Baldur's Gate Wiki

The Slums is the poorest of Athkatla's districts. It is the first and only district that Gorion's Ward and Party can travel to after exploring Waukeen's Promenade during Chapter 1 of the game.

On the map[]

Automap note markers:

Chapter II[]

Immediately after entering the slums for the first time, Gorion's Ward encounters Gaelan Bayle. This encounter is unavoidable. Gaelan claims to knows how to rescue Imoen, and will take the party to his home to propose a deal. After the deal is struck, a cut-scene plays, initiating Chapter 2 of the game. In short, Gaelan's deal involves raising a large fee for the information to rescue Imoen, so he provides a few suggestions to get started. His nephew Brus then leads the party to the Copper Coronet, a nexus for those in need of the Ward's skills.

Slum denizens and random encounters[]

  • At night, there is a chance of encountering a group of Muggers on the roof of the Copper Coronet. They may be invisible and backstab with no warning.
  • There are two Shady Characters in different locations, even in the daytime hours. If you approach them, they will advance and demand payment or threaten violence. If you refuse their demand, they may attack, or they may turn and flee. If they get damaged over 50%, they may attempt to flee. If they do manage to escape, they will never be seen again in the game.
  • At night, near the north slums gate area, an encounter will occur where a tourist is calling for help as he's being accosted by an ogre and a dwarf Mugger. The dwarf says "Get 'im, Hugo! I wants 'is purse, I does!" Time is of the essence to rescue the innocent before he is slain. Can you act quickly enough?
  • Two armored and armed fighters, a male human and dwarf stand together near the eastern most entrance to the Copper Coronet. They are glaring at you, and go by the names Bregg and Cohrvale. The latter will pick a fight with you. Other than running away, there will be a conflict with them.
  • The lone Amnian Soldier posted in the slums seems to be indifferent to crimes and foul play occurring in his vicinity. For instance, if you happen upon some slavers moving prisoners past his post at night and the prisoners cry out for help - the Soldier, he may say "I haven't seen anything. Move along, citizen". If you have Keldorn Firecam or Yoshimo in your party, there are additional exchanges of dialogue with this morally bankrupt guard. There is an opportunity here to role play.
  • A number of street urchins wander, run or move about the slums. You may speak to the girls or boy urchins. There are some good lines to flesh out the atmosphere of this district, and some are humorous as well. For instance, with Jaheira in your party, if you address one of the waifs, she will exclaim "Me ma says you can catch the clap from an elf. Do you have the clap, elven lady?". If Minsc is with your group she'll say "Ye look stupid, giant one. Are ye stupid? I be thinkin' so." With Valygar Corthala in your group a girl urchin may say "Are you an adventurer, sir? Can I grow up to be one just like you?" The boy street urchins have other saucy and quirky dialogue, some specifically for Viconia, Anomen Delryn and Nalia de'Arnise. Kids will say the darndest things.
  • Several down and out beggars are wandering or positioned in the slums. Speaking with them and perhaps donating some coin can glean some information about the city's state of affairs and some "street" rumors. For example, if you donate a coin or two the beggar may be inclined to answer some questions and say "How can I help but buy that from such generous folk? What is it tha' ye want t' know, aye?"
  • Male and female adult Halfling slum district residents can be spoken to in various areas of the streets. There are some special dialogues and comments triggered if Keldorn Firecam, Mazzy Fentan or Jan Jansen are in your party while you do so. Find out what these little ones are thinking and have to say.
  • In the northwest portion of the slums you will see a small gathering of onlookers and residents talking and observing a gigantic metallic "Sphere" that has descended or crash landed in some manner on top of some structures. You should find out what is going on and try to learn more by speaking with the gathered people. The "Historian" seems to have some deeper understanding of the significance of this odd event. If you ask certain questions he will, for example, say "It is meant to be a planar-traveling device of some sort, or at least that's what Lavok's apprentice is reported to have said". This could be an important thing in to investigate. How do you get inside it? Who's Lavok? What does this have to do with the Cowled Wizards?
  • A Homeless woman is also wondering what has become of her abode. Speak with her to find out more.
  • Tirthold is in awe of the Sphere. Speak with the man to find out why.
  • Waylane will let you buy the Sphere from him. He'll sell it for a bargain price, as the market for Planar Sphere's is volatile at the moment. As they say in the real estate business, "Location, location, location".

Slaver guards[]

Directly outside of the Copper Coronet at night is a lone Slaver Guard, who has very little to say, making one wonder why he is there. If you ask what he is doing or guarding he'll say "This? It's an inn. Copper Coronet. Go in an' ask fer yerself". He is a precursor for what is to come later. If you don't like his tone, or are just feeling frisky, you can put this scum down, with no repercussions. Later on, at a certain point there will be a late-night encounter (hour 22 until dawn). More Slaver Guards are seen dragging a prisoner-slave through the streets. If the party intervenes and frees the slave by killing the leading and trailing guards, they are awarded with 5,500 XP. For more detail, see the Slaver Guard page.


Even if it seems that the slums, being on the seedier side of town, would have a fence or three, there are none. Three of the five slums merchants hint at selling "acquired" goods, but they do not buy them. These include the Black Market Thief above the tavern, the Storekeep to the east, and the Shadow Thief Arledrian, on the 2nd floor of Gaelan Bayle's home. Inside the tavern, both Bernard and Joluv do legitimate business and have many useful items for sale. However, to fence, the party needs either go back to Jayes in Waukeen's Promenade, or onward to the Bridge District, Docks District, or the Temple District sewers to find alternatives.

Copper Coronet[]

Most of the slums is dominated by the Copper Coronet, a large tavern in the center of the district. Here, the party may buy, sell, rest, and recruit up to three more Potential Companions: Anomen Delryn, Korgan Bloodaxe, and Nalia de'Arnise.

Ask around for work to accept a number of side and companion quests to raise funds (see Related Quests below). The tavern is also a great launch point for taking on the stronghold quest(s) most appropriate to Gorion's Ward class(es).

On the roof of the tavern is a Temple of Imater for restorative cures that are more demanding than simple rest can provide.


Always present:[]

Present during quests:[]

Buildings and Stalls[]



Related Quests[]


Mod content[]

This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.


Installation of the Rogue Rebalancing mod changes the for-sale inventory slightly, adding mod-only items, and also converts them into "fences", allowing the sale of stolen goods.

Installation of Ooze's Lounge mod allows passage through the sewer grate in the slums to a new area with quests, a strange temple and new merchants. A key is needed to open it.

The Quest Pack mod adds content to the slums regarding a Money lender in the Copper Coronet and a woman named "Moiya" in the slums.

The Dungeon Crawl mod adds a necessary questline encounter with the "Shadow Pack" which occurs after sundown in the slums. This encounter is needed to advance the story.

The "Rieng's Keyring" mod takes place in the slums. You can get a "keyring" which is a container for keys (like a scroll case or gem bag). See A Mod for the Orderly, Download and Readme. Or go to the wiki gateway page A Mod for the Orderly.

The Assassination mod has two separate encounters/hit jobs initiated or finished in the slums.

The Alternatives mod will have the party approached by a brightly garbed nobleman named "Malficus", who offers a passage to an exotic foreign land and a method to take care of Imoen's captivity by the Cowled Wizard's.

Sword Coast Stratagems mod adds various improved and or "smarter" AI scripts to various creatures encountered, from dogs, muggers, and all manner of conflicts.


Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere
