Battle Cats Wiki

Release Dates[]

  • Japanese: April 18th, 2022
  • International: May 18th, 2022


Added 3 new units, CRO ranges from 657~659:

CRO Name Rarity Source
657 Iz the Dancer of Grief UR
658 Ancient Egg: N101 RR
659 Ancient Egg: N102 RR
CRO Unit Rarity Changes
319 Radical Cat RR HP: 1,700 → 39,100

ATT: 135 → 2,380
DPS: 109.46 → 1,929.73
Recharge: 2s → 6s

482 Cat-Eared Souma UR

50% → 100%
50% → 100%

607 Fabled Adventure Girl Kanna UR level 2 → 3

656 Haniwa Cat EX HP: 375 → 5,440

ATT: 35 → 50
DPS: 2.23 → 27
Range: 100 → 120
TBA: 15.7s → 1.8s
Speed: 1 → 4
Attack Animation: 10.7s → 0.77s
Recharge: 2s → 2s

658 Courier Cat RR HP: 375 → 14,960

ATT: 35 → 7,055
DPS: 2.23 → 3,307.03
Range: 100 → 250
TBA: 15.7s → 2.13s
Speed: 1 → 25
Knockback: 1 → 2
Attack Animation: 1.07s → 0.37s
Recharge: 2s → 6.53s

659 Catarzan RR HP: 375 → 11,730

ATT: 35 → 4,420
DPS: 2.23 → 2,138.71
Range: 100 → 310
TBA: 15.7s → 2.07s
Speed: 1 → 10
Knockback: 1 → 3
Attack Animation: 1.07s → 0.7s
Recharge: 2s → 5.87s

CRO Unit Rarity Changes
247 Li'l Flying Cat EX Target Relic

Curse Immunity
Adds a 20% chance to curse for 24f0.8s, improves by 4f0.13s per level up to 60f2s
Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%

334 Fox Queen Himeyuri UR Target Relic

Curse Immunity
Reduces freeze duration by 16%, improves by 6% per level up to 70%
Upgrades health by 2% per level up to 20%
Upgrades attack power by 2% per level up to 20%


ERO Enemy Trait
604 Casaurian Ahirujo Red Behemoth
605 Pterowl Hazuku Floating Behemoth
606 Crustaceous Scissorex Alien Behemoth
607 J.J. Jackrabbit Red Colossus
608 Li'l Doge Traitless
609 Golem Sunfish Relic Floating


~ Nyanko, this article seems to be as long as Mystican Pasalan!

New Additions[]

Stage Name
Uncanny Legends
Behemoth Culling

Stage Changes[]

Stage Name Changes
2 Crown Stages Magnification: x1 → x1.3
3 Crown Stages Magnification: x1 → x1.8
4 Crown Stages Restrictions: Only Special and Rare Units
Magnification: x1 → x3
Miscellaneous Zigge 30~20 seconds900f~600f → 30 seconds900f
Zomboe 13.33~0.7 seconds400f~2f → 13.33 seconds400f

Zory 16.67~0.07 seconds500f~2f → 16.67 seconds500f

Zoge 10~0.07 seconds300f~2f → 10 seconds300f
Broton (Cats of the Cosmos) Mesocosmocyclone 66.67~33.33 seconds2,000f~1,000f → 66.67 seconds2,000f
Doge 13.33~6.67 seconds400f~200f → 13.33 seconds400f
Zigge 13.3~10 seconds400f~300f → 13.33 seconds400f
Assassin Bear 900~86.67 seconds27,000f~2,600f → 900 seconds27,000f
MikuDoge 10~6.67 seconds300f~200f → 10 seconds300f
B.B.Bunny 6.67~1.33 seconds200f~40f → 6.67 seconds200f
Kroxo 20~2 seconds600f~60f → 20 seconds600f
THE SLOTH boss → peon
Dagshund 12, delay 6~18 seconds180f~540f → 8, delay 12~18 seconds360f~540f
Zomboe unlimited → 2
Bore Jr. 8 → 4

Bore Jr. 13, delay 10~13.33 seconds300f~400f → 7, delay 15~20 seconds450f~600f Unlimited Bore Jr. 33.33~36.67 seconds1,000f~1,100f → 50~55 seconds1,500f~1,650f

Restrictions: Only Normal, Special, Uber Rare and Legend Rare → Max # of Deployable Cats: 10
Le'boin boss → peon

*Unlocked after entering the stage.

Cat Combos[]

Name Cats Effect
Warriors of Justice Kinrangers RoboForceSpace Marine CatBrave Cat Cat Cannon Recharge UP (L)
One-Way Ticket to Hell Hades the DeathdealerExecutioner "Strong" Effect UP (Sm)

Gacha Events[]


Banner Added Units Removed Units


