Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Character Gallery Relationships Research
This page is the image gallery for Pillow. You can help by adding images to the page, but only images that pertain to the article and are not fan-made. Images should be sorted chronologically.

"User, I didn't know Pillow/Gallery was THIS long..."Gaty, "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" (altered)
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Quick Answers

What is the significance of the character 'Pillow' in BFB? toggle section
In the BFB series, Pillow is a character who often comes across as patronizing and condescending, especially when discussing her research. She has moments of kindness and has demonstrated self-sacrifice, as evidenced in BFB 4. However, her character takes a turn in TPOT, where she becomes indifferent and self-centered, showing little regard for others' feelings or opinions.
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How does the character 'Pillow' contribute to the plot in BFDI? toggle section
In BFDI, Pillow is characterized by her condescending attitude, especially during her research. However, she also displays self-sacrifice, as evident in BFB 4. Notably, she carries a notepad for documentation. Her contributions to the plot have led to nicknames like 'That Pillow', 'Bedhead', 'A tough foe', and 'Sillie Billie Bruh'.
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What are some notable scenes involving 'Pillow' in BFDI? toggle section
In BFDI, Pillow is recognized for her notepad, used for documentation, first seen in 'Four Goes Too Far' and last in 'Balancing P.A.C.T.'. She ignites Bomby thrice and throws him off a hotel in 'Fishes and Dishes'. In 'The Great Goikian Bake-Off', she interrupts Bomby's dragon healing attempt in a game, deeming it dull and igniting his fuse.
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What is the backstory of the 'Pillow' character in BFB? toggle section
In the BFB series, Pillow is a character with a complex personality. She often displays a patronizing and condescending attitude, especially in relation to her research. However, she also has a self-sacrificial side, evident in BFB 4. Her character evolves in TPOT, becoming more callous and apathetic, focusing solely on her interests and disregarding others' views. This indifference results in a lack of clear signs of friendship or animosity towards others.
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How does the 'Pillow' character interact with others in BFDI? toggle section
In BFDI, Pillow exhibits a range of behaviors, from being patronizing and condescending, particularly in relation to her research, to displaying anger or oddness. Despite this, she has her kind moments and has demonstrated self-sacrifice, notably in BFB 4. However, in TPOT, Pillow's demeanor shifts to being more callous and apathetic, focusing solely on her interests and disregarding the opinions of others. This indifference leads to a lack of clear friendship or animosity towards others.
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