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The Wizard spell Sphere of Chaos creates a spherical zone of possible random chaotic alterations and outcomes affecting enemies of the caster.


All enemies within the area of effect must make a Saving Throw vs. Spell every round that they remain in the sphere. If the Saving Throw is failed, one of the following random effects occurs:

- target is polymorphed into a squirrel
- target confused
- target bursts into flames
- target is paralyzed
- target is disintegrated
- target is healed 20 Hit Points
- target is randomly teleported
- target is rendered unconscious
- target is hasted


The caster directs this spell to the area map and designates the point on the map where the spell's sphere shall radiate from using the targeting cursor - click/select the spot.

Once the spell casting is finished, a text is displayed reading "Sphere of Chaos", and the sphere appears on the battleground map area with a "Weird Field" graphic effect lasting 1 turn.

The sphere's location on the battleground map won't move and is in a static position for the spell's duration - there is no real way to remove the sphere, and the caster can't abort it once it's active.

Any hostile enemy creatures within the boundary of the sphere are potentially exposed to the chaotic effects - an enemy outside the sphere that enters it is immediately exposed.

The exposed enemy is allowed a Saving throw versus Spell to resist it. If the saving throw is successful, the enemy creature is unaffected by the spell - at least for now.

However, enemy creatures are exposed to a random effect each round they are within the sphere, so another saving throw is required the following round etc.

If the saving throw is failed, the victim will be affected by a random d100 percentage die roll to determine what the effect is, as shown below:

  • 0-10 enemy is Polymorphed into a squirrel for 9 seconds (among other effects, this temporarily sets their current HP to 5)
  • 11-20 enemy is Confused for 9 seconds
  • 21-30 enemy takes 3d6 + 6 Fire damage
  • 31-40 enemy is paralyzed for 9 seconds
  • 41-50 enemy is disintegrated
  • 51-60 enemy is healed for 20 hp
  • 61-80 enemy is made Unconscious for 9 seconds (Elf/ Half elf do not get their racial sleep resistance)
  • 81-90 enemy is moved randomly, as if affected by a Teleport Field spell
  • 91-100 enemy receives the normal haste effect for 9 seconds

This spell can be potentially blocked by Magic resistance, and an enemy protected by Spell Immunity: Alteration will be immune.

Any effect with a duration can be removed by an applicable Dispel Magic effect.

This spell's internal Power level is 7 and thus is too high for a Globe of Invulnerability to offer any protection. This spell won't be able to affect a Rakshasa.

Where to obtain its scroll[]

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn[]

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal[]


The Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition ruleset doesn't have a spell titled "Sphere of Chaos", nor is there an equivalent Wizard or Priest spell to the BG video game version. There is a 4th level Wizard spell titled Chaos, but it implements something very different.


External links[]
