Five of these Orcs are initially found in the Watcher's Keep – Challenge Room (Orcs) on the Final Seal level of Watcher's Keep.
The Orc warrior is armed with a Bastard Sword and wears Leather Armor.
Whenever one of these orc warriors is killed, another similar creature spawns at a predetermined spawn point (nearly instantly) on the challenge room map.
It seems that a total of up to sixteen warriors can be encountered during this challenge in total.
The orc warrior will move toward the nearest detected enemy and engage in melee combat.
Mod content[]
This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
The Sword Coast Stratagems mod revises these warriors and assigns them a Barbarian kit.
They have adjusted THAC0, two pips in single weapon fighting style, 10% Physical damage resistance, and a +2 movement modifier.
The creatures apply Barbarian Rage at the start of combat which will boost their melee abilities and provide protection from many status effects.