Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
This article belongs to the Classic Continuity

This place is pretty creepy...which makes it awesome!


Friedkin University (pronounced Freakin' University) is the college where Gwen Tennyson currently studies. It is located east of Bellwood.[1] Gwen mentioned that it is the best Ivy league college among all the colleges around Bellwood.[2]

Known Staff[]

CS (135)

HP Lunchkraft

Known Students[]

Known Inhabitants[]

Known Visitors[]


Friedkin mascot

Their mascot


Season 5[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]


Friedkin University takes its name from William Friedkin, director of The Exorcist.


  • There is a statue of Edgar Allan Poe in the middle of the University.[3]
  • The students of Friedkin University are aware of all the magic-related things that have been going on, such as when Charmcaster turned into a dragon in Third Time's a Charm.[DJW 1]
  • Despite being aware of magic, Friedkin University will not become a school that teaches magic because they would not be able to narrow their curriculum.[DJW 2]


Derrick J. Wyatt[]

Earth Locations
Prime Timeline
United States of America
Bellwood Barrymore Theatrical SuppliesBellwood MotorsBellwood MuseumBen's HouseBillions TowerBurger BoyBurger ShackBaumann's StoreCamelot ApartmentsCamelot Industrial ParkCollins' ManorDaldon's BooksGwen's HouseJulie's HouseKevin's Mother's HouseKevin's Storage UnitLancelot Lake EstatesLot 4Madison Elementary SchoolManny & Ken'sMax's PlumbingMonongahela FoundryMr. SmoothyMunicipal ParkNemesis TowerPlumber HeadquartersSara's Italian DeliSav Cost
Undertown Argistix Security Inc.Black HoleGas HouseSpaceman's WharfY-it's Scooter Rentals
Northwest Wyoming (Yellowstone National Park) • Seattle (Space Needle)
Northeast South Dakota (Mt. RushmoreRapid City)
Southwest California (San FranciscoYosemite National Park) • Nevada (Air Force BaseArea 51) • New Mexico (AlbuquerqueSlaterville)
Southeast Florida (Kennedy Space Center) • Kentucky (Fort Knox) • South Carolina (Digby Dairy)Washington DC (Kelly IndustriesMega MartNational Museum of Natural HistoryWashington Monument)
East Coast New York City (Total Zone)Niagara Falls • St. Augustine (Fountain of Youth)
Other 6200 Prospect Boulevard6255 Pleasant Hills RoadAnimo FarmsBancroft AcademyBridgeman Trailer ParkCamp OpiniconElena's LaboratoryFriedkin UniversityGrande Madre DamGrover's MillHex's SanctumLos Soledad (Highbreed Control Tower)Paik's Body ShopPlanetary StudiosSanta Mira (Hatchery)SealSparksvilleThunderclap DinerTwin Mesa Nuclear PlantWaltonValadis Laboratories
Other Countries
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)Castoon • China (Great Wall of China) • Egypt (Pyramids of Giza)Greenland • Mexico (Mayan Temple of Ek Chuaj) • Russia (Moscow) • South America (Dos SantosTemple of the Sky) • United Kingdom (Big BenHighgate CemeteryHowl's Castle Moving and StorageLondonStonehenge)Zarkovia
23rd Mr. SmoothyDagon's ShrineExtraterrestrial EmporiumHP LunchkraftZombozo's Traveling Circus of Laughs
Alternate Dimensions/Timelines
Original Series Future Timeline Omnitrix City (Ben 10,000's HeadquartersFort DNA-X)
Race Against Time Timeline Hardware Store HeadquartersLe'Roys
Ultimate Alien Future Timeline Ben 10,000's Headquarters
Dimension 23 Mr. GyroTower 23
Omniverse Future Timeline Omnitrix City (Ben 10,000 Tower)
Games France (Eiffel TowerParis) • Italy (CatacombsColosseum) • Japan (Tokyo) • South America (Amazon) • United States of America (Grand CanyonDevils Tower)
Non-Ben 10
Generator Rex Bob's Biscuit BarnBug JarPlant