Spell Sequencer allows a wizard to store three spells of 4th level or lower in a sequencer and activate them all at once upon releasing the sequencer at a later time.
“ | Spell Sequencer This spell allows a wizard to store three spells and activate them all at the same time from his Special Ability button. All spells must be of 4th level or lower. To create a sequencer, a Mage must memorize not only Spell Sequencer but also the spells he intends to store in it (a Sorcerer can store spells of any level for which he still has spell slots). After casting Spell Sequencer, the player will be prompted to choose the sequenced spells from those he has memorized. A sequencer lasts until activated and, once used, releases its spells immediately (no casting time). The Special Ability icon also disappears until the next time a sequencer is formed. A wizard can possess only one Spell Sequencer at a time, and it may not be given to other characters. |
” |
The caster creates a Spell Sequencer by casting the spell on self.
A brief casting animation plays out, and then a Spell Sequencer menu screen is displayed - the instruction reads "ADD SPELLS TO YOUR SEQUENCER".
The player may select up to three memorized spells from the 1st-level through 4th-level spell book(s) to add. If the caster has both a Wizard and Priest spells, then any of those applicable spell choices can be selected.
When all the spells desired are "clicked" on and entered, select the "DONE" button, and the spell sequencer creation animation graphic renders over the caster's sprite.
Additionally, an icon is placed on the character's portrait titled "Spell Sequencer Active".
To use the Spell Sequencer, for instance during a battle, select the character and the Special Abilities button (F12), which displays all the current abilities that can be selected. Click on the "Spell Sequencer" icon to activate it and designate a target.
Spell Sequencer has a default casting time of 9, whereas the sequencer created via the spell has a default casting time of 1. If the wizard wears any casting time reduction gear, he can always instantly release his sequencer as if it had a casting time of zero.
Once the sequencer is released, the three spells stored in it are immediately activated in the order from its leftmost slot to the rightmost, with no casting time nor casting delay between the spells. If different spells are stored in the sequencer, they should be stored in a way that the spell in a right slot may benefit from the effect of the spell stored in a left slot.
The game engine uses the spell in the sequencer's leftmost slot for determining whether it is technically valid for the wizard to release the sequencer. If different spells are mixed in the same sequencer, it is possible that the sequencer be released at the range, target or location invalid to the other two spells, causing one or both of them to fail.
If the wizard dies and later gets resurrected, the spells stored in his sequencer's spell slots are lost. If he possessed a sequencer when he died, he will need to release the now dead sequencer (no effects) before he may cast Spell Sequencer to create one that can be used normally.
Since the duration is permanent until triggered, you can memorize the sequencer and the spells you want to put in it, cast it, then replace the used spells and rest. That way, you still have the trigger active after rest, but also have more spell slots for the next encounter.
A mage can have one Minor Sequencer, one Spell Sequencer and one Spell Trigger each active at the same time but can't have two of the same type active at the same time.
Where to obtain its scroll[]
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn[]
Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal[]
See also[]
- Minor Sequencer (spell level 4)
- Contingency (spell level 6)
- Spell Trigger (spell level 8)
- Chain Contingency (spell level 9)
- Several spells that require the same type of saving throw roll with the same modifier within the same short time frame will share a single roll instead of each having their own. This might be intended rather than a bug. Either way, sharing the same roll, they will fail or succeed in sync. If the player is trying to inflict a status effect like Confusion for instance, three of the same spell shoved into a Spell Sequencer are therefore no more likely to succeed than one. However persistent effects like Web will share a roll only on the initial cast. Subsequent rounds will force a saving roll for each spell.
- In EE v2.5.16.6, under certain circumstances (e.g. after the area transition to the Nine Hells or to the Starting area of ToB is completed), some mage characters (but not all of them, even if they are all in the same party) may lose their minor sequencer, sequencer and trigger (all of them) on their Special Abilities menu, causing an inability to use the related spell(s) again. They cannot release the existing one(s) or create a new one.
- There are two fixes for this issue. The first requires killing and raising the affected companion - which removes their stored sequencers completely, thus allowing resetting the ability for casting again. Another method is with the console commands enabled. Activate the CTRL+R command line to remove all active effects upon the selected character. This cleanses the character file, allowing the sequencers, triggers and contingency spells to be cast again and refresh the companion.
This BG game spell appears to be based on the Advanced D&D 2nd Edition Wizard spell The Simbul's Spell Sequencer. In the Pen and paper game, the wizard can creatively design the sequencer. The linked spells need not be cast by the wizard memorizing the sequencer, or even by a wizard; priest spells can be linked to a sequencer. The linked spells have no effect until the trigger word is uttered. Then all of the linked spells take effect in the same round, one after the other, in the order in which they were cast, until all have taken effect. See the External links below for further reading.
Mod content[]
This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
Regarding this type of spell, the Sword Coast Stratagems mod will do the following, but only if you do not install Spell Revisions:
Allow players to use the individual versions of Spell Immunity in triggers
Spell Immunity is really eight sub-spells. This component allows a subspell to be placed into a Contingency or Spell Trigger.
On Enhanced-Edition installs, this is done crudely, by introducing scrolls of the eight different versions of Spell Immunity. ToBex allows it to be done more smoothly on original-game installs.
Make spell sequencers, spell triggers, and contingencies learnable by all mages
In the unmodded game, spell sequencers, contingencies etc. are in the Evocation school, making them unavailable to Enchanters; this is a serious weakness for the class. This component moves them to be in both the Conjuration and Evocation schools (like Wish), so that all mages may use them. The affected spells are Minor Sequencer, Spell Sequencer, Spell Trigger, Contingency, and Chain Contingency. This will not take effect if you have Spell Revisions installed (as SR takes care of this already by making them "Universal" School).
With Spell Revisions installed, this is the equivalent spell description:
Simbul’s Spell Sequencer
Level: 7
School: Universal
Range: Personal
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a mage to prepare a magical sequencer that can store spells to be used later in a single swift action. The sequencer can store three spells to be released simultaneously, all of which must be of 4th level or lower. A mage can only possess one spell sequencer at a time, and the sequencer will remain active until the spells contained within it are released.
Mod gallery[]
External links[]
- Spell sequencer on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms.
- Advanced D&D 2nd Edition Wiki - The Simbul's Spell Sequencer (Wizard Spell)