Baldur's Gate Wiki
What the what? Strangers walking in our midst! Whose blasted job was it to keep watch? Spoiled our hidin' for sure!

— Tarnor

The Hatchetman's Party is a party of adventurers that is encountered in Athkatla's Temple District sewers, in the north, next to the secret door to the corridor that leads to the illithid hideout. The group has the following members:


Words exchanged between Tarnor and you may lead to conflict. If the party wished to avoid bloodshed, a payment of gold can be made, otherwise expect an axe splitting party member skulls. At the stage of the saga where you will first encounter this party of thuggish adventurers, it's likely that you do not match up in experience. This may mean that you will find it difficult to go toe to toe and slug it out with this group. But there are tactics that can even the odds or even give you the advantage, such as:

Scout ahead under stealth, sanctuary, or invisibility, and pin-point the group, before they see one of your party and trigger any conversation. If done correctly, you can then move your scout(s) back out of their sight, and prepare your party for battle. You can set an ambush, lay snares and traps, perhaps a glyph. You can cast buffs or drink some potions, and summon creatures to help you. And then you can confront The Hatchetman's Party when you're ready. You can entice their fighters to give chase after you and lead them into your prepared ambush.

You can also preemptively attack by surprise with anything you've got before they see you - you don't have to speak with Tarnor before you decide to attack this group. Launch a cloudkill or let loose of a fireball (or do both) while you're stll out if their sight, send forward some summoned creatures, discharge several bolts of lightning from a wand (and be prepared for a bounce back in the sewers!).

The AI in an unmodded game is somewhat inflexible, and you can gain an advantage by moving your party in and out of their sight and launch area of effect spells and missiles. It's not as challenging, but is an effective tactic. Don't do that if you want to test your mettle, and beat the group "fair and square", as they say. It's up to you.

Of course, if you want a fairer challenge, then see how you fare by just advancing your party within sight of Tarnor and company, with your "tanks" at the front, and your missile firing support members and casters at the back. When hostilities break out, go into action as best as you can. If you know what you're doing, it's not a particularly hard fight (but that also depends on difficulty settings and mods).

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Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere

Mod content[]

This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

Installation of the Sword Coast Stratagems mod will mean that this group is better able to deal with being ambushed by the party. It could mean that an invisible scout is detected due to a Invisibility Purge or Oracle Spell scripted for use if approached by a hidden party member. The spell casters will have pre-cast spell contingencies which trigger immediately upon hostilities. The enemies will summon help in the form of Aerial Servant, Animated Dead and a Mordenkainen's Sword. A cloud spell can be dispersed by one of the Clerics. The AI is better at chasing down attackers who are darting in and out of visual range. The enemy is just smarter in general.

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