Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

"Oh. So that's why Recommended Characters/Gallery (BFDIA) is still so so small?"X, "How Loe Can You Grow?"(altered)
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Reason: RC Images on the BFDIA 13 section are broken.
This page was last edited on February 9, 2025, at 2:20:21.


"I got Recommended Characters/Gallery (BFDIA)!"Marker, "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life"(altered)
This article is under construction. Incomplete information or editor's notes may be present in the article. Please note that an edit conflict may occur if you edit this article, so be very careful when editing and copy your work before publishing.

Reason: BFDIA 15-16 RCs are missing
This page was last edited on February 9, 2025, at 2:20:21.


"User, I didn't know Recommended Characters/Gallery (BFDIA) was THIS long..."Gaty, "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" (altered)
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Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know[]

Get Digging[]

Insectophobe's Nightmare 3[]

Zeeky Boogy Doog[]

Get in the Van[]


Catch These Hands[]

I Only Count One

"I only count one."Balloony, "X Marks the Spot"
This section is incomplete. You can help Battle for Dream Island Wiki by expanding it with more information! (visual edit)

Reason: Many recommendations appear in 1 episode.
This page was last edited on February 9, 2025, at 2:20:21.

Taste the Sweetness[]

I Only Count One

"I only count one."Balloony, "X Marks the Spot"
This section is incomplete. You can help Battle for Dream Island Wiki by expanding it with more information! (visual edit)

Reason: Many recommendations appear in only 1 episode.
This page was last edited on February 9, 2025, at 2:20:21.

Lots of Mud[]

I Only Count One

"I only count one."Balloony, "X Marks the Spot"
This section is incomplete. You can help Battle for Dream Island Wiki by expanding it with more information! (visual edit)

Insectophobe's Nightmare 4[]

I Only Count One

"I only count one."Balloony, "X Marks the Spot"
This section is incomplete. You can help Battle for Dream Island Wiki by expanding it with more information! (visual edit)

Well, Look Who It Is![]

Enhancement L-Yoy-Ser recommended characters[]

These recommended characters were hit by the Enhancement L-Yoy-Ser.

PointyPointyPointy ♫[]

Spore Day[]

Respect to the Wicked[]

Start The Shift[]
