Baldur's Gate Wiki

Kaol is a member of Samia's relic hunter group.


This human male Mage will spawn at the designated location when Samia's group is triggered by script to appear.

He will open up hostilities with an uninterruptible preparatory group of buffs to include: Stoneskin, Mirror Image, and Minor Spell Turning.

The mage will launch a Vocalize if silenced.

A Secret Word is cast at the closest detected mage class opponent.

A Death Spell will be cast at familiars or summoned creatures.

Further into the battle a Spell Sequencer is cast on self (and may affect allied group members) including Haste, Improved Invisibility, and Strength (spell).

A True Sight will be attempted.

When attacking detected targets with disabling and offensive spells, the mage can attempt Chaos, Confusion, Domination, and Magic Missile.

If damaged or in trouble will cast Shadow Door.

Will attempt to summon help from Animate Dead spell.

When wounded to a preset hit point loss threshold, the mage will quaff a Potion of Extra Healing.


The original game has this mage's alignment as Neutral.

Mod content[]

This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

The Sword Coast Stratagems mod makes a few changes to Kaol. He may be assigned an Invoker kit (or Conjurer, Enchanter and or Necromancer). His spell book will be revised, and may open with the following (previously cast) buffs: Fireshield (Red), Mirror Image, Shadow Door, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Immunity Abjuration (or "Dispelling Screen" with SR Mod), Protection From Normal Missiles, Stoneskin, Non-Detection and then Protection From Magical Weapons.

Probably immune to most attacks temporarily, the mage will now select other spells based on the SCS Smarter Mage script. Selecting appropriate targets based on a number of factors, including their protections.

Can attempt a Spell Thrust, Remove Magic and a Breach. Will have various direct damage dealing spells like Chain Lightning or "Vitriolic Sphere" with SCS's IWD spell component. AoE damaging spells are also available like Fireball, Sunfire, Ice Storm or Cone of Cold. Spell selection will differ with other mage kit specialties.

The mage will quaff potions to heal self or boost abilities. He has two for use.
