Battle Cats Wiki

Spectrum of Truth (Deadly) is the only stage in Growing Epic. Completing this stage yields an Epic Catfruit and a 40% chance to access Miracle Iris (Deadly).


  • 1 Chickful A spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
  • 4 Zigges spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 16.67 seconds500f.
  • 1 Dark Otter spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • 3 Owlbrows spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 10 seconds300f.
  • 1 H. Nah spawns after 13.33 seconds400f.
  • 2 Metal Hippoes spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 13.33 seconds400f.
  • 30 B.B.Bunnies spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 3~6 seconds90f~180f.
  • 15 Kroxos spawn after 2 seconds60f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • 5 Relic Doges spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.


A similar strategy to Growing Strange can be used here, as there are various enemy traits in this stage. Just remember that Relic Doge can curse your units, still, remember that you need a lineup in case you pass to the next stage, Miracle Iris (Deadly).

Strategy 1[]

This lineup is meant to be used to carry into the next stage, Miracle Iris.

Lineup: Modern Cat 35, Eraser Cat, Manic Eraser Cat 40, Catasaurus (Critical Chance Up) 40, Cameraman Cat (Survives, Attack Up (optional)) 45, Manic Macho Legs 40, Can Can Cat (Double Bounty, Speed Up (optional)) 40, King Dragon Cat 20+40, Manic King Dragon, Awakened Ururun 30


  • You can replace Eraser with Li'l Eraser if it is 5 levels higher than normal Eraser.
  • This lineup is based around minimal Gacha Cats and can be done with more powerful units for better reliability.

Battle: The stage starts off with the initial peons. If you should have it, here is where Can Can's Double Bounty will stand out, as B.B. Bunny provides an excellent cash source. However, that is not needed; stall out till your Worker Cat is at least level 2. Once you have done that, start waiting until the H. Nahs have approached within a safe but not too close range. Now that the enemies have advanced at least halfway across the field, you spam everything in this lineup. Ideally, with the support of dual Erasers and Primordial, your units should have an unbreachable line of defense that cannot be broken, and eventually you will start pushing back to the enemy base, mostly thanks to the uncursable power of Awakened Ururun, the dual Dragons, and Manic Macho Legs. Once that is done, you should win.


  • Following the rainbow theme of Epic Catfruit, this stage contains one enemy of every trait (besides aku, which did not exist at the time).

