben. Max uses a blaster to shoot at the Mechadroids, but he and Ben are interrupted when Vilgax and Albedo teleport back into the planet and reveal themselves. Albedo transforms into his original Galvan form and then transforms into his ultimate form and wants to conquer the planet after he tells the others to witness his appearance as a hyper-evolved Galvan while Vilgax reveals that Malware's remains have been remade into powered battle armor and fuses with it. Vilgax then commands Ben to give him the Omnitrix. Seeing the three as simultaneous threats, they settle on taking on all 3 groups of the attackers at once. Ben will fight the Malware Powered Vilgax, Azmuth will fight Ultimate Albedo, and Max with the help of the Galvan security officers will fight the attack drones. Ben transforms into Diamondhead and engages in a fight with Vilgax, but he is defeated when Vilgax quickly overpowers Diamondhead and delivers a powerful punch to him that manages to knock him all of the way to Galvan B. After landing, Diamondhead transforms back into normal and Vilgax arrives onto the planet. Ben then transforms into Atomix and continues to fight Vilgax.
Meanwhile, Max and Azmuth manage to discover that the drones are being controlled by Vilgax's ship nearby and agree to teleport Max to the ship to deactivate the drones so that he can help Ben directly while the rest can focus on Albedo. Azmuth compliments Max on his strategic mind and believes that he may have some Galvan in his brain, but Max says that it's all Tennyson, and he is teleported by Azmuth into the ship. Ultimate Albedo transforms into Spidermonkey and then transforms into Ultimate Spidermonkey to defeat three Galvan security officers and managed to climb up the tower. After Blukic recites some poetry for Luhley as they and Driba are putting a machine together, Negative Ultimate Spidermonkey crashes through the window and enters into Azmuth's lab. Negative Ultimate Spidermonkey then discovers Luhley, Blukic, and Driba and he transforms back into Albedo. Albedo then states that he would like to have his way with Azmuth's lab, but Blukic, Driba & Luhley refuse to allow him. Albedo then transforms into Rath and then transforms Ultimate Rath and starts to pursue them. Back on Galvan B, it seems like even Atomix is unable to defeat Vilgax and he gets punched into the Chimeran Hammer. After crashing into the inside of the Chimeran Hammer, Atomix transforms back into normal, and Ben is surprised to see Grandpa Max on the ship trying to shut down the drones with the need of more time and he tells Ben that he can't stop Vilgax alone. Vilgax soon arrives and boasts to Ben that none of his alien forms will be able to stop him as he knocks Max aside. Back on Galvan Prime, Azmuth arrives at his lab and tells Negative Ultimate Rath to stop bullying his companions, but Negative Ultimate Rath tells Azmuth that he is just in time to die and shoots a laser beam out of a blaster that he created at Azmuth which seemingly obliterated him. Luhley becomes extremely angry and attacks Negative Ultimate Rath who begins to chase her on the roof of the lab, while Blukic & Driba realize that Azmuth didn't die and use their hazard detectors which leads to them finding out that Azmuth teleported himself right at the exact moment he was vaporized and he can be brought back if they re-materialize him in 4 minutes, meaning Azmuth is counting on the two of them to rescue him. Meanwhile on Vilgax's ship, Max still tries to deactivate Vilgax's drones while Ben manages to distract Vilgax long enough and transforms into Whampire. Whampire tries to fight Vilgax, but he is still unable to defeat him. Back on Galvan Prime, Blukic and Driba successfully re-materialize Azmuth, who then uses a fail-safe device that he created to disable Albedo's Ultimatrix for good and Negative Ultimate Rath transforms back into Albedo. After Albedo complains about losing again and Azmuth's intelligence, Azmuth corrects Albedo's misconceptions of him and explains that he became "the First Thinker" because he planned for every contingency. Albedo then yells "No!" in despair.
Whampire proves no match for Vilgax and Max sends a communication signal to Azmuth so that Whampire can talk to Skurd. Whampire sends a holographic message to Skurd, asking him to lend him a hand in his fight, and Skurd agrees to reunite with the Omnitrix. Since teleportation is out of the question due to Skurd being a one-cell organism would be destroyed by the reconstitution process, that and it makes him space-sick, Luhley decides to get him to Ben aboard her spaceship, using her piloting skills to withstand the Mechadroids' blasts long enough to get close to Vilgax's Ship before her own is blown up, continuing her path with Skurd in her spacesuit. The two of them are able to get to Whampire's location just in time to save him from Vilgax's coup de grace, with Max successfully finishing shutting down the attack Mechadroids at that time. Skurd bonds with Ben's Omnitrix again, giving him the necessary power to turn the tables in his fight against Vilgax, Whampire uses Armodrillo's arm, Bloxx's arm cannons, and Feedback's plug-hands to absorb Vilgax's energy blasts. Skurd then suggests that they should throw Vilgax into his ship's warp core and Whampire manages to do so. After Whampire transforms back into Ben, a meltdown which will result in the ship's imminent destruction begins to occur, transforming in the process Malware's armor, as Luhley put it, into a "Deathtrap" around Vilgax. Ben transforms into Gravattack and gets his Grandpa Max and Luhley out of the ship while Skurd forms on Gravattack's head a chamber made of Diamondhead crystal for Max, who wasn't wearing a spacesuit.
In the end, Ben and Skurd rekindle their bond, as Azmuth compliments Driba and Blukic, also saying that the teleportation process healed him from a physical health problem. Luhley finally chooses Driba to go out with, much to Blukic's chagrin, until she introduces him to her cousin Duffy, with whom he is immediately smitten with. As for Albedo, he is condemned to clean Galvan Prime from the mess he caused for the next 30 Galvan solar cycles, in which he demands sunblock as he was cleaning.
At the end of the episode, Vilgax is shown to be petrified due to being mortally injured from the warp core meltdown of his ship, and Malware's remains begin to ooze out of Vilgax's petrified body.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Albedo works with Vilgax once more.
- Azmuth disables Albedo's Ultimatrix for good.
- Malware's remains are turned into a suit for Vilgax.
- Vilgax is severely injured and petrified.
Character Debut[]
Minor Events[]
- Azmuth meets Skurd.
- It is revealed that Azmuth became the "First Thinker" because he planned for every contingency.
- Blukic and Driba finally reveal their feelings to Luhley, and she ends up choosing Driba as her boyfriend. But in compensation, Luhley's cousin (Duffy) becomes Blukic's girlfriend.
Recreated Ultimatrix Alien Debut[]
Main Characters[]
Supporting Characters[]
Other Characters[]
- Malware (modified into a suit and fused with Vilgax)
- Galvans
- Galvan Security Officers
- Duffy (first appearance)
Aliens Used[]
By Albedo[]
- Albedo's true form (cameo; goes Ultimate)
- Spidermonkey (cameo; goes Ultimate)
- Rath (cameo; goes Ultimate)
- Ultimate Rath (first appearance)
By Ben[]
By Skurd[]
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Naming and Translations[]
Language | Name | Origin |
Hungarian | Malgax Támadása | Malgax's Attack |
Italian | Gli attacchi di Malgax | |
Polish | Malgax Atakuje | Malgax Attacks |
Portuguese (Br) | O Ataque de Malgax | Malgax's Attack |
Romanian | Malgax Atacă | Malagasy Attack |
Spanish (HA) | Malgax Ataca | Malgax Attacks |
- This episode's title is a play on the game Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks.
- Driba's line of "We're not worthy!", paired with his and Blukic's kneeling, may be a reference to a scene from Wayne's World, where Wayne and Garth do the same action upon meeting Alice Cooper.
- The scene where Vilgax overpowers Ben as Diamondhead and delivers him a punch that sends him all the way to Galvan B is similar to the scene where Ben as Way Big threw Vilgax into space in Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix.
- Negative Ultimate Rath says "I love the smell of vaporized Azmuth in the morning," referencing the famous line "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" from Apocalypse Now.
- The device Azmuth used to disable Albedo's Ultimatrix resembles the 11th Doctor's sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who, also used by the 12th Doctor.
- Whampire makes a reference to a famous line in the Star Wars: A New Hope when he says "Help me Skurd the Slime-Biot, you are my only hope."
- When Ben is playing his game at the beginning of the episode, he states it being a sandbox-based game, however, it is shown to be a game similar to Galaga.
- Despite being launched to space in The Final Countdown, the Plumber Headquarters is still depicted as being underground.
- The old Mr. Smoothy cup design can be seen in the Skipper.
- In one shot when Azmuth inspects Skurd, part of the Omnitrix's rim is green.
- Before transforming into Ultimate Albedo, Albedo's shirt is black with red stripes, instead of red with black stripes. This error occurs again when he transforms into Ultimate Rath.
- When Albedo briefly transforms into his Galvan form, he is a red saturated Azmuth rather than his actual Galvan form.
- Skurd states that, since he is a single-celled organism, a teleporter would rip him apart upon reconstruction. However, he did not show this fear in Stuck on You.
- When flying up to Vilgax's ship, Skurd has the Omnitrix symbol on his head while he is on Luhley, despite not being attached to the Omnitrix at the time. This error occurs again when Vilgax pulls Skurd off of his face.
- Gravattack is once again bigger than usual.
- When Albedo's new Ultimatrix is disabled by Azmuth, he is unable to transform into an alien form even though he gained the ability to transform into aliens without an Omnitrix in Double or Nothing.
- In the U.K., the scene where Skurd uses Stinkfly was cut.[CN 2] It was also cut in the Arabic dub.
- The scene where Blukic and Driba start dating Duffy and Luhley respectively was cut in the Arabic dub.
- The scene where Azmuth removes Skurd from the Omnitrix, up until the scene where Ghostfreak fights the Mechadroids, was storyboarded by Fill Marc Sagadraca.[FMS 1][FMS 2]
- This episode's working title was Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.[ms 1]