Baldur's Gate Wiki

Mr. Shade is a person who will ask the player character if they have "them" without ever identifying what he wants. If the player character bluffs for long enough before admitting ignorance of what he is talking about, Mr. Shade will admit that he forgot what he was supposed to take. If you do continue the bluff, and have the Golden Pantaloons in your inventory, he will steal them. You can kill him without losing reputation.


Mr. Shade: Do you have them?

Gorion's Ward: Eh... of course. Do you have the trade?

Mr. Shade: Aye, that and more. Best we say no more lest the night be blown.

Gorion's Ward: I suppose? To actions then?

Mr. Shade: As well we should. The place is ready?

Gorion's Ward: Will it ever be ready?

Mr. Shade: And I would know this? What of your job?

Gorion's Ward: It goes as planned.

Mr. Shade: So it's agreed then?

Gorion's Ward: Uh... sure!

Mr. Shade: All right then.

Mr. Shade: Um...

Mr. Shade: You have no idea what we were talking about, do you?

Gorion's Ward: Eh, no, I was just playing along.

Mr. Shade: I see... so you bluffed your way through this entire conversation without a clue what was going on?

Gorion's Ward: Um, yes. What was the point of all this?

Mr. Shade: I, uh... I forgot. Um, goodbye.
