Tornado Carnival II (Deadly) is the first stage in Deadly Carnival II.
- 5 Metal Doges spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
- 20 Shibaliens spawn after 220 seconds6,600f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
- 1 Cosmic Cyclone spawns as the boss after 220 seconds6,600f.
- 1 The Perfect Cyclone spawns as the boss after 140 seconds4,200f.
- 1 Metal Cyclone spawns as the boss after 6.67 seconds200f.
Strategy 1[]
For Metal Cyclone, fast attacking Cats are as vital as Critical Hitting Cats are for taking it down.
For The Perfect Cyclone, Awakened Bahamut will go well against it. However, a well-timed Cat Cannon shot is needed, since even a Level 30 A. Bahamut can't get past The Perfect Cyclone's range before being knocked back.
If you're unlucky enough to experience the Cosmic Cyclone's wrath, Neo Psychocat and Castaway Cat can easily counter it using their abilities, while also allowing your attackers to get some hits in.
Strategy 2 (Cheese ft. Lufalan Pasalan, Waitress Cat or Corrupted Moneko)[]
This strategy relies on having specific units to quickly neutralize the Metal Cyclone, then destroy the base with it out of the way before anything else spawns, as there is a very long delay between the Cyclones' spawns. Lufalan Pasalan, whose Critical damage can destroy the Metal Cyclone instantly, could do the job, but that could also be done with a mid-level Waitress Cat or Corrupted Moneko, as Lufalan Pasalan may not even Crit at all.
All you need for the loadout is one of these units, some meatshields, a very fast attacker to stop the Metal Doges from attacking (not exactly necessary), and units to destroy the enemy base quickly, like Awakened Bahamut. You can also bring cats that can slow/freeze Metal enemies for extra support. Having Hurricat makes the startoff a lot easier, as he can easily neutralize the Metal Doges.
The stage will be empty at first, so take this time to save for Lufalan Pasalan if you plan to use him, otherwise use Combos to start with an upgraded Worker Cat and immediately summon Waitress/C. Moneko and slow/freeze support. The Metal Cyclone will appear in the meantime.
If using Lufalan, send him out when you can to confront the Cyclone. Once both come close to each other, spam meatshields and Critical Hitters to support and protect him, then hope that he OHKOs the Metal Cyclone with a Crit. As soon as it dies, send everything to destroy the enemy base before the other Cyclones appear.
For the others, just keep spamming cats who slow/freeze Metals and the Critters. If no Waitress/C. Moneko gets killed, you will obliterate the boss in no time, but a lot of stalling is required, meaning you should spam your debuffers to prevent the Cyclone from advancing; just make sure not to use Michelangelo Cat, as he may cause your units to miss, and likewise for weak Critical Hitters.
Strategy 3[]

Level 30
Level 20+36
Level 40
Level 29
Level 11
Level 30+1
Level 30+6
Level 30
Level 30+4
Lineup: Miracle Performance, Manic Mohawk Cat 30, Eraser Cat 20+36, Manic Eraser Cat 40, Miss MONEKO 29, Corrupted Moneko 11, Catasaurus 30+1, Sadako Cat 30+6, Waitress Cat 30, Seafarer Cat 30+4, Cyberpunk Cat
Notes: Cyberpunk has maxed Slow talent.
For Metal Cyclone, Waitress hard-carries.
For Perfect Cyclone, spam Sadako Cats.
For Cosmic Cyclone, stacking 3-4+ Seafarers perma-freezes it.
Cyberpunk is a nice slow addition, though it is not absolutely required.
- Prior to Version 13.0, Tornado Carnival II dropped 3 Cat Tickets instead of 2.