Gotham Plaza is the new location of Gotham City Hall. The flagship business is the lavish Shreck's department store building, headquarters of the Shreck Corporation owned by Max Shreck.
Lighting of the Tree Ceremony[]
A major attack on the populace occurred during the annual tree lighting ceremony. The Red Triangle Gang attempted to kidnap Max Shreck and positioned clowns with submachine guns at various points around the intersection.
Relighting of the Tree Ceremony[]
During the second attempt at a tree lighting that year, the Ice Princess beauty queen was murdered, releasing hundreds of bats on the crowd. Batman flew through overhead of the plaza, and was said to have pushed her off a building by one of the crowd members. The public briefly turned against Batman after this subterfuge, but he managed to clear his name by foiling a Cobblepot Rally the following day. Gothmities realized they had been been deceived by way of candid audio recordings played over loud speaker, broadcast from the Batcave beneath Wayne Manor. The Penguin was chased out of the plaza by angered citzens GCPD officers, returning back to Gotham Park.
Penguin Commandos[]
An army of hundreds of Penguins armed with rockets gathered here, before they returned to the sewer openings. They wore helmets that fed them radio control signals coming from a control station in the Old Zoo. Again Batman hacked this frequency and they were quickly returned to the zoo grounds, where they safely launched their payload away from the plaza. Due to the late hour on Christmas Eve, it does not appear any Gothmites were ever aware of this threat