Battle Cats Wiki

This page contains all name and/or description differences that can be found when playing The Battle Cats Unite!

Normal Cats[]

Name in The Battle Cats Unite! Name in BCEN Description in The Battle Cats Unite! Description in BCEN
Cat Cat Just your typical everyday Cat. The Basic Cat
Macho Cat Macho Cat Charm point: muscle definition. Charm point: muscle definition. Basic Cat
Tank Cat Tank Cat Acts as a shield using her great health. Strong enough to move a pebble Tough. High health. (Area Attack) Strong enough to move a pebble.
Eraser Cat Eraser Cat Rigid defense. Now with corners (Area Attack) Really Good ™ Defense. (Area Attack) Strong enough to move a small rock. Can take a beating thanks to elasticity. Really Good ™ Defense. (Area Attack) Strong enough to move two small rocks.
Axe Cat Axe Cat Combat maniac. Strong against Red enemies. Combat maniac. Strong against red enemies.
Bird Cat Bird Cat Has the health of a pea. Exceptional attack power. (Area Attack) Has the health of a pea. Exceptional attack power (Area Attack)
UFO Cat UFO Cat Managed to overcome gravity. Good against multiple enemies. (Area Attack) Managed to overcome gravity. Good against multiple enemies (Area Attack)
The Flying Cat The Flying Cat It is said that it destroyed a city once with its beam of light. Might weaken Angel attacks. (Area Attack) It is said that it destroyed a city once with its beam of light. Might weaken Angel attacks (Area Attack)
Island Cat Island Cat Perfected his form while on vacation. Might perform Critical attacks Small chance of Critical Attack. Perfected his form while on vacation. Might perform Critical attacks Strong against Red enemies.
King Dragon Cat King Dragon Cat Don't ask how he made it into the Dragon Elite. Excellent long distance specialist, with a powerful single shot attack. Don't ask how he made it into the Dragon Elite. Excellent long distance attacks. Powerful single shot long range attack.
Titan Cat Titan Cat Blessed with extreme attack power and ridiculous amounts of health. (Area Attack) Blessed with extreme attack power and ridiculous amounts of health (Area Attack)

Special Cats[]

Name in The Battle Cats Unite! Name in BCEN Description in The Battle Cats Unite Description in BCEN
Ninja Cat Ninja Cat One of the strongest fighters. Rivals with Axe Cat. 10 wins, 1 loss. Fast attack and strong against Red enemies. One of the strongest fighters. Rivals with Axe Cat. 10 wins, 1 loss. Strong against Red enemies.
Ninja Frog Cat Ninja Frog Cat Learned how to summon animals. Rides a frog for better mobility. Fast attack and strong against Red enemies. Learned how to summon animals. Rides a frog for better mobility. Strong against Red enemies.
Sumo Cat Sumo Cat Tank Cat didn't listen when they said that size doesn't matter. Now with somewhat stronger attack. (Area Attack) Tank Cat didn't listen when they said that size doesn't matter. Now with somewhat stronger attack (Area Attack)
Madame Sumo Madame Sumo Found his calling feeding other Sumo Cats. Make sure you finish your food... or else. Now with somewhat stronger attack. (Area Attack) Found his calling feeding other Sumo Cats. Make sure you finish your food... or else. Has a somewhat stronger attack (Area Attack)
Cats in a Box Cats in a Box These poor guys have been abandoned. They are now fending for themselves with GREAT JUSTICE and speed. (Area Attack) These poor guys have been abandoned. They are now fending for themselves with GREAT JUSTICE and speed (Area Attack)
Cat Gang Cat Gang The hard life turned them towards the wild side. We should avoid them now. Who knows what they'll do? (Area Attack) The hard life turned them towards the wild side. We should avoid them now. Who knows what they'll do (Area Attack)
Samba Cat Samba Cat Beats have brought this one to eleven! Cheap and fast to produce. Everybody dance! Dance til you drop! Sammmbaaaaa!! Beats have brought this one to eleven! Cheap and fast to produce. Everybody dance! Dance til you drop! Sammmbaaaaa!!111one
Bound Cat Bondage Cat Has extremely high stamina. Will happily take a beating from anyone. Fast attack and strong against Red enemies. Has extremely high stamina. Will happily take a beating from anyone. Strong against Red enemies.
Bound Cat NEO Bondage CatNEO High tolerance for suffering. Will happily take a beating from anyone. Fast attack and strong against Red enemies. Wants more pain. Will happily take a beating from anyone. Strong against Red enemies.
Queen Cat Dom Cat A timid office worker and midrange attacker. Seems friendly with Bound Cat. Quick attacker, Strong vs Red enemies. A very caring office worker during the day. Bondage Cat is her after hours regular. A quick attacker and strong against red enemies.
Executioner Executioner Might not be Cat, loves violence. A quick attacker, Strong vs Red enemies. Might not be a Cat, loves violence. A quick attacker and strong against red enemies.
Drunken Master Cat Drunken Master Cat Adopted Drunken Fist style ? ...Or just on a bender? (Area Attack) Adopted Drunken Fist style ? ... or just on a bender? (Area Attack)
Panties Cat Panties Cat The cold weather is nothing against the warm woolen material. Advanced variation of Sexy Legs Cat. The cold weather is nothing against the warm woolen material. Advanced variation of Sexy Legs Cat
Bean Cats Bean Cats Like Cats in a pod, these lovely brothers always play nice with each other. Small chance to Knockback Red. Said to also have the "MeowMeow" alias. Always play nice with each other. Might knockback Red enemies.
Brah Cats Brah Cats Gained extra support and lift when they traded their beanpod for fine French silk. Small chance to Knockback Red. Earned the nickname "Sweater Brahs" when they traded their beanpod for fine French silk. Might knockback Red enemies.
Flower Cat Flower Cat Fascinated by pretty petals. Never forgets to water every day. Might Freeze Black enemies. Fascinated by pretty petals. Never forgets to water every day. Might stop Black enemies.
Cooldown Cat Cooldown Cat Hogs the fan after getting out of a hot bath. Attack style shows his aggressive selfishness. Might Freeze Black enemies. Hogs the fan after getting out of a hot bath. Attack style shows his aggressive selfishness. Might stop Black enemies.
Cramped Cats Cramped Cats Capsule Cat felt lonely and posted an ad for roommates. Overestimated the space in his flat. It's always cuddle time in there! Capsule Cat felt lonely and posted an ad for roommates. Overestimated the space in his flat. It's always cuddle time, whether they like it or not!
Toy Machine Cat Toy machine Cat A Cat that somehow got stuck in a plastic capsule toy machine. (Area attack). A bit Tougher than Tank Cat. Plastic capsule toy machine. A Cat that got into a tank (Area attack). Shielded, so a bit more sturdy thank Tank Cat.
Vendor Cat Vendor Cat Taller Cat that got stuck in a plastic capsule toy machine. (Area attack). A bit Tougher than Tank Cat. Plastic capsule toy machine. Longer Cat that got into a tank (Area attack). Shielded, so a bit more sturdy than Tank Cat.
Blue Shinobi Blue Shinobi Studied ninjutsu with manga. Stronger than Axe Cat - YES! Strong against Red enemies. Studied ninjutsu with manga. Stronger than Axe Cat - YES! Wanna fight, Red Enemies?
Orange Shinobi Orange Shinobi Deepened studies with anime. Rivals with Axe Cat. 10 wins, 1 loss. Strong against Red enemies Deepened studies with anime. Stronger than Axe Cat - YES! Wanna fight, Red Enemies?
Squish Ball Cat Squish Ball Cat Got hooked on new capsule material. Somehow managed to transform itself into something similar. (Area Attack) Got hooked on new capsule material. Somehow managed to transform itself into something similar (Area Attack).
Muscleman Cat Muscleman Cat See the truth inside. Macho Cat's trainer. Everyone is facsinated by its rippling triceps. Distant relative of the Titan Cat. (Area attack) See the truth inside. Macho Cat's trainer Everyone is fascinated by its rippling triceps. Distant relative of the Titan Cat (Area Attack).
Valkyrie Cat Valkyrie Cat Descended from the fields of Valhalla to provide salvation for the Battle Cats! Uses the Heavenly Spear Meownir. (Area Attack) Descended from the fields of Valhalla to provide salvation for the Battle Cats! Uses the Heavenly Spear Meownir (Area Attack)
True Valkyrie Cat True Valkyrie Cat Changed to her final form. Troubled because God keeps hitting on her. Uses the Heavenly Spear Meownir. (Area Attack) Changed to her final form. Troubled because God keeps hitting on her. Uses the Heavenly Spear Meownir (Area Attack)
Bahamut Cat Bahamut Cat Ancient prototype of a Cat Weapon said to have caused the first apocalypse. Lay waste with epically mighty area attacks. An ancient Cat weapon that was rumored to have caused the first apocalypse. Has unearthly offensive power (Area Attack)
Crazed Bahamut Cat Crazed Bahamut Cat Turns out the first apocalypse was actually caused by this one. You can see why... Has unearthly offensive power. (Area Attack) Turns out the first apocalypse was actually caused by this one. You can see why... Has unearthly offensive power (Area Attack)
Awakened Bahamut Cat Awakened Bahamut Cat They say the power to obliterate Earth is already his. Freed of the suit which shackled his power, his power and speed is unmatched. (Area Attack) They say the power to obliterate Earth is already his. Freed of the suit which shackled his power, his power and speed is unmatched (Area Attack)
Ururun Wolf Ururun Wolf I swear allegiance to those who defeated me! No one asked. Joined the Cat Army anyway. Might Knockback enemies. (Area attack) I swear allegiance to those who defeated me! No one asked. Joined the Cat Army anyway. Might knockback enemies. (Area attack)
Ururun Cat Ururun Cat A delusional young girl who finally got hold of a Cat-like creature. Dad's a school teacher. Might Knockback enemies. (Area attack) A delusional young girl who finally got hold of a Cat-like creature. Dad's a school teacher. Might knockback enemies. (Area attack)
Hermit Cat Hermit Cat A legendary sage who infiltrated the Cat Base. Memory might be going, but true strength cannot be forgotten. Rapid area attacks fire powerful waves. A legendary sage who infiltrated the Cat Base Memory might be going, but true strength cannot be forgotten. Rapid area attacks fire powerful waves.
Taekwondo Cat Nekondo From the world championship to home exercise, everyone (even Cats!) loves this trendy martial art featuring flying kicks! From the world championship to home exercise, everyone (even Cats!) loves this trendy martial art featuring flying kicks!
HG Taekwondo Cat Nekondo HG This fighter is rising in the ranks and now wears headgear to deal with the intensity and power of his opponents in the ring. This fighter is rising in the ranks and now wears headgear to deal with the intensity and power of his opponents in the ring.
Wind Dancer Valkyrie Wind Dancer Valkyrie Valkyrie's youngest sister. Nature itself has blessed her with command over all forces of the Earth. Area attacks might break Barriers. Valkyrie's youngest sister. Nature itself has blessed her with command over all forces of the Earth. Area atk might break Barriers.

Rare Cats[]

Name in The Battle Cats Unite Name in BCEN Description in The Battle Cats Unite! Description in BCEN
Pogo Cat Pogo Cat Sucked in to the recent (?) trend of toys. Still, looks pretty fun. Cheap to produce, might Survive being broken. Sucked in to the recent (?) trend of toys. Still, looks pretty fun. Cheap to produce, might survive being broken.
Masai Cat Masai Cat Volunteered overseas and experienced cultural exchange. Took home a costume. Cheap to produce, might Survive being broken. Volunteered overseas and experienced cultural exchange. Took home a costume. Cheap to produce, might survive lethal strikes.
Jiangshi Cat Jiangshi Cat Horror movie maniac, or real g-g-ghost? Mystic seal is just this month's gas bill... Cheap to produce, 100% Survives once! Horror movie manic, or real g-g-ghost? Mystic seal is just this month's gas bill... Cheap to produce, 100% survives once!
Wheel Cat Wheel Cat Got tired of changing wheels of vehicles so became one instead. Spins so fast it burns. Massive damage to Alien enemies. (Area Attack) Got tired of changing wheels of vehicles so became one instead. Spins so fast it burns. Massive damage against Aliens (Area Attack)
Solar Cat Solar Cat Got tired of moving around so decided to become a solar system instead. Massive damage to Alien enemies. (Area Attack) Got tired of moving around so decided to become a galaxy instead. Massive damage against Aliens (Area Attack)
Chill Cat Chill Cat An evolved Cat who is always calm and collected at the office. Massive damage to Alien enemies. (Area Attack) An evolved Cat who is always calm and collected at the office. Massive area damage to Aliens.
Salon Cat Salon Cat Has no limit when it comes to beauty care. Works very well with Sexy Legs Cat. Exceptional Range Attack. (Area Attack) Has no limit when it comes to beauty care. Works very well with Sexy Legs Cat. Exceptional Range Attack (Area Attack)
Paris Cat Paris Cat A very stylish cat that earned the name Jeanne through her bravery in battle. Exceptional Range Attack. (Area Attack) A very stylish cat that earned the name Jeanne. Might be French, not sure. Exceptional Range Attack (Area Attack)
Cyborg Cat Cyborg Cat The ultimate bionic battle angel. Perfect both aesthetically and technically. Exceptional Range Attack. (Area Attack) The ultimate bionic battle angel. Perfect both aesthetically and technically. Long distance Area Attack specialist.
Jurassic Cat Jurassic Cat Descendant of an ancient Cat Race that existed during the Jurassic Age. Has a small chance to Critical Strike. Descendant of an Ancient Cat Race that existed during the Jurassic Age. Might perform Critical attacks
Jurassic Cat-sitter Jurassic Cat Sitter Descendant of an ancient Cat Race that cared for the young during the Jurassic Era. Has a small chance of Critical Strike. Descendant of an Ancient Cat Race that takes care of the young during the Jurassic Era. Might perform Critical attacks
Catasaurus Catasaurus Discovered a cute dinosaur in a magical land of fungi. Features extra seating for the kids! Has a small chance of Critical Strike. Discovered a cute dinosaur in a magical land of fungi. Features extra seating for the kids! Might perform Critical attacks.
Maximum the Fighter Maximum the Fighter Turns out his "order made" armor is a knockoff brand. Even the cheap stuff is still Strong against Red Enemies. (Area Attack) Turns out his "order made" armor is a knockoff brand. Even the cheap stuff is still enough to hit Red for massive Area dmg.
Pirate Cat Pirate Cat Influenced by a certain pirate cartoon, and dreams of being a Pirate King. Can't swim. Small chance to Knockback Red. Influenced by a certain pirate cartoon, and dreams of being a Pirate King. Can't swim. Might knockback Red enemies.
Captain Cat Captain Cat Still thinks Pirates are cool. Still can't swim. Doesn't get along with Ninja Cat anymore. Small chance to Knockback Red. Still thinks Pirates are cool. Still can't swim. Doesn't get along with Ninja Cat anymore. Might knockback Red enemies.
Dread Pirate Catley Dread Pirate Catley Just learned that there are movies about pirates too! Inspired him to upgrade his boat. Chance to Knockback Red enemies Just learned that there are moves about pirates too! Inspired him to upgrade his boat. Might knockback Red enemies.
Thief Cat Thief Cat Moves fast. Steals faster. Gets lots of money from defeated enemies! Moves fast. Steals faster. More money earned when defeating an enemy.
Phantom Thief Cat Phantom Thief Cat Moves too fast. Still steals the same. Has a large treasure collection now. Gets lots of money from defeated enemies! Moves too fast. Still steals the same. Has a large treasure collection now. More money earned when defeating an enemy.
Goemon Cat Goeman Cat Bandit of legend, last seen in old Japan fighting against the shogun's tyranny. Extra money from enemies. (Area Atk) Bandit of legend, seen in old Japan fighting against the shogun's tyranny. Slips extra money out of enemy pockets with area attacks.
Bishop Cat Bishop Cat A merciful Cat that brings peace and love to all of its followers. Charges for confessions. Might Slow Floating enemies. A merciful Cat that brings peace and love to all of its followers. Charges for confessions. Might slow Floating enemies.
Monk Cat Monk Cat Envelopes the enemies in gracious serenity to allow them to move to the afterlife Might Slow Floating enemies. Envelopes the enemies in gracious serenity to allow them to move to the afterlife Might slow Floating enemies.
Sanzo Cat Sanzo Cat On a journey to save souls through enlightenment. Mostly just beats up the local wildlife, though. Might Slow Floating enemies. (Area Attack) On a journey to save souls through enlightenment. Mostly just beats up the local wildlife, though. Might slow Floating enemies (Area Attack).
Fortune Teller Cat Fortune Teller Cat A Cat that loves the idea of fortune telling. Has read one too many astrology books. Might Knockback Floating enemies. A Cat that loves the idea of fortune telling. Has read one too many astrology books. Might knockback Floating enemies.
Fisherman Cat Fisherman Cat Eldest son of a prominent Tuna fisherman. Gets seasick. Might Knockback Floating enemies. Eldest son of a prominent Tuna fisherman. Gets seasick. Might knockback Floating enemies.
Shaman Cat Shaman Cat Able to communicate with the supernatural. ...Is what is says on the Wiki. Small chance to Freeze Floating Able to communicate with the supernatural. ... is what it says on the Wiki. Might freeze Floating enemies.
Necromancer Cat Necromancer Cat Turns out it was the supernatural that was controlling this Cat in the end. Small chance to Freeze Floating enemies. Turns out it was the supernatural that was controlling this Cat in the end. Might freeze Floating enemies.
Witch Cat Witch Cat A Magical Cat that would rather be a Magical Girl than a Witch. Might Slow Red enemies. A Magical Cat that would rather be a Magical Girl than a Witch. Might slow Red enemies.
Sorceress Cat Sorceress Cat Obtained magic skills from online courses. Really popular at parties but doesn't get paid. Might Slow Red enemies. Obtained magic skills from online courses. Really popular at parties but doesn't get paid. Might slow Red enemies.
Archer Cat Archer Cat Elite ranged Cat that can provide useful supporting fire. Bruises like a Tomato. Massive damage to Floating enemies. Elite ranged Cat that can provide useful supporting fire. Bruises like a Tomato. Deals massive damage to Floating enemies
Cupid Cat Cupid Cat Fire arrows of love at unsuspecting enemies. Does not like to get hurt. Massive damage to Floating enemies Rains arrows of love upon unsuspecting foes. Does not like to get hurt. Deals massive damage to Floating enemies
Swordsman Cat Swordsman Cat Trained in a certain game to become a magic swordsman. Very effective Battle Cat. Massive damage to Red enemies. Trained in a certain game to become a magic swordsman. Very effective Battle Cat. Fire sword does massive damage to Red enemies.
Sword Master Cat Sword Master Cat Mastered the art of dual wielding. Also can use magic. Scary combination. Massive damage to Red enemies. Mastered the art of dual wielding. Also can use magic. Scary combination. Flame swords do massive damage to Red enemies.
Cat Gunslinger Cat Gunslinger Nameless legend of the Western frontier. Today, he's out bringing bandits to justice. Might Slow Black enemies. Nameless legend of the Western frontier. Today, he's out bringing bandits to justice. Sometimes slows Black enemies.
Cat Eastwood Cat Eastwood A wandering gunman of legend, wielding his pistol for justice! Italian is his first language. Might Slow Black enemies. A wandering gunman of legend, wielding his pistol for justice! Italian is his first language. Sometimes slows Black enemies.
Stilts Cat Stilts Cat A cat so ambitious that he built wooden stilts to better reach for the stars. Might Knockback Angels. A cat so ambitious that he built wooden stilts to better reach for the stars. Knocks back Angels every once in a while.
Totem Cat Totem Cat Couldn't cut it by himself, so he gathered some pals to work together. Naturally, he's on top. Might Knockback Angels Couldn't cut it by himself, so he gathered some pals to work together. Naturally, he's on top. Might Knockback Angels.
Tin Cat Tin Cat Cutting-edge firepower masked by the soulful nostalgia of yesteryear. Might Knockback Black enemies. Cutting-edge firepower masked by the soulful nostalgia of yesteryear. Knocks back Black enemies once in a while.
Plane Cat Plane Cat Dreaming of the skies, he allowed the Cat Army engineers to install top-class tech in his body. Might Knockback Black enemies. Dreaming of the skies, he allowed the Cat Army engineers to install top-class tech in his body. Knocks back Black enemies once in a while.
Rocker Cat Rocker Cat A peanut farmer's son, became a rocker to avoid coming out about his nut allergies to his family. Tough vs Angels. A peanut farmer's son, became a rocker to avoid coming out about his nut allergies to his family. Resistant to Angelic attacks.
Artist Cat Artist Cat After album number 2 flopped, tried to get into fine art. Can only draw peanuts, so didn't sell. Tough vs Angels. After album number 2 flopped, tried to get into fine art. Can only draw peanuts, so didn't sell. Resistant to Angelic attacks.
Mer-Cat Mer-Cat A mermaid who came onshore to meet a prince. Survives on land by taking long breaths. Strong vs Floating, might Survive a lethal strike. A mermaid who came onshore to meet a prince. Survives on land by taking long breaths. Strong vs Floating, might survive a lethal strike.
Commando Cat Commando Cat Hearing her prince got kidnapped by terrorists, Mer-Cat joined the Green Berets to save him. Strong vs Floating, might Survive a lethal strike. Hearing her prince got kidnapped by terrorists, Mer-Cat joined the Green Berets to save him. Strong vs Floating, might survive a lethal strike.
Cameraman Cat Camerman Cat Putting her life on the line to tell the truth of the Great Cat War. Journalistic integrity causes massive dmg vs Floating, might Survive once. Putting her life on the line to tell the truth of the Great Cat War. Journalistic integrity causes huge area dmg vs Floating, might survive once.
Psychocat Psychocat Bends metal when excited. Loves cereal, but always end up with a useless spoon before he can eat. Might Slow Alien movement. Bends metal when excited. Loves cereal, but always ends up with a useless spoon before he can eat. Sometimes slows Alien movement.
Neo Psychocat Neo Psychocat His happiness opens up extradimensional portals. Don't accept his invitation to play catch-ball. Might Slow Alien movement. His happiness opens up extradimensional portals. Don't accept his invitation to play catch-ball. Sometimes slows Alien movement.
Onmyoji Cat Onmyoji Cat Exorcist who time travelled from the past. Always trying to purge sportscars of evil. Might Weaken non-Metal enemies. Exorcist who time travelled from the past. Always trying to purge sportscars of evil. Sometimes weakens non-Metal enemies.
Magica Cat Magica Cat Magical Girl by Alien contract - the shiny staff came as a signing bonus. Might Weaken non-Metal enemies. Magical Girl by Alien contract - the shiny staff came as a signing bonus. Sometimes weakens non-Meal enemies.
Rover Cat Rover Cat The first Cat probe produced by NYASA. Built to resist extraterrestrial attacks, with Warp Blocking and Tough vs Aliens. The first Cat probe produced by NYASA. Built to resist extraterrestrial attacks, with Warp Blocking and tough defense vs Aliens.
Rover Cat Mk II Rover Cat Mk II Cutting edge NYASA Cat probe. Transmission power is so advanced that it even gets the dirty channels. Warp Blocking and Tough vs Aliens Cutting edge NYASA Cat probe. Transmission power is so advanced that it even gets the dirty channels. Tough vs Aliens, with Warp Blocking
Bronze Cat Bronze Cat Acts as a shield using her great health, and very decent offensive ability. Might Knockback Metal enemies. (Area Attack) A good defensive cat with ridiculous health and very decent offensive ability. Might knockback Metal enemies (Area Attack)
Michelangelo Cat Michelangelo Cat Sucked into the world of art and very decent offensive ability. Might Knockback Metal enemies. (Area Attack) Sucked into the world of art and mastered everything about sculpting Might knockback Metal enemies (Area Attack)
Hoop Cat Hoop Cat Started getting a bit pudgy, so he took up hula hooping as exercise. Might Freeze Metal enemies. Started getting a bit pudgy, so he took up hula hooping as exercise. Might freeze Metal enemies.
Showoff Cat Showoff Cat Started out hoping to preserve his figure, but his figure changed in an unexpected way. Might Freeze Metal enemies. Started out hoping to preserve his figure, but his figure changing in an unexpected way. Might freeze Metal enemies.

Super Rare Cats[]

Name in The Battle Cats Unite! Name in BCEN Description in The Battle Cats Unite! Description in BCEN
Hip Hop Cat Hip Hop Cat Flunking student from a certain dance school. Can be produced in masses. Flash Mob! Might Slow Red enemies. Flunking student from a certain dance school. Can be produced in masses. Flash Mob! Might slow Red enemies.
Dancing Flasher Cat Dancing Flasher Cat Someone you don't want to see on the street. Dances skillfully to keep the game kid-friendly. Might Slow Red enemies. Someone you don't want to see on the street. Dances skillfully to keep the game kid-friendly. Might slow Red enemies.
Can Can Cat Can Can Cat Kicked out of dance school for improvising performances too scandalous for family shows. Sometimes Slows movement of Red enemies. Kicked out of dance school for improvising performances too provocative for family shows. Sometimes slows movement of Red enemies.
Sushi Cat Sushi Cat A Cat that moves fast by spinning. The fresh meat can take a beating. (Area Attack) Tough vs Red, might Weaken. A Cat that moves fast by spinning. The fresh meat can take a beating. (Area Attack) Resistant to Red, might weaken enemies.
Fried Shrimp Cat Fried Shrimp Cat A Cat that moves fast by spinning. Also got into Rock 'n' Roll (Area Attack) Tough vs Red, might Weaken. A Cat that moves fast by spinning. Also got into Rock 'n' Roll (Area Attack) Resistant to Red, might weaken enemies
Sadako Cat Sadako Cat Hid in a TV to scare people for fun. Was never able to get out. Haunts TVs now. Tough & might weaken vs Floating. Hid in a TV to scare people for fun. Was never able to get out. Haunts TVs now. Resistant + might weaken Floating.
Swimmer Cat Swimmer Cat Built from the pain of losing every race. Obtained its strength from tears of defeat. Massive damage to Floating enemies. Built from the pain of losing every race. Obtained its strength from tears of defeat. Deals massive damage to Floating enemies.
Butterfly Cat Butterfly Cat Overcame repeated humiliations with great effort. Now blessed with victory! Massive damage to Floating enemies. Managed to overcome the endless defeat with great effort. Now blessed with victory! Deals massive damage to Floating enemies.
Sexy Bathtub Cat Sexy Bathtub Cat Likes to keep clean. All. The. Time. Enjoys a quiet bath. Do Not Disturb. Massive damage to Red enemies. Likes to keep clean. All. The. Time. Enjoys a quiet bath. Do Not Disturb. Deals massive damage to Red enemies.
Delinquent Cat Delinquent Cat Known as the Bancho of Cat School. Might Freeze Floating enemies. (Area Attack) Known as the Bancho of Cat School. Might freeze Floating enemies (Area Attack)
Angry Delinquent Cat Angry Delinquent Cat Throwing a fit of rage because his dad ate his ice cream that was in the fridge. Might Freeze Floating enemies. (Area Attack) Throwing a fit of rage because his dad ate his ice cream that was in the fridge. Might freeze Floating enemies (Area Attack)
Bodhisattva Cat Bodhisattva Cat A Cat that has reached a state of peace and pushed its body beyond physical limits. Might Slow Floating enemies. (Area Attack) A Cat that has reached a state of peace and pushed its body beyond physical limits. Might slow Floating enemies (Area Attack)
Avalokitesvara Cat Avalokitesvara Cat A Bodhisattva Cat who has shown compassion to many and all Battle Cats. Might Slow Floating enemies. (Area Attack) A Bodhisattva Cat who has shown compassion to many and all Battle Cats. Might slow Floating enemies (Area Attack)
Juliet Cat Juliet Cat Dreams of a Romeo she met online. Favorite book: "Pride, Prejudice and Haircuts" Briefly Freezes Angels. (Area Attack) Dreams of a Romeo she met online. Favorite book: "Pride, Prejudice and Haircuts" Briefly freezes Angels (Area Attack)
Princess Juliet Cat Princess Juliet Cat All grown up, but still dreaming of her cyber-Romeo. Likes chicken kebabs. Briefly Freezes Angels. (Area Attack) All grown up, but still dreaming of her cyber-Romeo. Likes chicken kebabs. Briefly freezes Angels (Area Attack)
Weightlifter Cat Weightlifter Cat Lifting heavy things is the height of manliness. Supports 11 children, 7 wives and their parents. Massive Area damage vs Black enemies. Lifting heavy things is the height of manliness. Supports 11 children, 7 wives and their parents. Massive damage to Black enemies (Area Attack)
Ring Girl Cat Ring Girl Cat Made it to the 12th round of life using her own toughness and wits. Girl can't be stopped! Massive Area damage vs Black enemies. Made it to the 12th round of life using her own toughness and wits. Girl can't be stopped! Massive area damage to Black enemies (Area Attack)
Drama Cats Drama Cats Skating's so last year, it's all about classical theater now. Got the attention of the media, now making old-school art cool again. (Area Attack). Skating's so last year, it's all about classical theater now. Got the attention of the media, now making old-school art cool again (Area Attack)
Cat Toaster Cat Toaster Fed up with making toast every day, went on strike by firing bread at Dad's face. Area attacks might Slow angels. Fed up with making toast every day, went on strike by firing bread at Dad's face. Might slow Angelic enemies. (Area Attack)
Cat Projector Cat Projector Used to projecting Hollywood stars, now worries it might be obsolete thanks to digital video. Area attacks might Slow Angel.s Used to projecting Hollywood stars, now worries it might be obsolete thanks to digital video. Might slow Angelic enemies. (Area Attack)
Surfer Cat Surfer Cat Spent so long hunting the perfect wave. Now he's reached 40 without truly living life(?) Might Freeze Aliens and Survive. (Area) Spent so long hunting the perfect wave. Now he's reached 40 without truly living life(?) Might stop Aliens and survive lethal strikes. (Area)
Castaway Cat Castaway Cat Says he wants to escape his desert island, but he's secretly enjoying his permanent vacation. Might Freeze Aliens and Survive. (Area) Says he wants to escape his desert island, but he's secretly enjoying his permanent vacation. Might stop Aliens and survive lethal strikes. (Area)
Gold Cat Gold Cat Rolled in gold dust for a luxurious look. ...Though it is just the same old Cat. Exchange it for XP to level up other Cats! Rolled in gold dust for a luxurious look. ...though it is just the same old Cat. Exchange it for XP to level up other Cats!
Freshman Cat Jobs Freshman Cat Jobs A li'l smart aleck who aced his entrance exams for Nyarvard U. Uses his wit to spy enemy weak points and greatly weaken their offense. A li'l smart aleck who aced his entrance exams for Nyarvard U. Uses his wit to spy enemy weak points and greatly decrease their offense.
Rich Cat III Rich Cat III Heir of the legendary Rich Cat. Born wealthy, still pinches every penny. Gets lots of money from defeated enemies! Heir of the legendary Rich Cat. Born wealthy, still pinches every penny. Goes through the pockets of defeated enemies for extra cash.
Crazed Cat Crazed Cat The Basic Cat Crazed version obtains godspeed. But his legs are too short... The Basic Cat. Crazed version obtains godspeed. But his legs are too short...
Crazed Macho Cat Crazed Macho Cat Charm Point: Muscle Definition. Added charm point: beautiful hair. ...and a little bit more definition? Charm Point: Muscle Definition. Crazed version obtains godspeed. ... and a little bit more definition?
Crazed Tank Cat Crazed Tank Cat Acts as a shield using her great health. Strong enough to move a pebble. Crazed version obtains godspeed. Tough. High health. (Area Attack) Strong enough to move a pebble. Crazed version obtains godspeed.
Crazed Wall Cat Crazed Wall Cat Rigid defense. Now with corners (Area Attack) Strong enough to move a small rock. Crazed version obtains godspeed. Rigid defense. Now with corners. (Area Attack) Strong enough to move a small rock. Crazed version grants godspeed.
Crazed Cow Cat Crazed Cow Cat Thinks quick, acts quick, and uses his head. Runs like the wind! Crazed Version grants Area Attack. Thinks quick, acts quick, and uses his head. Runs like the wind! Crazed Version grants Area Attack
Crazed Giraffe Cat Crazed Giraffe Cat Thinks quick, acts quick, and uses his head. Headbangs only to Rock'n'Roll! Crazed Version grants Area Attack. Thinks quick, acts quick, and uses his head. Headbangs only to Rock'n'Roll! Crazed Version grants Area Attack
Crazed Fish Cat Crazed Fish Cat Strong against Red enemies. Crazed version decreases production time. Might perform critical attacks. Strong against Red enemies. Crazed version decreases production time. Might perform critical attacks
Crazed Whale Cat Crazed Whale Cat Managed to become a carnivorous whale. Strong against Red enemies. Might perform critical attacks. Managed to become a carnivorous whale. Strong against Red enemies. Might perform critical attacks
Crazed Lizard Cat Crazed Lizard Cat Able to attack enemies from a distance, using a powerful single shot attack. Crazed version supports High Definition. Able to attack enemies from a distance. Powerful single shot long range attack. Crazed version supports High Definition.
Crazed M. Titan Cat Crazed M. Titan Cat Blessed with extreme attack power and health. Crazed Version grants Wave Attacks. Blessed with extreme attack power Extreme attack power and health. Crazed Version grants Wave Attacks.
Driller Cat Driller Cat The heart of the Grandon mining team, his dream is to drill right to the Earth's core. Long-range Area Attacks 100% Weaken! The heart of the Grandon mining team, his dream is to drill right to the Earth's core. Long-range attacks Weaken Traitless enemies.
Power Driller Cat Power Driller Cat Digging specialist of the brave Grandon Cats. His antenna is detecting a long-buried treasure! Long-range Area Attacks 100% Weaken! Digging specialist of the brave Grandon Cats. His antenna is detecting a long-buried treasure! Long-range attacks Weaken Traitless enemies.
Piledriver Cat Piledriver Cat Drives stakes deep in the earth! She doesn't need your permission, she'll hammer where she likes! Tough vs any enemy, with Area Knockback Drives stakes deep in the earth! She doesn't need your permission, she'll hammer where she likes! Tough & Knockback vs Zombies (Omni-Strike)
Power Piledriver Cat Power Piledriver Cat The rest of Grandon is a little scared of her. Don't like it? She'll put a stake right up your nose! Tough vs any enemy, with Area Knockback. The rest of Grandon is a little scared of her. Don't like it? She'll put a stake right up your nose! Tough & Knockback vs Zombies (Omni-Strike)
Cutter Cat Cutter Cat Does double duty cutting and cooking for the Grandon Cats. Huge Area damage vs Red, Survives, Stronger after taking damage. Does double duty cutting and cooking for the Grandon Cats. Huge Area damage vs Red, Survives, gets stronger after taking damage.
Power Cutter Cat Power Cutter Cat Huge Area damage vs Red, Survives, Stronger after taking damage. Gained a cutting-edge stove-top for more efficient meal prep. Huge Area damage vs Red, Survives, gets stronger after taking damage.
Backhoe Cat Backhoe Cat No one digs like this guy. Don't even try, you'll lose. Only attacks Metal, with Critical chance!

Gains extra money when defeating enemies!

No one digs like this guy. Don't even try, you'll lose. Only attacks Metal, with Critical chance!

Gains extra money when defeating enemies.

Miter Saw Cat Miter Saw Cat The sawmaster-in-residence of Grandon. Hates it when things aren't cut in half. Tough defense & massive attack vs Aliens. The sawmaster-in-residence of Grandon. Hates it when things aren't cut in half.

Massive Damage and Tough vs. Aliens!

Power Saw Cat Power Saw Cat It's so boring when there's nothing to cut... The box has groceries for mommy in it. Tough defense & massive attack vs Aliens. It's so boring when there's nothing to cut... The box has groceries for mommy in it. Massive Damage and Tough vs. Aliens!

Uber Rare Cats[]

Name in The Battle Cats Unite! Name in BCEN Description in The Battle Cats Unite! Description in BCEN
Ice Cat Ice Cat A Cat that was entranced by a girl hailing from the Land of Ice. It is frozen. Might Freeze Red enemies. (Area Attack) A cat was entranced by a girl hailing from the Land of Ice. It is frozen. Might stop Red enemies. (Area Attack)
Marauder Cat Marauder Cat Cursed sword reduces offensive power but might deliver critical hits. Known as the "Metal Killer". Its cursed sword reduces the offensive power but might deliver critical hits. known as the "Metal Killer".
Baby Cat Baby Cat A baby cat that still can't do anything by itself. Luckily, daddy is there to help. Might Knockback Floating & aliens. (Area Atk) A baby Cat that still can't do anything by itself. Luckily, daddy is there to help. Might knockback Floating & Aliens (Area Atk)
Nurse Cat Nurse Cat Her warm smile and healing aura take away the sting of her piercing syringe (Area attack) Might Knockback/Slow Black/Floating enemies. Her warm smile and healing aura take away the sting of her piercing syringe (Area attack) Might knockback/slow Black/Floating enemies.
Sanada Yukimura Sanada Yukimura A famous warrior that was transformed by Legendary Cat Armor into a Bird-type General. Massive damage to Black enemies. A famous warrior that was transformed by the Legendary Cat Armor into a bird-type General. Deals massive damage to Black enemies.
Maeda Keiji Maeda Keiji A warrior transformed by Legendary Cat Armor into a Tiger-type General. (Area Attack) Tough vs. Black enemies, more damage when hurt. A warrior that was transformed by the Legendary Cat Armour into a Tiger-type General (Area Attack). Resistant to Black, more damage when hurt.
Oda Nobunaga Oda Nobunaga Nobunaga's Grudge made manifest after taking the lives of many enemies (and one Cat) (Area Attack) 100% chance to Freeze Black enemies. The manifestation of the Grudge of Nobunaga from the lives of many (and one Cat) (Area Attack) Stops the movements of Black enemies.
Date Masamune Date Masamune The curse of the Legendary Cat Shield has made him a killing machine. (Area Attack) Might Knockback Black/Red enemies. The curse of the Legendary Cat Shield has made him a killing machine. (Area attack) Might knock back Black and Red enemies.
Uesugi Kenshin Uesugi Kenshin Transformed into a dragon through magic of the Nyanko Engine. (Area attack) Strong/Knockback vs Black enemies. Transformed into a dragon through the cursed magic of the Nyanko Engine. (Area attack) Strong + 100% knockback against Black.
Windy Windy A galaxy girl who manipulates wind. Her vacuum cannon cleans enemies from a distance Massive Area damage to Floating enemies. A galaxy girl who manipulates wind. Her vacuum cannon cleans enemies from a distance. Massive damage to Floating enemies (Area Attack).
Thundia Thundia A galaxy girl who can manipulate electricity. Shocks baddies with volleys of spectral lightning. Massive area damage to Red enemies. A galaxy girl who can manipulate electricity. Brings down bolts from a distance. Massive damage to Red enemies (Area Attack).
Kai Kai Airheaded girl riding her machine pig "Tonton". Fires powerful point blank beams (Area Attack) Reduced damage from Floating, Survives Once. Airheaded girl riding her machine pig "Tonton". Fires powerful point blank beams (Area Attack). Reduced damage from Floating, survives once.
Coppermine Coppermine Magical beauty powered by her staff Releases beams of light (Area Attack) Might Freeze Floating enemies. Magical beauty powered by her staff Releases beams of light (Area Attack) Might freeze floating enemies.
Kalisa Kalisa Almost obliterated her school on the first day of class with her sword's dark magic. Massive Area Attack damage vs Angels. Almost obliterated her school on the first day of class with her sword's dark magic. Massive damage against Angels. (Area Attack)
Twinstars Twinstars The two purehearted sisters, Cici and Koma. Divine breath controls their mighty mecha claws. Massive Area dmg to Alien/Black enemies. The two purehearted sisters, Cici and Koma. Divine breath controls their mighty mecha claws. Massive area damage to Aliens/Black.
Sodom Sodom An awakened Ancient Cat Dragon. Leaves destruction in its wake (Area Attack) Might Knockback/Tough vs Floating. An awakened Ancient Cat Dragon. Leaves destruction in its wake (Area Attack) Might knockback/resistant to Floating.
Vars Vars Legendary Dragon Knight Vars. (Area Attack) Has ridden over a thousand dragons Might Knockback/Slow Black enemies. Legendary Dragon Knight Vars. (Area Attack) Has rode over a thousand dragons. Might knockback and slow black enemies.
Kamukura Kamukura Ancient Cat Dragon Kamukura. (Area Attack) Said to be able to move the heavens. Might Knockback/Slow Red enemies. Ancient Cat Dragon Kamukura. (Area Attack) Said to be able to move the heavens. Might knock back and slow red enemies.
Ganglion Ganglion First emperor and founder of the Dragon dynasty. Who knows what overwhelming power he holds? Strong vs Aliens, with Long-Range Area Atk. First emperor and founder of the Dragon dynasty. Who knows what overwhelming power he holds? Long-range attacks, strong vs Aliens and Zombies.
Urashima Taro Urashima Taro Elite Cat agent that holds the secret of the government bioweapon T.U.R.T.L.E. (Area Atk) Tough vs Black/Angel attacks. Elite Cat agent that holds the secret of the government bioweapon T.U.R.T.L.E. (Area Atk) Resistant to Black/Angel attacks.
The Grateful Crane The Grateful Crane Champion of this year's Bird-Cat contest held at the lake every year. (Area Attack) Might Knockback Floating/Angel enemies. Champion of this year's Bird-Cat contest held at the lake every year. (Area Attack) Might knockback Floating/Angel enemies.
Kasa Jizo Kasa Jizo It's said there's a shadowy organization who grants wishes made to these statues. (Area Atk) Massive damage to Black/Angel enemies. It's said there's a shadowy organization who grants wishes made to these statues. (Area Atk) Deals massive damages to Black/Angel types.
Princess Kaguya Princess Kaguya Beautiful Cat on assignment from the Moon. Her true nature is still top secret... Might Slow Angel/Metal enemies. (Area Atk) Beautiful Cat on assignment from the Moon. Her true nature is still top secret... Might slow down Angel/Metal enemies (Area).
Sarukani Sarukani Won best supporting actor as li'l monkey for "Selfish Persimmons". Everyone hates working with him. Strong vs Angels. (Area Attack) Won best supporting actor as a li'l monkey for "Selfish Persimmons". Everyone hates working with him. Strong area atk vs Angels/Zombies.
Thunder God Zeus Thunder God Zeus The highest authority among the old gods of Olympus. Rains down destruction with his Heavenly Lance. Strong vs Angels. (Area Atk) The highest authority among the old gods of Olympus. Rains down destruction with his Heavenly Lance. Strong vs. Angels. (Area Attack)
Radiant Aphrodite Radiant Aphrodite Deity of beauty, pride, love and... other stuff. Her Golden Bow always strikes true from afar. Massive damage to Aliens. (Long Distance) Deity of beauty, pride, love and... other stuff. Her Golden Bow always strikes from afar. Deals massive damage to Aliens. (Long Distance)
Shining Amaterasu Shining Amaterasu The might and beauty of the Sun personified. Subdues enemies using her sacred mirror. Massive area damage vs any Traited enemy. The might and beauty of the Sun personified. Subdues enemies using her sacred mirror. Massive area damage to any enemy with a trait.
Wrathful Poseidon Wrathful Poseidon Master of storms and seas, one of the 12 supreme Olympian gods. Sacred Trident's Area attacks 100% Freeze Metal. Master of storms and seas, one of the 12 supreme Olympian gods. Sacred Trident's area attack 100% freezes Zombie/Metal foes.
Nekoluga Nekoluga Not sure if this is a Cat... There's just something about those legs... Not sure if this is a Cat... Maybe if you evolve him...
Kesalan Pasalan Unknown Cat This is definitely not a Cat anymore. Seriously, I give up. Knocks back enemies. (Area Atk.) God, I don't know if this is a Cat anymore. Seriously, I give up. Knockbacks enemies. (Area Atk.)
Filibuster Cat α Evangelist Cat Appears before the strongest in the galaxy. Freezes enemies in place. Summon when you are losing ground. Unlocked by meeting all the legends. Stops the movement of enemies. Summon when you are losing ground
Filibuster Cat β Filibuster Cat Appears before the strongest in the galaxy. Stops the movement of enemies. Summon when you are losing ground Uses special powers to interrupt time. Stops the movement of enemies. Summon when you are losing ground.


Name in The Battle Cats Unite! Name in BCEN Description in The Battle Cats Unite! Description in BCEN
Croco Croco He was saved by Dundee. Passionate about correspondence learning. Managed to earn several qualifications. Word Processing Cert. 2nd class. He was saved by Dundee. Infatuated with correspondence learning. Managed to obtain several qualifications. Word Processing Cert. 2nd class.
Kang Roo Kang Roo Always dreamed of being a boxer Couldn't really get there because it is... well, a kangaroo. Sad sad truth. Always dreamed to be a boxer. Couldn't really get there because it is... well, a kangaroo. Sad, sad truth.
Teacher Bear Teacher Bear A kindergarten teacher. Loves children. His sharp claws are not suited for the job. Not related to a certain other bear. No one knows his real name. A kindergarten teacher. He LOVES children. His sharp claws are not suited for the job. Not related to a certain other bear. No one knows his real name.
Otta-smack-u Otta-smack-u Earned the nickname by ganging up on their target with a literal smackdown. Holds the keepsake of their ancestors, just a Normal Rock. Earned the nickname by ganging up on their target with a literal smackdown. Holds the keepsake of their ancestors "Just a Normal Rock"
Owlbrow Owlbrow Doesn't look his age. He's 78. The doctor told him to walk more. Complains a lot because he is treated as a Floating enemy when he is just walking. Doesn't look his age. He's 78. The doctor told him to walk more. Complains a lot because he is treated as a Floating enemy when he's just walking.
Bore Bore Always thought his name was the correct way to spell what he is. Turned really red after introducing himself. "I am a bore." Always thought his name was the correct way to spell what he is. Turned really red after introducing himself. "I am a bore"
Celeboodle Celeboodle Female college student

who enjoys chit-chat with her girls every afternoon at high end cafés. Her friends secretly hate her.

Female college student

who enjoys chit-chat with her girls every afternoon at high end cafes. Her friends secretly hate her.

St. Pigge the 2nd St. Pigge the 2nd Ancestor of Pigge. Second queen of pig kingdom. In a few days, will be shipped as organic bacon (She doesn't know yet). Ancestor of Pigge. Second queen of pig kingdom. In a few days, will be shipped as organic bacon (She doesn't know yet)
J.K Bun Bun J.K Bun Bun A very famous author. Influential figure for Bun Bun Teacher. His major works are: Punishment and Prejudice (1868) Les Pénitents (1875). A very famous author. Influential figure for Bun Bun Teacher. His major works are Punishment and Prejudice (1868), Les Pénitents (1875).
Bun Bun Black Bun Bun Black LOVE TAKES YOU TO HEAVEN #LOVE That's what he says when he hits people. Some say you can go see the other world when he hits you... Sorry, no valid source. "LOVE TAKES YOU TO HEAVEN #LOVE" That's what he says when he hits people. Some say you can go see the other world when he hits you... Sorry, no valid source.
Shadow Boxer K Shadow Boxer K You are already dead - S.B.K Spits out cheesy lines all the time. Kind of feel sorry for the joey in the pouch that always has put up with it. "You are already dead" - S.B.K Spits out cheesy lines all the time. Kind of feel sorry for the joey in the pouch that always has put up with it.
Black Cyclone Black Cyclone The relentless assault of win keeps curious gawkers far away. Has a lot more pushing power. ...or is it suction power? Attacks continuously while moving so no one can stop its cyclonic force. Has a lot more pushing power.... or is it suction power?
Sir Metal Seal Sir Metal Seal Came to the big city from the quiet seaside. Wanted more attention so he decided to go full cyborg. A seal who traveled to the city, dreaming of superstardom. Wanted more attention so he decided to go full cyborg.
Angel Fanboy Angel Fanboy Blew his life savings on Angel goods. Discovered Angels can't be hurt by non-Angelic attacks after obsessively collective Rare Cat Capsules. Blew his live savings on Angel goods. Discovered Angels aren't actually Floating enemies after obsessively collecting Rare Cat Capsules.
Redhead Snache Ginger Snache His lovely red locks inspired a master's thesis on reptilian hair care. The hair dye is still wtaercolor, and this information still means nothing. His lovely red locks inspired a master's thesis on reptilian hair care. The hair dye is still watercolor, and this information still means nothing.
Dark Otter Dark Otter Bears his family's ultimate weapon: Normal Rock, bane of clams everywhere. It's actually a plum pit, but don't mention it or he'll fly off the handle. Bears his family's ultimate weapon: "Normal Rock", bane of clams everywhere. It's actually a plum pit, but don't mention it or he'll fly off the handle.
Le'noir Le'noir This ink-black pachy is a manic collector of gentlemen's cinema. Afraid his hobby might be found out so smashes anyone who gets near his stash. This ink-black pachy is a manic collector of rare "gentlemen's cinema". Afraid his hobby might be found so smashes anyone who gets near his stash.
Imperator Sael Imperator Sael Came to the big city to fight Earth's Red Seals. No hands, but still tries for handshakes to be polite. Won't see my lyin' about this classy geny. A walrus warlord who came from space to fight Earth's Red Seals. No hands, but still tries for handshakes to be polite. Won't see me lyin' about this classy gent.
Betsy the LVIth Elizabeth the LVIth Scion of the cyber-pigpen, Liz almost ender her line after choking on a mushroom. She's still blue to this day. Uses powerful wave attacks. Scion of the cyber-pigpen, Liz almost ended her line after choking on a mushroom. She's still blue to this day. Uses powerful wave attacks.
Cli-One Cli-One Her mission: start the apocalypse and destroy all human life. Accidentally landed on the moon. Now just makes craters out of boredom. Weakens Cat Attacks. Her mission: start the apocalypse and destroy all human life. Accidentally landed on the moon. Now just makes craters out of boredom. Reduces Cat attack power.
Cyberhorn Cyberhorn A killing machine tasked with one purpose: stop Cat pictures from being posted to the internet. Meant to join for Chapter 1, now appears in the Future. A killing machine tasked with one purpose: stop Cat pictures from being posted to the internet. Meant to join for Chapter 1, but he was too slow to catch the bus.
Corrupted Valkyrie Corrupted Valkyrie Received the Doge lance Woofnir as a gag gift at a bachelorette party. Her mind is now clouded with rage against all things feline... Grows stronger after taking damage. Received the dog lance Woofnir as a gag gift at a bachelorette party. Her mind is now clouded with rage against all things feline... Grows stronger after taking damage.
Capy Capy Furry Brazilian fitness freak. Hits the gym twice a day and always her her food thoroughly. Weighed down by muscle, she's Slower than she looks, but those critical attacks hurt real bad. Furry Brazilian fitness freak. Hits the gym twice a day and always chews her food thoroughly. Weighed down by muscle, she's slower than she looks, but those critical attacks hurt real bad...
Calamary Calamary Ship crash-landed near the famous Tsukiji fish market. She introduced a new translucent style sense that's now tres chic at the harbor. Greatly Weakens opponent's attack. Ship crash-landed near the famous Tsukiji fish market. She introduced a new translucent style sense that's now tres chic at the harbor. Greatly weakens opponent's attack.


Name in The Battle Cats Unite! Name in BCEN
Thai land Thailand
Floating Conrinet Floating Continent
Raging Bahamut Cat Moon (Into the Future 3)
Cat-2392 Eskimo Nebula
Stories of Legend
Villains' Jungle Villains Jungle
Utopia Is Over There Utopia is Over There
Safe & not Sorry Safe and Not Sorry
Legend Stages
Absolute Defense (Insane) Absolute Defence (Insane)


Name in The Battle Cats Unite! Name in BCEN
Gilded Collar Collar of the Gilded
Masai Seal Seal of Masai
Zeus' Nail Clippings Zeus Nail Clippings
Santa's Beard Santa Beard
CAT-2392 Parka
Hieroglyph Pickled Veggies


  • Many of the Cat Units' descriptions have errors in them, as some have repeating or even description of their true forms i.e. Crazed Macho Cat's description mentioning it has hair even though it does not.
  • Based on these descriptions, Tank Cat, Bronze Cat and Crazed Tank Cat are female.
  • Bondage Cat and Dom Cat may have had their names changed in order to keep it kid-friendly.
  • Some cat and enemy units even reuse other units' descriptions, an example being Tank Cat's and Bronze Cat's descriptions.
  • Unknown Cat's name in Unite was only mentioned once in a Facebook tournament, that being Kesalan Pasalan.
  • Most description changes are rather minimal as they can be small as punctuation.
  • All enemies that were added in Version 1.0.6 onwards have their descriptions 1:1 and have their enemy type mentioned.